Seeking RolePlayers, Writers & Inspiration 2016

The L Word

Lesbian mothers, daughters and/or girlfriends are wanted. Everybody is welcome to play (even males) with me as long as you love and respect lesbians.
Seeking Female Co-Writers

I am looking to add one or two more stories to my repertoire, for no better reason than there are some good writers out here now a days.

Looking for female co-writer(s) to join me in creative stories. You can have a look see at my SRP Profile and the threads & ideas I have washed around. The posts can range to (at the shortest) a couple of paragraphs, averaging three or four paragraphs, and depending on my inspiration would post a couple times a week (and I post only in SRP threads). This is about the joy of creating for me, so I love a good long development and good characters.

If you have some stories you want to work on, I am always interested to hear them - but I have a few concepts (some old some new) to inspire:

Fallen/Broken -- Sometimes we all feel like our Guardian Angel has left our side, and it seems that every risk, every chance, every corner we turn leads to another obstacle. That's the way if felt like for her. All she can do now is work in a degrading or difficult job just to keep herself fed and off the streets. His road is similar, but as she is broken as a mortal, he is fallen as the spiritual. He is no angel, but he was one. Cast down from the heavens with only slight memories of the being he once was, he is drawn to be the guardian angel she always needed.

Work Study -- There’s a girl he likes at school. She is sweet, cute, kind, and with the more he talks to her the more he likes her. She works all the time, so it’s hard to date, but he thinks he can convince her to go with him to prom. His father though thinks that now that he is 18 he needs a little experience, so he takes him to the local brothel. The girl he picks there is beautiful, sexy, and experienced -- though under the makeup and wig is that same girl he is falling for in school. Can she keep the secret? Will she keep the secret?

Mermaid Lagoon -- Legend has it that men who go to the mystical lagoon on the nearby island never come back, that there are creatures there that hold a power over them. He is lost, broken, in need of something to survive, so he has no choice but to see the water and fruit that lie there. Yet what also lies there, he finds, is the mythical creatures known by sailors and fear by many - mermaids. One takes him under her fin, helps him, and he soon learns that the power they hold over man is far more carnal.

The Wrong Week, The Wrong Room -- Spring Break was the wrong week to have a business meeting in the warm part of the country, and he was pretty pissed that the hotel was full of co-eds focused more on getting their tans and getting drunk then getting out of his way. All that half-naked flesh though was making the nights all that more frustrating. Then when one of them stumbled into his room when he left the door ajar, he was about to throw a fit. Instead, he took advantage of the situation.

None of this is so hard set that we can’t discuss it - at the end of the day, this is a shared story so we both have to buy into the concept.

I’m always interested to hear your ideas as well - even if it goes in a different direction. If you are interested in these or any other ideas floating around, feel free to PM me. Every idea is up for discussion, and we can do whatever it takes to make it work.

I'm looking to add a couple of stories to work on. If any female co-writer has any ideas they want to do or any interest in working with me, I'd love to hear from you. There's not a lot I won't do, so feel free to come to me with anything.
Thinking about restarting a fantasy-RP where a brother and sister find themselves transported to a magical land.

The story will revolve around the brother rescuing his younger sister, who is being used as a vassal for a fertility goddess.

Kinks will almost certainly include breast expansion and impregnation.
Looking for a role play buddy

I'm new to the site and I love to role play and hopefully broaden my horizons I'm pretty opened minded when it comes to roles as well as sexual content.

A couple of roles that I really like are:

Military related
Football player / shy girl
Brother / sister
Dad / daughter
Mom /daughter
Or lesbian roles in general

Though like I said I'm open to any roles so if your interested pm me and I'm sure we can come up with something.
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I'm new to the site and I love to role play and hopefully broaden my horizons I'm pretty opened minded when it comes to roles as well as sexual content.

A couple of roles that I really like are:

Military related
Football player / shy girl
Brother / sister
Dad / daughter

Though like I said I'm open to any roles so if your interested pm me and I'm sure we can come up with something.

Bexyboo for those of us who would love to contact you about your ideas you might want to turn on private messaging so we can reach you

Lit Folks,

Quite a while ago an excellent Lit author came up with the creative idea of a boy-meets-girl story line in which both characters are somewhat shy, perhaps bookish, neither of whom are at all good at meeting dateable partners. They meet accidentally and are drawn to one another. Unknown to even her closest friends the woman is a sex phone operator, whom the male character eventually calls - of course not knowing that this is the quiet woman that he just met.

The thread can be found here:

Unfortunately, my co-author had to quit and is no longer active in Lit. Since it was her idea and she created the female character, I don't feel free to invite someone else to just pick up where we left off. However, what I would like to do is find a female co-author with whom I could create a new similar story line.

