Seeking RolePlayers, Writers & Inspiration 2016

A Couple of Ideas

So I'm looking for a male or female writer as I've got a couple of ideas floating around my head that I wouldnt mind working on they are felixable ideas. So if your interested pm me for more details but here is a brief outline.

Rules are meant to be broken - She's the Colonel's daughter trying to break away from her father's controlling and strick hand when she meets one of his soliders while out for a walk and end up falling in love, breaking all of her father's rules in one go.

And the other

After her parents divorce she ends up moving to live with her father who she has always had a soft spot for and she works on showing him it's okay to love again
I am looking for female co-writers for each of these plot ideas.

Ice Cream Summer - taken -
Gianni studies in some grey northern city, but during the summer he works in his uncle's ice cream parlor. A task he does not only to help out his uncle, but also because Gianni simple loves ice cream to the point of obsession. Maria visits the place very day. Maria loves ice cream, too, and she looks so hot in her short summer dress. Maria can be a local girl or a tourist from a foreign land, just as you prefer.

I'd like this to start with a little flirtation, that is shy at first, but then becomes full of sexual innuendo - the way they exchange looks, the way she licks the ice cream etc.. When it gets sexy, I want it to an ice cream fetish rp. Using ice cream and the other things you'll find in an ice cream parlor (fruits, waffles etc) in a sexy and creative way. I'd like Gianni to be the one taking the lead in this, but this rp most likely won't be heavy on bdsm, humiliation etc.. Just some lighthearted messy ice cream fun, possibly with a romantic side to it.

Bound to Remember - taken -
She wakes up naked and chained to a strange device. She remembers nothing. Her name, her past... All erased from her memory. A man - a scientist? - enters the room, telling her that for each test she voluntarily takes part in he will bring back one memory.

I'd like this one to be rather dark. The tests will be cruel, painful, humiliating etc, not all but many of them sexual. I already have a number of twists in mind for a rather dark psycho thriller plot. We can discuss this ideas beforehand, but I don't want to give them away here to not spoil the surprise element. It will be up to you if you work out the plot together with me before hand, or just unravel it together with your character without any spoilers.

Never Trust an Elf -taken-
She is just a shepherd's daughter, young and innocent, living in a peaceful and secluded mountain area, spending her days with daydreams about elven men, their beauty and elegance. Then one misty morning, while her father is away for a few days at the market, a wounded elven warrior walks up through the mist, collapsing right in front of her. She starts to nurse him back to help, but the wicked elf tells her that for him to fully heal she needs to do a number of tasks, for otherwise he'd be doomed to die. These tasks start innocent at first, but will become increasingly sexual, and in the end he will take her virginity. I have a few ideas how things could go on from there, (for example him impregnating her, but then leaving her behind, only to return a few months later, and telling her she must go with him) but we can discuss that together or see how things develop.

This one is obviously set in a fantasy realm, not in the real world. Think D&D or Lord of the Rings.
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Looking for a female co-writer for an older woman/younger man RP. Suggestions I have right now:

1. A teacher and her former student reunite after ten years to reignite the illicit affair they once shared

2. An older, sophisticated and reserved woman falls for the seduction of a younger man who helps her embrace her sexuality by bending to his will and desires

3. An aunt and nephew find themselves on the cusp of a taboo affair

4. A young man and an older escort find the boundaries of their professional relationship begin to blur

Thanks for reading, PM me if there is any interest in these or a different roleplay.
Lawyerly Lust

A while back I co-wrote a thread about opposing attorneys whose intense courtroom confrontations turned into an intense sexual encounter. The story became somewhat more hostile than I had originally intended, but it was a great, relatively short thread (see link below).

I would be interested in re-doing that story, or a similar one in which competition or tensions turns into an erotic encounter.


Rather differently, I'm open to a simple "boy-meets-girl" story - simply lustful or lust plus romance.

So, for either of the above, I am seeking a female co-author. Good writing required. Please PM me if interested.

Gr8chtr (Great Chatter)
Looking for female writers

So a couple of story ideas keep bouncing in my head and was looking for someone to write with.

Best Summer Ever: (FILLED)
A widowed father watches his daughter graduate from high school. Her last summer at home was filled with friends and parties but one of her friend instead was eyeing up him. The two engage in playful teasing at first but get more intense as the summer goes on. (Seduction, Drinking, Drugs)

Warrior Loss:
A Warrior is sent to kill a evil witch but is beaten and turned into her submissive pet. (Mind control, Dom/sub)

His tenet:
A house owner rents space to a girl. He monitors her through cameras and stalks her.

