From hereon out, God demands that you treat God with respect.
Allow God the dignity of of God's self-identification.
God does not demand worship or sacrifice,
just for you to humor and cherish God.
Believe it, or not, God is insecure.
God needs your affirmations...
And, no God is not insane.
God is good. God is great.
God is just a better
person than you.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Allow God the dignity of of God's self-identification.
God does not demand worship or sacrifice,
just for you to humor and cherish God.
Believe it, or not, God is insecure.
God needs your affirmations...
And, no God is not insane.
God is good. God is great.
God is just a better
person than you.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).