PM me if interested.


Gr8chtr (Great Chatter)
I had been thinking about playing as a gender bent Harlequinn. I'm not sure who I'd want to play opposite of though. Whoever it is I would still stay obsessed with fem Joker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't romp around with someone else.

He would be an upstanding psychiatrist that after Joker got her hands on him went off the deep end for her. He still practices though probably not at the benefit of his clients. Its either some combination of drugs he prescribes himself or something the Joker did to him, but he's comparatively dead to pain now. He prefers a good joke over a good victory and secretly doesn't mind getting tied up when the hero gains the upper hand.
Music Inspires me....

When I listen to a song I come up with stories that I think inspired the music. Often times the artist has their own thoughts, but that's what makes it so wonderful. We can all listen to music and draw something different from it. I'd like to brainstorm with a creative female writer. Let's turn up the volume to 11 and get inspired together. At the very least I hope you like the music.

Running into your ex....A bitter sweet moment, but with carrying and resolve. To me it leaves room for making an erotic connection. Perhaps a former couple bump into each other at a wedding or are simply stuck at an airport. The idea of having fun and enjoying sex with an old lover and moving on...maybe. The song doesn't have to be the final say after all. I know in my experience you can run into an ex and feel something, but know it's not the same. Not good or bad.

Another generation takes up the family business.... John Lee Pettimore IV is home again (basically the son of the man referenced in the song). A veteran of our desert wars who doesn't want to lose the family farm, and doesn't mind becoming an outlaw to do it. Moonshine and or pot are fast cash for some with guts and a fast car. The new face in the district authority's office? The ex-girlfriend who put her white trash roots behind her (can be another race but a local girl) and went to law school. Now she finds an old love could be public any number one, but there are other threats too. So who is for some rural fun and good love making?
A tribute to AC/DC and Lemmy

Staying on top ain't easy in rock and one couple is finding out. There was a time when their band sold out stadiums and they lived in mansions, but now they're playing in bars living in motels. I see them late 30's or early 40's ancient in the music game and still playing real rock music. Things aren't easy, but it's about getting the thrill back in their music and in their sex lives with each other.
Co-writer needed to bail but still interested. Love to brainstorm with you...I'm open to retooling the idea, but I think it has merit. Hey they comic book is still going strong.

For those who enjoy writing erotic fanfiction....A story about loving someone who you don't really know and taking it from there.

Like most kids of the 1980's I was raised on the patriotic action adventure cartoon G.I. Joe. There is no getting around the fact that the cartoon was cheesy. For those of us who read the comic book we got to enjoy a rich world of espionage, black operations, and martial arts. No more unlikely then any action movie, and filled with interesting characters and plots. Recently I've enjoyed playing in other people's worlds, so here are my thoughts for the world of GI Joe. A world isn't just made up of heroes.

Subject to change through discussion, but otherwise our story begins here....

James and Evelyn are a typical Washington couple living in the suburbs of the capital. She's has an important staffer position and he's an adjunct professor at a local university teaching politics and accounting. He's very fit and charming, and provides for the relationship. He's a patriot and a good citizen. He's tall and handsome what more could a woman want?

Just one problem. He's a sleeper agent who belongs to one of the largest terrorist organizations on the planet. He is a member of the elite Crimson Guard and survived the brutal training before going out into the world with members of his cell to support the interests of the organization. He has several advanced degrees, black belts in numerous martial arts, and is a trained spy.

Each member of his cell operates independently, and all have a striking resemblance to one another. James operates as the group's treasurer and while he's had little contact with the other member's he's made sure money and weapons get where they're needed. In recent months though James has been feeling pressure from his peers and those above him to take a more active role. A series of direct and indirect actions he doesn't want to take including recruiting from his college. Perhaps the cold blooded warrior is having a change of heart??

Evelyn knows a lot about James or so she thinks. He grew up in Springfield Vermont where his father worked for Arbco and his mother kept active locally while raising their only child. Then the family moved to Broca Beach New Jersey where his father became a police officer and his mother worked dispatch while James worked his way through school.

The Truth is...Springfield was a Cobra town where the majority of the residences worked supporting the cause. His father worked at Arbco which involved smuggling weapons and his mother before his birth was a very active tele-viper (communications trooper) with several kills to her credit.

When the family did move they assumed a new cover. His father became a brutal police officer when it came to dealing with drug dealers, and his mother taught communications skills to operatives. He was born in Cobra Island hospital a terrorist stronghold and trained there as a young adult. His working through college was really school interrupted to go on a variety of missions.

