Roadside Rest areas


Feb 11, 2022
What are your experiences with sucking or getting sucked here.
What are some of the "rules" or protocols for finding some action?
Best time of day?
Parking location?
I used to go to rest areas long ago before the internet(damn I’m getting old). The best time back then was at night around closing time for the bars or a bit later. It seemed more guys would be there then. Everyone had to be careful because the police would come around every so often so if I met someone I would usually follow him down the road to an apartment complex and park in the back for privacy.
There is a guy near me on Grindr who will meet to give head in a public forest park pretty much any day. He insists no one ever bothers him while he is hooked up, but I don’t like the odds!
There was a rest stop, more like a pull over on a highway that was just an area for truckers and other to pull over and get some rest no facilities or anything and was always very dark with a wooded area surrounding it that a lot of gay/bi guys would go to find someone. They closed this place down in the 80's I believe if I remember correctly, some would go to the truckers or cars parked there and somewhat boldly ask you what you would like and others just stood by the edge of the woods waiting to be approached, God that was a wild place, they put up concrete barriers so you couldn't go there anymore which was a bummer as I found this place only a few years before they closed it down.
I travel frequently and I'm always willing to suck and get fucked at rest areas.
The Sniffies app is awesome for this.