Rejected Stories


Dec 4, 2002
I sent some stories in and they got rejected. I edited them and am wondering how often, if at all do they get reread? I didn't put edited on them when I resubmitted them. :rolleyes:

Thanks, Mustanger7up
I don't know the answer. But I think the answer is that if you re-submit it, Laurel will re-read it. If she recognizes it, she might just look to see if you cleared up the part that she rejected it for (incredibly poor spelling, underage or otherwise illegal sex acts, etc...). If it's clean, she'll probably post it up with the rounds. (If not, then back to the drawing boards!)
mustanger7up said:
I sent some stories in and they got rejected. I edited them and am wondering how often, if at all do they get reread? I didn't put edited on them when I resubmitted them. :rolleyes:

Thanks, Mustanger7up

Usually you get a reason as to why -

My first story was rejected (ooops - I sent it in the wrong format) but things have been ok since.

* 18 is the youngest age allowed -
* are you submitting in a txt format?
* there are many categories available, even extreme - you should be able to find a spot for your work

Post a portion here - maybe we can help -
I Re-Edited them all, making sure all were over the age of 18. And also took some hints from the help section at Literotica on making the person speak etc...
I found 1 accepted today that had been rejected and another that I had edited rejected when al I had to do was cahnge the age which I did.
Thanks for the fast reply.
Mustanger7up :)
You are very welcome!

I'm so glad to hear your posting problems are fixed!!

Good luck! :kiss:
Haven't had anything of mine rejectecd here...

So I may not be of much help to you. But as a suggestion, or two, you might want to do a spell, and grammar check, then read through your work to make sure the right words are being used before submitting your work. Check to make sure that you're story also follows the guidelines of the site to make sure that you don't send in anythiing that they'll be forced to refuse by edict of their ground rules. And lastly you might try to find a writing buddy to give your stories to read first to see if they like it.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man