This is the only life he knows and now he's at a crossroads. I'm looking for a creative female writer who wants to take the journey with him. It makes for a lot of interesting writing along with some erotic scenes. Who is she, and what will she do? If you like The Americans you will like this.

I'm new to the site and I love to role play and hopefully broaden my horizons I'm pretty opened minded when it comes to roles as well as sexual content.

A couple of roles that I really like are:

Military related
Football player / shy girl
Brother / sister
Dad / daughter
Mom /daughter
Or lesbian roles in general

Though like I said I'm open to any roles so if your interested pm me and I'm sure we can come up with something.

Thank you for playing and I hope we can continue.

I need somebody to play the mother or daughter in a lesbian roleplay.
Bored and looking for a role play buddy

I love to role play and hopefully broaden my horizons I'm pretty opened minded when it comes to roles as well as sexual content.

A couple of roles that I really like are:

Military related
Football player / shy girl
Brother / sister
Dad / daughter
Mom /daughter
Or lesbian roles in general

Though like I said I'm open to any roles so if your interested pm me and I'm sure we can come up with something.
Used by a girl

I would like to be dominated by a lady that can make her sexy dreams and erotic fantasies become reality by using me and giving me instructions.
New Ideas

I'm wanting to add a couple threads and have some ideas percolating. I want quality writers who like to develop the characters with me. Story is as important as the sex, which....yes please. As you may know, I like older guys and roles where I am forced or coerced/blackmailed, and rough sex is always a plus. Without further adieu, here are the suggested ideas. PM me if interested.

1. Homecoming - When Ashley graduated HS, she was plain, nothing special, even unattractive, on the heavier side. After going to college, she made a commitment to transform everything. Your character is an older male (father of her friend, maybe a former teacher of hers, someone from her church...whatever). You're on a river trip when you meet this sexy girl, who flirts with you, teases you, and makes you want her. You realize who she is, and things happen. When you return home, things continue to happen, but because you're married, and she is thought to be the town's All American girl, things have to be hidden.....etc.

2. The New Girl - You work on an oil rig in the middle of rural America. The corporation sends a new girl from the headquarters out to manage the HR matters on-site, and you'll both be there for a two year stint. She's young, you're older, and you're much more familiar with the area than she is. One night, you find yourself next to her at the bar of one of the tiny local establishments. She looks great and is....lonely. You take advantage, against her better judgment. Later, she backs might not take no for an answer, and she might be just fine with that after a while....etc.

3. Miss America - we both work on Capitol Hill in Washington. You are charming, cynical, strategic, and oily....a consultant, hired to get your people elected, your own boss, and largely a freelancer focused solely on elections. I'm a fellowship student, between my sophomore and junior years, working for the Senator and away from home for the first time. You have big appetites, and I am enameled by power. You end up using me for everything you need and, while I am naive and maybe think I'd like a relationship with you, there's no way that's happening, and you keep having your way, no matter what trouble it may cause.....etc.

4. Thank You for the Coffee - simple....I am a barista at a local, independent coffee shop inside a major airport. You travel a lot for work and always see me there. I'm single, angry at my last ex, and rebounding. You are bored at home and see an opportunity. We then have long trysts and quickies between your flights, and develop a relationship in the shadows of your real world and every day life....etc.

5. Dark Houses - This is the darkest of my suggestions. I am a college girl on spring break with two friends. I meet you somewhere and flirt, teasing playfully, acting as if I might meet you out later that night, knowing I probably won't. My friends and I go dancing, or to a beach party, and somewhere I run into you again. You convince me to come home with you (or not) and I somehow end up at the very nice place you are renting for the week (or longer). No matter what I want, you have your way.....I disappear from my friends....who then disappear as well.....etc.
Looking for a female co-writer for an older woman/younger man RP. Suggestions I have right now:

1. A teacher and her former student reunite after ten years to reignite the illicit affair they once shared

2. An older, sophisticated and reserved woman falls for the seduction of a younger man who helps her embrace her sexuality by bending to his will and desires

3. An aunt and nephew find themselves on the cusp of a taboo affair

4. A young man and an older escort find the boundaries of their professional relationship begin to blur

Thanks for reading, PM me if there is any interest in these or a different roleplay.
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Looking for a roleplay, don't mind continuing, or if there is one that is being started. Don't really have any ideas, but I don't know who is still looking
The weekly ParkRun Event

Hi all

I am looking for a female of any age.

The idea is that two runners of different abilities end up meeting most Saturday morning at their local ParkRun event

I am looking for build up of the rapport, friendship between the two runners before one of them end sup seducing the other..

That is the basic plot.

So if you are interested in developing this theme, please contact me via pm with your thoughts and ideas.

Thank you for reading
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