Pm if you are interested and Happy writing.
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Why not? (doing porn)

Monica Bentdner felt her head buzzing. Around her, many preschoolers were running around, shouting happily and playing.
She looked at her impeccable manicured nails. For the springtime, she went for a bold nailpolish of pink and green-ish flowers. She then lifted her eyes and looked at her older son playing. This brought a smile to her face.

A preschool party. I hate those events - she thought to herself as the buzzing grew stronger from the noise.
She then took the cup of lemonade in her hand, holding one of those cute straws that had blue and red lines swirling all around, pouted her lips and sipped the lemonade.
Two mothers who were sitting next to her were talking about how rude it is to offer their kids lemonade, as this is unhealthy. Monica rolled her eyes. Not only the noise, she didn't have any person to conduct an intelligent conversationg with...

....The story rolls on with your character coming in - a father of a new kid in the preschool. You happen to be an educated and intelligent person. Naturally, we start chatting.
Eventually: They talk about enconomy and how everything is so darn expensive. So one thing leads to the other aand they talk about extra-incomes.
As a joke- Your character mentions that selling an adult clip online is really paying off. And while we both laugh, it somehow sounds like a good plan.

-Two adults decide to sell amature porn they shoot together!
They won't ne natural at it, not at all, certainly not at the beinning.
And what happens when people contact them and ask for specific sessions for them to shoot?

Trekking together
For her 35th birthday, Shelley decided to recalculate the course of her life.
Turning 35, Shelley was now a proud mother of two, happily married to her h husband, and was well respected by both her patients and her collegues in the clinic where she has neen working.

BUT, she never really had time to herself.
It took her 2 months to tell it to her husnand, fearing from his response, but much to her surprise - he thought it would be a great idea.
Trekking the Mont Blanc pathway for 11 days by herself! Was she crazy?

-Your character is another person who's going to do the same trek, and I imagine the two to be really attracted to each other - not only in the physical way.
Will Shelley betray her moral and family for a brief encounter at the guesthouse/tent? will it lead to other encounters? Will she complete the hike? Many possibilities here!
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looking to do either a student teacher or a peer peer while in school. Can be either sci-fi, fantasy, or real world
In search of a female co-writer who wouldn't mind conversing via email as opposed to on the forums. The reason being is that it's much easier for me these days to reply to an email instead of logging on to Lit.

I'm pretty open to most anything but would like to explore stories with a historical real life setting, I've done stories set during the Civil War or on the Titanic.

Also looking to play out a story with incestuous themes, brother/sister or father daughter perhaps.

I've had a little luck in the past getting a Game of Thrones themed role play off the ground, but once the story gets going my partner disappears on me.

I enjoy writing detailed replies, and setting up a nice long story before the actual sex occurs between our two characters.

Please PM me if you're interested and we can kick around a few ideas and perhaps exchange email addresses. Thanks for reading!
Anyone looking for a partner? I'm looking to get back into it and am in need of partners and roles- let me know!
CASTING CALL: Please send a PM for interest. Seeking Female coauthors for 1on1 projects. Detailed writers only please—and patience is important.


Underfoot (FILLED) : After years of being thwarted by the Ninja Turtles, Master Shredder has consulted with his primary adviser Krang to devise a new approach to the “Turtle Problem.” It’s well known among members of the Foot that News reporter April O’Neil has a close association with the turtles and is something of an Achilles’ heel for the group of teenaged vigilantes—but every prior attempt to kidnap and ransom the beautiful reporter has resulted in a dramatic rescue by her mutated accomplices. This time, Shredder and his Foot Soldiers intend to abduct Ms. O’Neil—not with the intention of leveraging her, but rather to convert her and make her the primary instrument of the turtles’ demise. Some time in seclusion with Bebop and Rocksteady ought to soften her up, with the help of Krang’s latest brainwashing technology, Shredder hopes to destroy and rebuild the beautiful reporter as something more pleasurable to him and his subordinates. (Themes: Brainwashing, forced orgasm, gangbang, huge cocks, bukkake, humiliation, prostitution, mutants, BDSM)

