Reveal the most random fact about yourself.

For reasons unclear, people I’ve only just me seam to want tell me the strangest and occasionally very intimate things.
I used to presume this happened to everyone. But apparently not. So my friends and coworkers tell me!
All the time, sometimes no room for my own thoughts!
Irish Twins
I have yet to meet anyone who carried the second one to term that has them closer together than mine. They are the same age for 7 weeks.

To answer some questions:
1. Yes we did get past the 6 week check up
2. No this ABSOLUTELY. Was not planned
3. Yes it was probably the hardest thing I ever did when they were little (second was colicky to boot). But easier when they got older.
4. Second hardest thing is they left the house one right after the other 🙁
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I have yet to meet anyone who carried the second one to term that has them closer together than mine. They are the same age for 7 weeks.

To answer some questions:
1. Yes we did get past the 6 week check up
2. No this ABSOLUTELY. Was not planned
3. Yes it was probably the hardest thing I ever did when they were little (second was colicky to boot). But easier when they got older.
4. Second hardest thing is they left the house one right after the other 🙁
My grandmother had two 10 months apart. The neighbor's wife and his SIL are 10 months apart. That's got to be pretty close to yours...
I don't, well.. can't really, have vivid dreams anymore. Several years ago, I was in a car accident and got a gnarly concussion that wasn't diagnosed till a few days afterward. I ended up with PCS that lasted for nearly a year. Some side effects are still with me to this day. I don't get headaches when stressed or anxious anymore, but my thoughts do get easily jumbled. My creativity has decreased and I don't remember dreams anymore.. which is both blessing and a curse.
FYI, my forehead is really dried out from all this cold weather and beanie wear.
I am a terrible cook. So bad that my kids thought “cooking” was putting things in the microwave.
But I am an amazing baker!
That confuses me from the perspective of someone who can cook but never bothers to bake.
If you can follow a baking recipe well, then why not a cooking recipe?
Cooking has more room for error as far as measuring ingredients go.
Baking needs to be more exact. :p
That confuses me from the perspective of someone who can cook but never bothers to bake.
If you can follow a baking recipe well, then why not a cooking recipe?
Cooking has more room for error as far as measuring ingredients go.
Baking needs to be more exact. :p
Maybe it’s the organization of baking? There a lot of chaos in my life most of the time (I have references 😁) so baking is so structured that it’s a time of organization.
Also it is weird because I am a fairly creative person (no artist or anything) so cooking would give me more freedom in that sense…but baking is my milieu- oh! Banana bread today!