Sex without love is an empty gesture. But as empty gestures go, it is one of the best

LordMagicMan said:
You made it too hard...

No kidding!!

That requires entirely too much brain power.

Oh, and I don't agree with the quote.
Re: Sex without love is an empty gesture. But as empty gestures go, it is one of the best

Sex with love is an empty gesture. But as empty gestures go, it is one of the best out there.

You didn't say we couldn't add letters.

Edited to add: Oops, yes, you did. My bad.
Ok, it took a while...but how about this?

Out-of-step, brightest, enemy egotists abuse huge swerves to impotent sexuality.
Not my best work but, on short notice...

"As twits emerge in smog, I exult over tits as they buy hope of posts but see teens tug."
Sensuality wanting lust is an exposed exhibition. But as exposed exhibitions go, it is one of the better.

T.H. Oughts said:
Sensuality wanting lust is an exposed exhibition. But as exposed exhibitions go, it is one of the better.

That's another Woody Allen's "Hannah and Her Sisters" or was it Allen Woody's "Hannah and Her Barbera"?
ba-bumb-da cha

Fib: You tempt as sex is great but empty to these ones with loving gestures out

It's ligite, it's done, it's insightful. Damn, I'm good
I want my bonus points!

My line wasn't very good but I need the bonus points so I can get that new pack of crayons.
Granted my grammar is a bit off, but it makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Now, what can I do with these points you speak of
Alright, as word games go, I like... as responses go, it made me laugh, so I like:

empty gestures go
is it love?
the best sex of
an empty gesture
but one without ass

But go without empty Sex. love is one of the best gestures as it is an empty gesture.
I'm stumped. Without more A's I can't make this:

bratcat's av teases me

So I had to change it:

the first poster's av teases me

But I'm still out of A's after that. So I can't have "navel," "ass," or "panty tan line."

Well, if I can't use this poem to perv on bratcat's av, screw it. Not worth my time.