Raid of the Fallen (FILLED) : In her global search for the most intriguing and lucrative hidden treasures lost to time, Lara Croft has stumbled upon a lead which may take her to the greatest treasure she’s ever had the opportunity to discover. Following clues from various other finds and arcane texts, she believes that she may have discovered the place where Lucifer fell after being thrown out of heaven. A deep gorge in the Afghan mountains—previously undiscovered and unexplored houses many mysteries, but to get there, she’ll need to navigate rugged terrain and hostile warlords. Worse yet, the treasure itself (Gideon’s Lance) is still haunted by the demonic essence of Lucifer himself, and neither he, nor his army of undead soldiers are happy about having their sacred resting place disturbed. They’ll seek to convert this attractive intruder into a shared plaything, to tether them to the physical world. (Themes: Non-Con, abuse, demons, zombies, deepthroating, gangbang, bukkake, humiliation, BDSM)

Everybody’s Hero (Harry Potter) : Professor Lockhart may be the most famous and beloved of all the Hogwarts staff, but behind the syrupy smiles and fame, rumors are circulating that Professor Lockhart has a secret dark side related to his young, female students. Eager to clear her hero’s name, industrious student Hermione Granger takes it upon herself to investigate the Professor’s activities, if only to prove to herself that he is above such base perversions. When she finds more than she bargained for, Hermione finds herself deeply conflicted. Instead of revealing the Professor’s activities outright, she approaches him—hoping to give him one last chance to explain his actions. Lockhart, instead of refuting her claims, uses magic and his persuasive talents to make her complicit. (Themes: Reluctance, worship, age play, training, blackmail, prostitution, uniforms, magic, light bondage, BDSM)


((WIP- More to come))

Please feel free to send me a PM with interest for any concepts currently posted. Thanks!
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Hey guys, I'm returning after a little bit of a break and I wanted to get back into a little roleplaying.

Luckily this time I have an idea.

Two college students pick up a modeling gig for an adult art and sexuality class. The class would have them posing in various sexual poses. But none of the poses actually touch each other. The students in the course have to draw them like they are touching though.

The sexual tension is high though, with our character posing like we are about to having sex, but from opposite sides of the room. The students are also struggling because since our characters are always a part they can't get angles and lines right.

One day we offer in the middle of class to do a pose touching, this only overwhelms our tension for each other and we end up having sex after class. The story moves along with us actually getting into more and more sexual poses and situations while people draw us.

I'd like there to be a twist to add to the tension and that would be that your character has a fiance, so it adds weight and taboo to our sex.

Anyway, if this sounds interesting to you, I do need a female writer for this thread. Please send me a message if you wanna put this together.
Female Writing Partner Required

I'd like to play a scene between a personal trainer and a new client, your character and mine respectively. The two woman can find out that they have quite a bit in common, maybe the PT ends up doing more than is required for the client (non sexual) and that's an entry for them to take things beyond te gym (something like my character has tickets to something and invites your's). The relationship could develop from there...

This is a very basic plot line- just off the top of my head. It would be nice if we could build it together. I write long detailed posts with a lot of development; it would be good to find a a female writing partner who was into that too. PM me if interested


Feeling lonely? Is your home not as happy as it should be? Maybe a pet could make things better. Our happy and helpful staff will help anyone find the perfect pet for them. A sexy submissive kitty girl? A ruff dominant wolf? We have pets for all tastes, and preferences. Come on over to the pet shop, so we can find you what you need!
Attention female SRP writers.

I'm looking for some writing partners in general but I do have some ideas I figured I would post to see if anyone is interested.

Idea 1- I don't really have a idea for this one that is far enough along in my head that I could give it a name but what I want to do revolves around giant mechs like in the Gundam series, Vanguard series, and any video game, anime, and manga/comic book publications. The story is going to be set in a war torn earth that has been left behind by the countries that once inhabited it. The reason for the mass exodus from was a simple on the countries were being destroyed by the war so in a last ditch effort to save the key officials as well as HVP (High Valued People). The story is my character is a special operations mech pilot who is a capable warrior in and out of his mech. He was on patrol in his mech on an island that had been taken by the Iron guard which is a US colonial force and he was hit by fire that he couldn't pinpoint to counter. He wakes up in a small city on the island and is held captive by the female leader. One of his guards happens to be the leaders daughter and after intense questioning by her mother the daughter realizes that the man isn't a death dealing monster like her mother spoke of and falls for the man.

Sexual healing - This RP is more smut based than plot. A young doctor takes over a hospital that is in a small town. After working there for a short period of time he finds the practice he has taken over isn't doing as well as thought. He is getting enough patients but they are getting complaints from the long term patients that their stays aren't eventful enough for them and some are even complaining of the need for sexual release. I need a partner that can be a switch partner. I want a partner that can be both extremely dominate and submissive for some parts. The kinks needed for this can be negotiated but I figure it's best to say if interested pm me and ask.

