Sexual Activity - Where Do You Draw the Line


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
Ok, this is a spinoff from my golden showers thread. I was talking to someone recently who mentioned that Literotica has an attitude that nothing is "wrong" with respect to anything remotely sexual. This person felt there were no boundaries here and they simply could not accept that for themselves.

But, I pointed out that each person has their own particular standards for what is not acceptable in the bedroom.

I personally have a few primary criteria:

1) Effective Consent - this covers pedophilia, rape, and bestiality

2) Health - this, in my mind, means no scat nothing extremely violent - that could harm you physically for a period of time or indefinitely

These were my two main criteria for what I felt was personally acceptable sexually. I personally do not like much humiliation or degradation and some forms of pain. Of course with me personally, there is some amount of preference against certain role-playing and other things that just don't seem natural to *me*.

But, the two criteria I set above are the two criteria that kind of direct my own personal views with respect to sex. Those things, in my opinion, are simply areas that should not be a part of someone's sexual practices.
No peeing, scatting, bleeding, bruising, cutting, whipping, and when I say NO I mean NO.....That's about it.......

P.S. how'd you like The Hours Lavy?
We all have limits that we have set for ourselves. I think lit is wide open to discussion and therefore, an observer may get the false impression that all of us enjoy the topics presented on all of the threads.

Not so.

My limits, which have changed over the last two years are:

1) No children, animals or incest of any kind.
2) No scat.
3) No blood letting, permanent marks or scarring.
4) No group stuff.
5) I am monogamous and expect the same in return.
6) No serious humiliation which can be defined in a hundred
zillion different ways.

These are my limits and short of #1, I wouldnt' judge others based on their limits being different.

Gosh! I sound like such a prude! :devil:
For others, as long as it's consentual and everyone's of age (and of species) I don't really care. I may think to myself "ew! ew! ew!" and maybe even say it, but if they wanna do it and all partners are willing, then go for it. I may think it's nasty as hell, stupid, boring, mentally unhealthy or whatever, but I wouldn't stop or try to stop them from participating. Well, unless they asked me if I thought it was a good idea.

For myself, there are limits that are more restrictive.
My line is drawn at exclusivity ... I'm strictly a one-man-woman.

BUT, with that man, the boundaries aren't etched in stone ... always evolving.

Funny thing is, today, my Big Guy called me "a prude" in one breath, followed by "a pervert" in the next. HAHAHA! ... go figure. :D
lavender said:

2) Health - this, in my mind, means no scat nothing extremely violent - that could harm you physically for a period of time or indefinitely

Does this mean you're officially turning down my suggestion of a cattle prod up your anus?
lavender said:
Ok, this is a spinoff from my golden showers thread. I was talking to someone recently who mentioned that Literotica has an attitude that nothing is "wrong" with respect to anything remotely sexual. This person felt there were no boundaries here and they simply could not accept that for themselves.


Whoever this person was hasn't read a beastality thread on Lit. I think, in general, that is still considered...eewwww here.

For me, personally, keep the piss and shit in the toilet. There will be no cutting or serious burning. Do not EVER let me find out you are sexually attracted to children, sheep/goats/horses/dogs, etc., and you will not continue if I say no. Do not try to accidentally put your dick in my ass and pretend it was a *slip*, you may wake up with a coke bottle in your ass so that you know how it feels. Now, I'm not saying anal sex is a no-no, just don't try the sneaky crap. Yes, I know I am black but that doesn't mean I have the black hole down there, you will treat my putty-tat with some semblance of gentleness or you will not be back in the vicinity.

I think that about covers it.
No scat, kids, animals, urine, or blood.

No is always no.

No serious pain.

That's pretty much it, I think.
Re: Re: Sexual Activity - Where Do You Draw the Line

Blackbich said:

Do not try to accidentally put your dick in my ass and pretend it was a *slip*, you may wake up with a coke bottle in your ass so that you know how it feels.

^^^ that is the funniest fucking thing I think I've ever read on here. You ever wonder if they *really* think we're so stupid that we're gonna fall for that?
Re: Re: Sexual Activity - Where Do You Draw the Line

Rubyfruit said:
Four or five times a day, tops. I've got to sleep sometime.


Speaking of sleep, young lady... *glares* Why aren't you in bed with me?
Re: Re: Re: Sexual Activity - Where Do You Draw the Line

Nora said:
^^^ that is the funniest fucking thing I think I've ever read on here. You ever wonder if they *really* think we're so stupid that we're gonna fall for that?

Those friggin *slips* hurt! That's when you do the "Accidental Anal Intrusion Scurry" across the bed - holding your ass and whimpering like a puppy.
Hello Norita, my salty sunflower seed. :)

Well, I just got out of a really long soak in the tub, and oddly, it revived me.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Sexual Activity - Where Do You Draw the Line

Freya2 said:
Those friggin *slips* hurt! That's when you do the "Accidental Anal Intrusion Scurry" across the bed - holding your ass and whimpering like a puppy.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Exactly!!
or so I've heard.

Ruby? I call dibs.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Sexual Activity - Where Do You Draw the Line

Freya2 said:
Those friggin *slips* hurt! That's when you do the "Accidental Anal Intrusion Scurry" across the bed - holding your ass and whimpering like a puppy.


So glad I'm not the only one who's ever done that.

And it SO pisses me off when he gives me that look like "What'd I do?"
Frankly any guy who pulls that "it slipped" number needs to be slapped.

My boundries ar constanly being redefined. I don't do rape, and most body fluids don't particularly turn me on, although I'm not easily disgusted either.
Re: Re: Re: Sexual Activity - Where Do You Draw the Line

Nora said:
^^^ that is the funniest fucking thing I think I've ever read on here. You ever wonder if they *really* think we're so stupid that we're gonna fall for that?

I actually have done it on accident a couple of times.
My Hard limits: (won't ever do)

No kids
No incest
No scat
No non-consensual sex
No animals

My soft limits: (have no desire to or plans to)
No blood letting,
No permanent marks (scarring)

They are just not for me.
No Kids,
No Married People (Meaning i won't have any relations with someone who is married),
No Animals,
No Blood...unless you're biting ME,
No Knifes,
No Rape,
No pretend rape,
No ...."No means Yes" crapp...

No multi-partner things...i'm a one woman man...i don't dig multiple parterners..even if they know about each other.

No degrading...respect both in and out of the bedroom.
No Urinating..or any other crapp...

Allot of rules in my bedroom..but know's my don't like it..GET THE FUCK OUT and HAVE A NICE DAY:D

There may be's 4am what the fuck do i know right now..

I'm pretty flexible if we discuss it first. Only a few nevers: No kids. I won't fuck animals or anyone related. No snuff and all that entails. But all that is hard, hardcore.

And, in general, no dominating me. I've seen too many sitcoms to ever be handcuffed.
No rape
No incest
No piss
No Scat
No beating
No animals....
No cheating....

hmmm not sure what else. I'm pretty open minded.
Sunny, your reply has me rolling!:D

Anything that approaches force is out. I am very open minded and will try most anything, (that does not involve children) but when something is not desired by both, it isn't going to happen.