Blame Putin!


Loves Spam
Dec 28, 2020
Skyrocketing energy costs
Looming food shortages
Ballooning inflation

Biden didn't do any of this, he's a hapless victim, just a victim of circumstances he did not create.
The problem here is Putin's aggressions towards Ukraine, that's the root cause of everything.

Is it?

During the Obama-Biden Administration, Putin took Crimea.
Now under the Biden-Harris Administration Putin takes more territory.

I think we have a clear common denominator when it comes to Progressive Power
and it's polity of patience, pacification and petulant pleas to please prefer peace...

We are where we are at firstly because of our domestic war on energy production,
and our retreat, in lapping waves from the role of world stabilizer and guarantor
of basic human rights against would-be tyrants and religious zealotry (in favor
of domestic purges against imaginary tyranny and religion run amuck).
When Putin saw that we would not even control our own borders
when Progressives are at the helm of state, the only conclusion
that he can reach in his tyrannical mind is that we won't
defend Ukraine's either. All we have done is sputter
and send weapons for a proxy war that extends
regional instability and pridefully boast,
our blood is not being spilled!
Only our money bleeds.

Blame Biden!
Blame (D)!

Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
You forgot to mention the coming recession. Inflation with recession is a witches brew leading to great upheaval and suffering. And they won't be able to buy their way out of it.
What will transpire is the Democrats promising,
if you reelect us, we will double down on our spending
(i.e., free money to you!). You ain't seen nothing yet! B-b-b-baby...

;) ;)
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Guys, I so agree with your first half of the premise.

For me, If Raegan& will be remembered as the Evil who brought us neoliberalism and income inequality
Biden - the one who brought inflation and famine to the world with his socalled "let's save Ukrainian people" sanctions. Woke-ism

But I'm hoping that you're not arguing that he wasn't as warmongering as he should have been.
It doesn't make sense to me... The more this Ukraine fiasco goes on, the more it looks like
A: America wanted a proxy war from the start
B: Biden compounded World's suffering through his incompetence
I'm not arguing at all that he was not warmongering enough.
I'm saying that you know, I know, Chobham knows and Putin knows
that Biden has an aversion to violence and toughness not of domestic nature
and that any reaction to aggression that he is going to have won't go beyond words
and throwing money, in this case lots of weapons and munitions, at the problem which,
in this case, is only exacerbating and prolonging the problem causing ripples of effect that
benefit Putin (and China) to no end, for it helps drag us down economically to their level, but,
we know how the Left just LOVES a level playing field...

;) ;)
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
In short, Putin wanted a war, a war for resources and for internal, political, reasons.
He needed a weak and vacillating West to pull it off and we "elected" to give him just that.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
I'm not arguing at all that he was not warmongering enough.
I'm saying that you know, I know, Chobham knows and Putin knows
that Biden has an aversion to violence and toughness not of domestic nature
and that any reaction to aggression that he is going to have won't go beyond words and throwing money, in this case lots of weapons and munitions, at the problem
in this case, is only exacerbating and prolonging the problem causing ripples of effect that
benefit Putin (and China) to no end, for it helps drag us down economically to their level, but,
we know how the Left just LOVES a level Iplaying field...

;) ;)
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).

I'm with you guys when it comes to the conclusion.
Biden is perhaps one of your worst presidents ever.

But I don't see his disastruous handling of the war by throwing money and sanctions (which plunged us all into inflation recession etc)
as his aversion to toughness
I think HE WANTS A PROXY WAR with Russia
Sanctions are exactly what Putin was counting on along with Western weakness.

Europe needs the energy. They need Russian energy. No holdouts there.
Putin is a helluva lot better strategist than Biden, who is
cognitively disabled. Money and sanctions have
not ceased his seizing of resources.

Resources that will be long-lasting compared to the effects of an ineffectual sanction.
If it weren't for his desire for a second term (Biden wants the job title a lot more
than he actually wants to do the job
), Biden would have done nothing,
sanctions are playing to his base, action would hurt with his base.