If any of the above ideas interest you and you want to know more or start a thread feel free to pm me. If you have ideas of your own feel free to pm me with them and we can see if we can make something work.
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Still looking:

I'm wanting to add a couple threads and have some ideas percolating. I want quality writers who like to develop the characters with me. Story is as important as the sex, which....yes please. As you may know, I like older guys and roles where I am forced or coerced/blackmailed, and rough sex is always a plus. Without further adieu, here are the suggested ideas. PM me if interested.

1. Homecoming - When Ashley graduated HS, she was plain, nothing special, even unattractive, on the heavier side. After going to college, she made a commitment to transform everything. Your character is an older male (father of her friend, maybe a former teacher of hers, someone from her church...whatever). You're on a river trip when you meet this sexy girl, who flirts with you, teases you, and makes you want her. You realize who she is, and things happen. When you return home, things continue to happen, but because you're married, and she is thought to be the town's All American girl, things have to be hidden.....etc.

2. The New Girl - You work on an oil rig in the middle of rural America. The corporation sends a new girl from the headquarters out to manage the HR matters on-site, and you'll both be there for a two year stint. She's young, you're older, and you're much more familiar with the area than she is. One night, you find yourself next to her at the bar of one of the tiny local establishments. She looks great and is....lonely. You take advantage, against her better judgment. Later, she backs might not take no for an answer, and she might be just fine with that after a while....etc.

3. Miss America - we both work on Capitol Hill in Washington. You are charming, cynical, strategic, and oily....a consultant, hired to get your people elected, your own boss, and largely a freelancer focused solely on elections. I'm a fellowship student, between my sophomore and junior years, working for the Senator and away from home for the first time. You have big appetites, and I am enameled by power. You end up using me for everything you need and, while I am naive and maybe think I'd like a relationship with you, there's no way that's happening, and you keep having your way, no matter what trouble it may cause.....etc.

4. Thank You for the Coffee - simple....I am a barista at a local, independent coffee shop inside a major airport. You travel a lot for work and always see me there. I'm single, angry at my last ex, and rebounding. You are bored at home and see an opportunity. We then have long trysts and quickies between your flights, and develop a relationship in the shadows of your real world and every day life....etc.

5. Dark Houses - This is the darkest of my suggestions. I am a college girl on spring break with two friends. I meet you somewhere and flirt, teasing playfully, acting as if I might meet you out later that night, knowing I probably won't. My friends and I go dancing, or to a beach party, and somewhere I run into you again. You convince me to come home with you (or not) and I somehow end up at the very nice place you are renting for the week (or longer). No matter what I want, you have your way.....I disappear from my friends....who then disappear as well.....etc.

PM me with any interest or further ideas about these threads.
Maybe a girl would pick up and help me finish a story? "Revised and Adjusted (closed)"
Attention Male writers. I'm looking for a male to start this one over with. I need someone with good strong writing skills and a willingness to communicate behind the scenes to make sure the flow of this story goes smooth.

The Premise is a 2 werewolves in a pack. One is the youngest sister of the head alpha, but was born an omega. Omegas are generally loners and do no care for the hierarchy of the pack. This means they have no part of pair bonding like the betas, who all they want is a mate.

The male character is a newer Alpha in the pack, He has has a hard time controlling his inner beast. Omegas tend to have a calming affect on Alphas in general, except for times when they go into heat. Then they lose control.

If you are interested, please PM me and send along a link to something you have written.
I have started a story that is a mix between the game DOOM and Gi JOE where it's a suspense, horror story as the protagonists try to undercover what happened when their base is overrun by something and just trying to survive.
Looking for a male writer in a romantic SRP!

The short of it - a Victorian era RP in which my character is the sheltered daughter of a wealthy noble family. Her father, simultaneously protective of her and very jealous - he guards her fiercely. He hires your character to paint a portrait of her in order to garner a suitor, believing that she cannot draw a suitor herself, because she is blind; her disability makes her undesirable. Your character, over the course of the portrait, falls in love with mine and mine with yours.

What happens next is up to us :) PM me if you're interested!
ISO literate female with a twisted dark side who enjoys exploring the depths of human depravity in its many forms. Msg me here or via google hangout jokersdozen33 at gmail dot com.
Looking for a submissive character to play with Clara in my pet shop thread. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or girl, I just want to try playing a futa character. Message me or post directly to the thread. It's open to everyone :)

This specific role has been filled, but the thread is still open to everybody. I'd love to have a few girls join. I'm the center attraction in a sausage fest right now lol.
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