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- Oct 5, 2023
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So I have this idea for a neighborhood set in modern times but with a little silver screen twist. I would like a neighborhood dynamic along the lines of “Desperate Housewives.” Not in the plot but more inline with neighbors being neighborly and sharing part’s of each others lives.
For context I am actually a blind person in real life, while I am very active and have a fulfilling life I’ve often wondered how this type of neighborhood dynamic would be and shed a little of that conservative nature and let myself run free...
So here we are. I would like to build a neighborhood we can all escape to, your character can either be loosely based upon your life as mine is or completely made up. I would also like for this to be a place we can explore those kinky desires. I would like to leave this aspect wide open as we all have various tastes and curiosities but there are a few exceptions.
I will throw out event’s for us to work towards to ensure the plot has direction. I am leaving this open for now and I/we can build upon this further as the neighborhood starts to fill up. I am not a control freak so I’m open to community suggestions for events that happen in the neighborhood and if a character arises that is the personality type that is the unofficial neighborhood captain they will likely have full control over neighborhood events so long as they are willing to incorporate story idea’s I have of my own.
I may include one of the houses to be a Air B&B to allow short term players to come in either for short term play and or use the B&B to give future members a trial run to see how well they fit into the community and how well the community likes the character they offer.
1. All characters involved or associated with sexual acts, thoughts, desires, et cetera must be at least 18.
2. Keep things civil, I’m not expecting a perfect neighborhood but don’t be starting fires.
3. Give a description of your character, age, sex, hair color, body type, et cetera.
4. All kink’s and fetishes are open EXCEPT: blood, gore, sexual violence, scat... this list may be updated but these offer guidelines and ask before you incorporate something that may be questionable.
5. Have fun and welcome your neighbors!
Here is my introduction of my character to the neighborhood:
You noticed the moving truck across the street on Monday and saw a flood of people moving stuff into the house across the street. There was so many people going in and out of the house you had no idea of who was moving in or even how many people was going to be staying in the three bedroom house.
By Wednesday the flood of people had dwindled to just a few people and when they left that evening the house sat empty until the following Monday. When you got back home that afternoon you saw a man in his mid-thirties in the front yard with his son setting up chairs on the front porch, his boy was reading the instructions and handing thing’s to his dad and it brought a smile to your face.
Making your way inside with your groceries a sigh escaped from you filled with disappointment as another family had moved in across the street reminding you how empty you felt when you saw a mother and father with children, reminding you that you’re alone.
Later that evening you looked out your bedroom window and saw us sitting on the porch in the newly assembled chairs. You also noticed a car never arrived bringing home a wife.
You noticed over the next several day’s no car or woman showed up bringing you a bit of hope a single man may have finally moved into the neighborhood. Wednesday morning you made sure to be in your front yard around he time the school bus left so you could give the new neighbor a smile and wave inviting conversation. As my son’s school bus left you gave your smile and wave and I only turned around and went back inside. Disappointed you made your way back inside baffled as I looked like I hadn’t even noticed you. Confusion made it’s way into your thought’s as you have alway’s caught men’s eyes but none could ever keep your attention. The thought went through your mind of I might be gay and that is what you decided had to be the case.
Later that afternoon while you were checking your mail you saw me leave the house with my son. As I closed the door you heard a clicking sound that drew your attention. You saw I unfolded a white cane as we made our way down the drive and go for a walk.
Suddenly you realized the reason I hadn’t smiled back or waved at you, I’m blind. A smile crosses your face reviving your hope and thinking this could be fun. How do I catch a blind man’s attention?
For context I am actually a blind person in real life, while I am very active and have a fulfilling life I’ve often wondered how this type of neighborhood dynamic would be and shed a little of that conservative nature and let myself run free...
So here we are. I would like to build a neighborhood we can all escape to, your character can either be loosely based upon your life as mine is or completely made up. I would also like for this to be a place we can explore those kinky desires. I would like to leave this aspect wide open as we all have various tastes and curiosities but there are a few exceptions.
I will throw out event’s for us to work towards to ensure the plot has direction. I am leaving this open for now and I/we can build upon this further as the neighborhood starts to fill up. I am not a control freak so I’m open to community suggestions for events that happen in the neighborhood and if a character arises that is the personality type that is the unofficial neighborhood captain they will likely have full control over neighborhood events so long as they are willing to incorporate story idea’s I have of my own.
I may include one of the houses to be a Air B&B to allow short term players to come in either for short term play and or use the B&B to give future members a trial run to see how well they fit into the community and how well the community likes the character they offer.
1. All characters involved or associated with sexual acts, thoughts, desires, et cetera must be at least 18.
2. Keep things civil, I’m not expecting a perfect neighborhood but don’t be starting fires.
3. Give a description of your character, age, sex, hair color, body type, et cetera.
4. All kink’s and fetishes are open EXCEPT: blood, gore, sexual violence, scat... this list may be updated but these offer guidelines and ask before you incorporate something that may be questionable.
5. Have fun and welcome your neighbors!
Here is my introduction of my character to the neighborhood:
You noticed the moving truck across the street on Monday and saw a flood of people moving stuff into the house across the street. There was so many people going in and out of the house you had no idea of who was moving in or even how many people was going to be staying in the three bedroom house.
By Wednesday the flood of people had dwindled to just a few people and when they left that evening the house sat empty until the following Monday. When you got back home that afternoon you saw a man in his mid-thirties in the front yard with his son setting up chairs on the front porch, his boy was reading the instructions and handing thing’s to his dad and it brought a smile to your face.
Making your way inside with your groceries a sigh escaped from you filled with disappointment as another family had moved in across the street reminding you how empty you felt when you saw a mother and father with children, reminding you that you’re alone.
Later that evening you looked out your bedroom window and saw us sitting on the porch in the newly assembled chairs. You also noticed a car never arrived bringing home a wife.
You noticed over the next several day’s no car or woman showed up bringing you a bit of hope a single man may have finally moved into the neighborhood. Wednesday morning you made sure to be in your front yard around he time the school bus left so you could give the new neighbor a smile and wave inviting conversation. As my son’s school bus left you gave your smile and wave and I only turned around and went back inside. Disappointed you made your way back inside baffled as I looked like I hadn’t even noticed you. Confusion made it’s way into your thought’s as you have alway’s caught men’s eyes but none could ever keep your attention. The thought went through your mind of I might be gay and that is what you decided had to be the case.
Later that afternoon while you were checking your mail you saw me leave the house with my son. As I closed the door you heard a clicking sound that drew your attention. You saw I unfolded a white cane as we made our way down the drive and go for a walk.
Suddenly you realized the reason I hadn’t smiled back or waved at you, I’m blind. A smile crosses your face reviving your hope and thinking this could be fun. How do I catch a blind man’s attention?