Gallup: Tea Party support dwindles to near-record low


Literotica Guru
Jul 27, 2008
Story here.

PRINCETON, NJ -- As Washington braces for another budget showdown, this time with the threat of defunding the new healthcare law in the mix, the key political force pushing for conservative policies sees diminished popular support. Fewer Americans now describe themselves as supporters of the Tea Party movement than did at the height of the movement in 2010, or even at the start of 2012. Today's 22% support nearly matches the record low found two years ago.


Opponents of the Tea Party now outnumber supporters 27% to 22%, which is similar to their edge in 2012. However this differs from most of Gallup's earlier measurements, in 2010 and 2011, when supporters and opponents were either equally matched, or Tea Party backers had the slight edge.

Of even greater interest:

Tea Party Supporters Ambivalent About GOP, and Vice Versa

The poll suggests that the partnership between the Tea Party and the Republican Party may be waning. Although some of the Tea Party's most visible representatives in politics today are associated with the Republican Party, and while rank-and-file Republicans are more likely to call themselves supporters than opponents of the Tea Party movement -- a far greater number identify as neither.
After 2010, Dems were extremely afraid the Tea Party would develop into a populist uprising which would unseat Obama.

That accounts for the many -- and continuing -- attempts to vilify the Tea Party.

Actually, though, the essence of the Tea Party outlook -- more freedom, less tax, less intrusive federal governance -- is a classic American view.
Actually, though, the essence of the Tea Party outlook -- more freedom, less tax, less intrusive federal governance -- is a classic American view.

Actually, it seems to have been hijacked by far right religious nutjobs.
Debates about the role of federal governance are eternal.

The essence of the Tea Party outlook -- more freedom, less tax, less intrusive federal governance -- is a classic American view.

American did not become a powerful country because it was the same as Europe, but because it offered more freedom and capitalism.

As America evolves into more federal governmental intrusion, higher taxes, and less freedom, it bids fair to become Sweden writ large.
Actually, it seems to have been hijacked by far right religious nutjobs.

I've been saying that for years.

The original tea party was a bunch of scared older white folks, unnerved by the prospects of a Democratic administration.

They came and went quickly, around 2009.

The Evangelical whackadoodle right, which had been in disgrace since their 2006 mauling, reinvented themselves as the "new and improved" Tea Party.

The results? After their singular victory in 2010, this "Tea Party" introduced exactly zero bills dealing with economic issues, and something like 200+ abortion bills.

Game. Set. Match. Derp.
Debates about the role of federal governance are eternal.

The essence of the Tea Party outlook -- more freedom, less tax, less intrusive federal governance -- is a classic American view.

American did not become a powerful country because it was the same as Europe, but because it offered more freedom and capitalism.

As America evolves into more federal governmental intrusion, higher taxes, and less freedom, it bids fair to become Sweden writ large.

You can't actually believe this tripe can you?
It is interesting to read who polls think the tea party are.

It is also interesting to read what people who have their own narrow point of view and bias, think the tea party is and what they believe.

I would garner to say that the tea party is not as volatile as what the main stream media shows (i.e. bias) nor what most liberals think (narrow views).

I would bet all would be quite surprised as how much support they truly have...regardless of any polls taken.
And you'd be sorely mistaken. Sure you can try to argue liberals have a narrow point of view but for a supposedly bipartisan and grass roots association they ran very few Democrats. In fact none that I'm aware of. The Republicans fear getting primaried from the right by the Tea Party, not from both sides, and not based on some "common sense" thing but based on not being sufficiently Conservatives. The media knows exactly who the Tea Party is and if anything cuts them a lot of breaks.
Yes we know you think this translates into a vast Democrat sweep of both houses of congress in 2014, and a big Hillary sweep in 2016, right?

Nah. I'll only believe that when Nate Silver says so. There's a lot of gerrymandering to overcome. And who really knows if HRC even will run again? But, if she does, she'll wipe her feet on any Pub now well-known.
Yes we know you think this translates into a vast Democrat sweep of both houses of congress in 2014, and a big Hillary sweep in 2016, right?

Don't worry. Operation Block The Vote is in full swing, and dozens of gerrymandered Republican districts will give them a benefit in the House.
I would bet all would be quite surprised as how much support they truly have...regardless of any polls taken.

People said that about Romney they day before the election too. How did that turn out?
They said it about McCain too. I remember it clearly because people were polling for Obama so as not to seem racist but once they were in the privacy of the voting booth they'd do the white thing. I mean the right thing. :D

Yes we know you think this translates into a vast Democrat sweep of both houses of congress in 2014, and a big Hillary sweep in 2016, right?

Doubtful. I suspect 2014 will be relatively mild in either direction but we'll see and 2016 should be a fairly easy KO assuming Hillary runs which at least currently seems to be the case.
Shut your ass!
You froggy crack smoking junkie

How are your e-book sales going? I'd make a joke here about how if your mother had only shut her ass but let's face it you look more like this than a person.

They said it about McCain too. I remember it clearly because people were polling for Obama so as not to seem racist but once they were in the privacy of the voting booth they'd do the white thing. I mean the right thing. :D

Doubtful. I suspect 2014 will be relatively mild in either direction but we'll see and 2016 should be a fairly easy KO assuming Hillary runs which at least currently seems to be the case.

2016... When Republicans will be defending more than twice as many seats as Dems....