Roy Moore

When asked by one of the only African-Americans in attendance at a September campaign event in Florence, Ala., what Trump means when he says, “Make America Great Again,” Moore responded in part:

“I think it was great at the time when families were united, even though we had slavery, they cared for one another. People were strong in the family.”

Yup. Moore harkens for the good 'ol days of slavery. Back when America was Great.
If Roy Moore is elected, what will be the Hillary Lost Tribe's next gambit?

One they're already laying out for just that possibility: getting the Senate itself to expel Moore after he's been specifically and purposely elected to it by a democratic majority of Alabama voters, voters fully aware of everything every Senator already is, too.

Which will simply expose more to America the hypocrisy of those who claim to be for democracy, rather than the oligarchy such promotion actually proves. Plus further exposing those same hypocrites who pretend to promote that all are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, truly don't believe that way at all.

Democrats hate losing.
If Alabama does Harkin back to the days of slavery then the election of Roy Moore is not a loss.
If Alabama does Harkin back to the days of slavery then the election of Roy Moore is not a loss.

That couldn't happen. First, it would be highly illegal. Second, a senator has very little to say about what happens in his or her home state. Third and most important, it has always been Democrats who favored slavery and Jim Crow laws, and Republicans who abolished those abominations. :cool:
That couldn't happen. First, it would be highly illegal. Second, a senator has very little to say about what happens in his or her home state. Third and most important, it has always been Democrats who favored slavery and Jim Crow laws, and Republicans who abolished those abominations. :cool:

The political parties have changed greatly since then. There was a time when Republicans championed a strong federal government and that is no longer the case.
Why would a woman give her life to protect someone's right to vote for Moore when he believes that woman shouldn't be allowed to vote?

Exactly. And that's how politically partisan everything's become today. Partisan, biased ones only truly support the right to vote if the voter doesn't vote against their stance, just as the right to free speech today weighs more on what's said rather than the absolute right to say it in the first place.
That couldn't happen. First, it would be highly illegal. Second, a senator has very little to say about what happens in his or her home state. Third and most important, it has always been Democrats who favored slavery and Jim Crow laws, and Republicans who abolished those abominations. :cool:

Wouldn't abolishing the 13th amendment be a logical first step?
Wouldn't abolishing the 13th amendment be a logical first step?

Not only logical but necessary. Fortunately, that is almost certain to never happen. The only way it could happen would be for SJW's to dominate Congress and most state legislatures and require all white people to become slaves, as some kind of affirmative action. :rolleyes:
One they're already laying out for just that possibility: getting the Senate itself to expel Moore after he's been specifically and purposely elected to it by a democratic majority of Alabama voters, voters fully aware of everything every Senator already is, too.
Haven't read the Constitution, hey? Article I, Section 5: "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member."

Members swear an oath to uphold the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Moore has already acted in disdain of the Constitution. That violation is grounds for expulsion. Note that expulsion, like impeachment, is a political act, not criminal. No "innocent till proved guilty" here.

Moore can always re-run for the Senate seat. And be expelled again. And again. Groundhog Day deluxe, hey?

[Repealing the 13th Amendment is] Not only logical but necessary. Fortunately, that is almost certain to never happen. The only way it could happen would be for SJW's to dominate Congress and most state legislatures and require all white people to become slaves, as some kind of affirmative action. :rolleyes:
This troll suggests a misapplication of medications, or possibly a concussion or three. Or maybe too much exposure to BriteFart and InfoWard toxic fantasies. Sad.
You make very good points, yes?

Democrat Women in particular are against due process.

Are the Democrats fascists?

One they're already laying out for just that possibility: getting the Senate itself to expel Moore after he's been specifically and purposely elected to it by a democratic majority of Alabama voters, voters fully aware of everything every Senator already is, too.

Which will simply expose more to America the hypocrisy of those who claim to be for democracy, rather than the oligarchy such promotion actually proves. Plus further exposing those same hypocrites who pretend to promote that all are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, truly don't believe that way at all.
Exactly. And that's how politically partisan everything's become today. Partisan, biased ones only truly support the right to vote if the voter doesn't vote against their stance, just as the right to free speech today weighs more on what's said rather than the absolute right to say it in the first place.
I'm not aware of any laws, with extremely limited exceptions, passed by congress abridging the right of free speech.

Wouldn't abolishing the 13th amendment be a logical first step?
One of the amendments Moore wants to abolish.

Members swear an oath to uphold the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Moore has already acted in disdain of the Constitution. That violation is grounds for expulsion. Note that expulsion, like impeachment, is a political act, not criminal. No "innocent till proved guilty" here.
More than disdain.
Moore has stated, specifically, he will not uphold the US Constitution.

Which is something I just can't fathom. Republicans are always going on about the rule of law, abiding by the constitution, original intent, etc. Yet here they are backing a man who says he absolutely will not abide by the constitution when it suits him.
Even more unfathomable are the black evangelicals supporting him when he says america was great when we had slavery and that he wants to repeal the 13th amendment.