Sex & Shenanigans


not your avg hippo
Jul 9, 2012
since I didn’t want to hijack other peoples threads … I figured I should create my own thread where any random antics can go wild.

there is no one discussion theme… other than whatever you want to discuss.

let the thread flow it’s own chaotic way …

food discussions? YES!
sex discussions? DEFINITELY!
general fun back and forth? BRING IT!!

Let chaos ensue!
To start it off … @LaisDeMarieDeFrance i didn’t mean to take over cozy with all the spam talk … even if I think that it’s yummy (and @gga3737 agrees)
Though I still maintain that you bashing spam and then eating bologna is a questionable argument.
She’s not wrong about the bologna, especially cold. CCG is right, Marie, cold bologna is terrible.
@SirConradPeckereye this is a meme-free zone… behave or I’ll sick @JerseyJade and @Tiffany_Parker on you and even @muddler35 won’t be able to defend you.

I would defend Conrad until my dying breath. Only JJ knows my kryptonite, and she would never betray me by telling you.

@Photog1rl @Indiesoul @OrdinaryPerson @MrsPassion @MedicalMuse

You know you lovelies will be the first to know if I share sexy pics

Please tell me too, for another reason. @LadyLascivious1 will explain this.

I’m excited about your new thread CC. 💜