Tyrants will let the people suffer and since they control all information,
it makes it easy for them to bombard the people with the
propaganda proclamations of victimhood and
being the target of the West's aggression.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
You notice that Putin waited until Biden's energy policies really took hold.
Yep. Strategy.

Instead of nothing but apologies and blame shifting,
I would love for the Left-leaning members of this board to hold Biden to their Trump standard.

Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Hold it…. Are you saying the J shaped pandemic recovery’s not happening?
Of course it's happening, but turn that J upside down...

Horrible numbers holding steady and not changing are now being touted as an economic miracle
and a clear sign that America is back to work and the Trump recession is now the Biden recovery.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Trump might actually be on to something… by doing 2 first terms, he gets to loot and pillage way more than under the old 2 consecutive terms model.
I really don't see him coming back.

Maybe it's just hope, but the Left would burn the country down in reaction.
Even if he were the most efficacious choice for our economic well-being,
we just cannot sustain another prolonged Progressive temper-tantrum(p).
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Sanctions are exactly what Putin was counting on along with Western weakness.

Europe needs the energy. They need Russian energy. No holdouts there.
Putin is a helluva lot better strategist than Biden, who is
cognitively disabled. Money and sanctions have
not ceased his seizing of resources.

Resources that will be long-lasting compared to the effects of an ineffectual sanction.
If it weren't for his desire for a second term (Biden wants the job title a lot more
than he actually wants to do the job
), Biden would have done nothing,
sanctions are playing to his base, action would hurt with his base.

Tyrants will let the people suffer and since they control all information,
it makes it easy for them to bombard the people with the
propaganda proclamations of victimhood and
being the target of the West's aggression.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).

It will take me a long time and lots of readings to understand your point of view.

I listened mainly to Eastern European or Australian-NZ-Canadian vids/blogs etc.
And their views are
--either let's kiss Biden ass and do Biden propaganda -- Ukrainians are winning the sanctions are doing their job (more mainstream ones)
-- as for the alternative media?
they don't even mention your guys innerr R-L controversies. They portray Biden as a representing not the L, nor the R, but the entire American establishment when it comes to external Politics. They take shots at All of you, as in you guys was t a proxy war that will weaken Russia/the budding Eurasian aliance and re-establish the declining American empire.
Trump might actually be on to something… by doing 2 first terms, he gets to loot and pillage way more than under the old 2 consecutive terms model.

And a second chance to break democracy.

Nice circle jerk the op go started here, though.
True, but it’s also true that Presidents tend to either ride the wave started by the previous President or get drowned by it.
They portray Biden as a representing the entire American establishment when it comes to external Politics. They take shots at All of you, as in you guys was t a proxy war that will weaken Russia/the budding Eurasian aliance and re-establish the declining American empire.
as in your Elites sole aim is to weaken the budding Eurasian power. They all hoped that the war between Ukraine0Russia might achieve that.

The only difference being that incompetent Biden screwed the pooch with his sanctions that toppled third-world and first world economies.
And a second chance to break democracy.

Nice circle jerk the op go started here, though.
So polite...

So erudite.

I am in awe
over your command of
both motive and language!

Circle jerk! What a novel term to appear on Lit's Political Board.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Mayfly, we have a laundry list of countries that we have under sanction.
These sanctions have not moderated their bellicosity, belligerence or
willingness to impose their will through violence on others.
The only people who pay the price of those sanctions
are the people trapped in these petty tyrannies.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
AJ with another bitchfest about "tH3 l3Ft!!!111" whilst pretending not to be a Trumplitard.




Funny, he was in the closet about being a gay Democrat and now he's hiding from being a Trumponian. All that hiding must be exhausting.
So polite...

So erudite.

I am in awe
over your command of
both motive and language!

Circle jerk! What a novel term to appear on Lit's Political Board.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).

You’re trying way too hard
Finish your sentence.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).