

sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
I love the concept of your avatar, but her hair cut is bothering me.

It's not symmetrical.

Well you know it is quite bloody difficult to apply that Magic shit to yourself and get straight lines. I know, I've tried.
I think it's because she used to be a human league fan ?
Shiner said:
I think it's because she used to be a human league fan ?

good thing I'm distracted by her pussy, or the uncomfortable feeling of someone looking at me, while I'm being distracted by her pussy.

I think the gladiator hit the rum early.
MaximusPhalicus said:
Or use a straight edge.

(somehow the visual of private parts and a drafting triangle is comical to me.... but that's just me)

Would a plumb bob also be funny ?
Shiner said:
Would a plumb bob also be funny ?

It's doubtless been tried, as a piercing acoutrement.

Just keep the calipers away... <wince>
tortoise said:
It's doubtless been tried, as a piercing acoutrement.

Just keep the calipers away... <wince>
hmmmmmmm, I'm not sure that would be so bad.