Sex & Shenanigans

You should hear the song it sings now 😉I

If you had offended someone unintentionally.. would you want them to message you to attempt to fix it before they just wrote you off?
If someone offended / upset you … would you give them a second chance or a chance to explain or just be done with them?
I found this whole conversation fascinating.

I live with a deep conviction that what people think of me really isn't my business. Sure, my ego would love a chance to explain myself, but I'm not the center of the universe and things like this happen often. If I'm written off, so be it.

If someone upsets me, it's a reflection of ME. A lot will depend on what happened, but I truly believe people are doing the best they can with what they've got. I get to choose how I interact with people. I'm always willing to listen and learn.

We tend to look at each other with such narrow lenses and it gets in the way of meaningful relationships.