Republicans around Tricky Trumpy corrupt to the core

C'mon you read his posts. He just spouts off bullshit. It is boring to engage with him IMO. But hey that is just me.

You and I completely disagree but at least you have a thoughtful basis for how wrong you are :)

Well thanks for that but to be honest you have yet to prove me wrong.:)
C'mon you read his posts. He just spouts off bullshit. It is boring to engage with him IMO. But hey that is just me.

The only thing I see in his posts are the ubiquitously devastating surgical disruptions of every one of your false premises.:D
The former Chairman of the FEC says you're full of crap. It wasn't an illegal campaign expenditure.
I don't know who you're talking about since you, again, made a claim with nothing to back it up. But if you're talking about Bradley Smith it's only because he's discounting that both of Trump's lawyers say it was an expenditure to help with Trump's election.

It will go nowhere. If it is tried in the 9th Circuit they might find a judge dumb enough and politically motivated enough to misconstrue the intention of the founders, we see attacks on the Constitution all the time from the looney left, but in the end, at the SCOTUS it will go nowhere.
That's certainly a theory, just like thinking in 1969 that men would never walk on the moon because men had never walked on the moon.

Why? Because the President isn't rich because he's President he was rich before he was elected President.
You have no idea what his net worth is since he's never released his tax returns or a complete financial statement.

He is not receiving gifts or payments from foreign governments, Princes or Kings. He may have investments in foreign countries, the monies of which may flow into his trust.
He still knows where the money comes from. They aren't blind trusts.
But he’s not being paid by foreign governments for the purpose of influencing his official duties
And you know this how?
The only thing I see in his posts are the ubiquitously devastating surgical disruptions of every one of your false premises.:D

When he was off iggy it was all Dems, (D), bullshit, pantloads, bluster, braying


I'll start being more clear about how wrong you are so you get it.
This is going to be an interesting and pretty wild next few months. So far, really, the charges are sort of on the fringe as Mueller sets out the foundation and gathers people and evidence. Stormy Daniels and the shady stuff by Trump's inner circle isn't what all this is about, even if it's all over the news. The big stuff is to come.

Taking a step back and looking at it, the big crime was the computer hacking by foreign government agents with the explicit purpose of damaging HRC (who is a longtime enemy of Putin's). With the added elements of foreign government and Wikileaks involvement, it's probably one of the biggest computer crimes in history.
If there is a tie to the Trump campaign, or knowledge of what was going on even if just a part of it, you'll be learning a lot about the law of conspiracy in the news pretty soon. Mueller will continue working it upstream, now with Cohen and probably Manafort, up into the family, and then we see whether there were communications to or knowledge of DJT himself. If Mueller can prove that, it's game over. Remember that Mueller's the guy who brought down John Giotti and the Gambino family. He knows what he's doing, and all of this is pretty classic.

The pardon angle won't work for Trump. Consider this: if he issues a pardon, the recipient loses his or her 5th amendment right against self-incrimination. That means he or she gets hauled into one grand jury or hearing after another, and has to answer or else be put in jail. Answer falsely, and new perjury charges ensue. Trump would have to be issuing pardons right and left over and over, and finally even his best allies will have enough of it. Meanwhile, state charges, especially in New York, are outside the pardon power.

Trump is essentially trying to work his "base" up and starting some kind of "revolution" if he gets implicated and ditched. All of this "what about Hillary" is just grist for the mill. He's acting so disjointedly and out of control that he sure looks like a guilty guy. So we'll see.
A lot of this is expanding over into State jurisdiction too, where Trump has no pardoning power. Each pardon that's judged to be for political and coverup purposes will just become another element of the obstruction of justice case.

I foresee that Trump will see his children roughed up (justifiably) before they get around to him--and that he'll let that happen because at least it's not him (yet).