[Not a hot chicks with guns thread nor a thread about the ballooning gun purchases by women for self-defense
against the no-bail, no time criminals and criminal undocumented citizens streaming across the border...]
Self-defense is cultural people.
Attack the culture too hard and
the people will act to defend it.
A midterm warning to our fellow citizens (even the undocumented) on the Left...
https://reason.com/2022/06/20/self-defense-is-sexy/ (Libertarian)
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
against the no-bail, no time criminals and criminal undocumented citizens streaming across the border...]
The natural human sympathy for stoic self-defense is why the English-speaking world will never tire of Winston Churchill biographies, and why the countries overrun by Nazis and/or Soviets tend to venerate whatever "resistance" groups fought back. The fiercest and most respected acts of World War II resistance—Finns against Soviets, Yugoslavs against Germans, Poles and Ukrainians against both—continue to generate headlines today, historical echoes reverberating in the current moment. Small countries in imperial no-man's-lands tend to produce hardy stock.
The built-in sexiness of defense contains lessons far beyond foreign policy. In America, social change often comes after a politician or government goes too heavily on offense against individuals wishing merely to stand their ground and assert their rights. Bull Connor's fire hoses and George Wallace's billy clubs helped tilt public opinion toward brave civil rights protesters. Susette Kelo may have lost her little pink house in New London, Connecticut, to profit-seeking eminent domain abusers, but the Supreme Court's refusal to intervene provoked public outrage that led 40 states to pass laws trimming the government's power to forcibly transfer property from one private owner to another. The Institute for Justice, which represented Kelo, has built an entire practice out of identifying and rallying support for sympathetic victims defending their turf from an aggressive state.
Self-defense is cultural people.
Attack the culture too hard and
the people will act to defend it.
A midterm warning to our fellow citizens (even the undocumented) on the Left...
https://reason.com/2022/06/20/self-defense-is-sexy/ (Libertarian)
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).