Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low


Non-Prophet Organization
Apr 16, 2006
Falls 10 percentage points from September's 38%

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With the Republican-controlled House of Representatives engaged in a tense, government-shuttering budgetary standoff against a Democratic president and Senate, the Republican Party is now viewed favorably by 28% of Americans, down from 38% in September. This is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.

Don't worry, Ted Cruz has his very own poll! :D

Gallup poll
Falls 10 percentage points from September's 38%

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With the Republican-controlled House of Representatives engaged in a tense, government-shuttering budgetary standoff against a Democratic president and Senate, the Republican Party is now viewed favorably by 28% of Americans, down from 38% in September. This is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.

Don't worry, Ted Cruz has his very own poll! :D

Gallup poll

You can stop posting now. Cat is out of the bag.
You assholes ain't seen nothing yet.

Shut 'em down 10-4!

Lets rebuild the whole damned thing!
You can stop posting now. Cat is out of the bag.

This is how you sound in my head now. Some day you'll be a real super villain! You keep on tryin'!


Hopefully later!


I believe in you!
With any luck the Republicans are saying "Things can't possibly get any worse!"
How do you guys like playing Chicken with everybody else's car now?

It's a rental. The respected conservative pundit, P. J. O'Rourke has this to say about rental cars:

"Another thing about a rented car is that it's an all terrain vehicle. Mud, snow, water, woods, you can take a rented car anywhere. True, you can't always get it back, but that isn't your problem, is it?"

That pretty sums up current Republican strategy.
It's a rental. The respected conservative pundit, P. J. O'Rourke has this to say about rental cars:

"Another thing about a rented car is that it's an all terrain vehicle. Mud, snow, water, woods, you can take a rented car anywhere. True, you can't always get it back, but that isn't your problem, is it?"

That pretty sums up current Republican strategy.

I actually like P. J. O'Rourke a lot and I was wishing there were more guys like him about. I was thinking about him today. I miss smart Republicans. kbate can't do it all.
we need more welfare

gotta get me some more welfare

why is it that obama, and all the other left wing fucktards have no plan on how to lift people up? welfare and government, isn't the solution. that's why after all the money obama has wasted, the economy is fucked up...

history, will prove that it will take 10-20 years to undo what the fucking piece of shit obama has done
we need more welfare

gotta get me some more welfare

why is it that obama, and all the other left wing fucktards have no plan on how to lift people up? welfare and government, isn't the solution. that's why after all the money obama has wasted, the economy is fucked up...

history, will prove that it will take 10-20 years to undo what the fucking piece of shit obama has done

You could raise the GOP's approval rating by at least 5% if you quit talking for a couple days.

Every time you open your mouth, some undecided voter makes a silent pledge to never vote Republican again.
You could raise the GOP's approval rating by at least 5% if you quit talking for a couple days.

Every time you open your mouth, some undecided voter makes a silent pledge to never vote Republican again.

so you support this obama world with two classees....those that work and those that life off welfare?
That's the republican world Jen. Not that a world without classes is desirable but that's another discussion for another day.
That's the republican world Jen. Not that a world without classes is desirable but that's another discussion for another day.

please, obama wants this more! I can't think of one CEO that wants to have two classes.

obama has murdered the American dream where one can start a business and build a fortune

with obama, you sit on your ass and collect and life off entitlements. its like the matrix
please, obama wants this more! I can't think of one CEO that wants to have two classes.

obama has murdered the American dream where one can start a business and build a fortune

with obama, you sit on your ass and collect and life off entitlements. its like the matrix

The Republicans shut down the Small Business Administration when they shut down the government. They just fucked small businesses out of their GOVERNMENT loans. Funny how that shutdown stuff works.

And mister 1st grader, that's "it's." Or don't you learn that until you go to college in Florida?
so you support this obama world with two classees....those that work and those that life off welfare?

See, this is why you appear to be so stupid. You can't compose a rational response to anything anyone says.

You claim to be a conservative, but all yo do is make conservatives look stupid. You let a few billionaires lead you around by the nose and think you live free and independent.

You bitch about the people on welfare out of one side of your mouth and cry about the cost of flood insurance out of the other. If it weren't for government mandated flood insurance, there would be no flood insurance and no beach side condos.
Then you've never met a single CEO in your life. That is the American dream, you work hard you join the upper class as your reward. The fact that we've allowed that dream to become sufficiently corrupted and it was a corrupt dream to begin with but that's another debate for another day is why we're where we are. Ideally we'd have well more than two classes. I suspect nine is probably ideal.