Report: CIA Wanted Boston Bomber On Terrorist Watch List…

Watch list that nobody watched.:rolleyes:

Boston bomb suspect's name was on classified government watch lists

Philip Mudd served 24-years at the CIA, where he rose to become deputy head of its Counterterrorism Center, culminating in a four-year detail in 2005 to the FBI as a deputy director of its National Security Branch. He resigned from government service in March 2010. He is currently a senior research fellow on counterterrorism studies at the Washington, D.C.-based New America Foundation and a sought-after commentator.

If you want to have any reasonable sense of what little it means to be “on” the government’s “terrorist radar” (much less under it), pay close attention to this You Tube video from the 8:33 mark to at least 11:21. (

Question: That raises the question -- we’ve already heard one Congressman call this an intelligence failure, that the Russians had tipped us off about this guy and that Tamerlan should have therefore been under tighter observation by the FBI and Boston police. What is your reaction to all that?

Mudd: My reaction is this is such a misunderstanding of how national security operations work in this country that it’s hard for me to understand how we could be 12 years in and have educated people say things like this. Let me be more blunt. This is absurd.

This is largely the same argument I make when people start whining about the erosion of liberty under the Patriot Act or the government using cell phone records to track terrorists. If the government doesn't have the resources to keep constant watch on every person on a terrorist watch list, why in the hell would they be the least bit interested in watching YOU??

Mudd understands what is required to do the job of counterintelligence. If anyone else here would like to shed their fantasies about "spy magic" and achieve that same understanding, I suggest watching the entire video.
if we cant watch em

why ALLOW em to stay?
