Getting Tiresome


Jul 31, 2006
I am EXTREMELY pissed.

I write all my own work. I have now had three stories THAT I WROTE rejected as AI, one of them for a THIRD time. I am inclined just to remove all my stories (70 of them) from the site and stop writing here. I find it insulting that they would do that. I've just about had it.

I've been writing here for 18 yes, since 2006, and I like this site a lot. But I am tired of being subjected to such questionable treatment.

If I disappear soon, you'll know why.
I am EXTREMELY pissed.

I write all my own work. I have now had three stories THAT I WROTE rejected as AI, one of them for a THIRD time. I am inclined just to remove all my stories (70 of them) from the site and stop writing here. I find it insulting that they would do that. I've just about had it.

I've been writing here for 18 yes, since 2006, and I like this site a lot. But I am tired of being subjected to such questionable treatment.

If I disappear soon, you'll know why.
I heard you, been on here a while, too. I have summitted works a Word docs took forever to get approved. Recently submitted on by cut and paste, got rejected as possible AI bs. Yet I see fellow writers get posted very quickly. If it smells like fish, it probably is fish. After three days it stinks.
Here's my personal and completely unsubstantiated theory: If you happen to use Grammarly, or LanguageTool, or any other AI-Based spellcheck tool, try to deactivate the corresponding browser plugin before opening the submission page.
Hey thanks for the tip, I do use Grammarly. Will keep this in mind thanks. Funny they call you out on little spelling or grammar issues, but don't want you to use the available tools, crazy!
Hey thanks for the tip, I do use Grammarly. Will keep this in mind thanks. Funny they call you out on little spelling or grammar issues, but don't want you to use the available tools, crazy!

Well, strictly speaking, they ARE fine with people using spellcheckers and grammar tools. They're NOT fine with people using those tool's "rewrite" functions. Like, in Grammarly, I think all of the premium functions that would rewrite/rearrange your sentences, or make you insert words into your sentences, will get you rejected.
Hey thanks for the tip, I do use Grammarly. Will keep this in mind thanks. Funny they call you out on little spelling or grammar issues, but don't want you to use the available tools, crazy!
Who's calling you out on spelling and grammar issues? Your readers? Because I can't imagine Laurel rejecting any stories for typos. But I hope you can get the problem sorted out.
Who's calling you out on spelling and grammar issues? Your readers? Because I can't imagine Laurel rejecting any stories for typos. But I hope you can get the problem sorted out.
The last works I had rejected, I don't recall if the admin did not ID themselves. No longer have that thread, so I can't say. Interestingly the Word doc editor score was 99%. I don't have the premium version of Grammarly, so mainly spell check and simple grammar issues. The story has since been published "Calendar Girl". Earlier on years back had some reader critics call out spelling issues, have tried to do a better job proofreading, several times in most cases. Appreciate the insight.
Here's my personal and completely unsubstantiated theory: If you happen to use Grammarly, or LanguageTool, or any other AI-Based spellcheck tool, try to deactivate the corresponding browser plugin before opening the submission page.
I agree. I normally use Grammarly as a spell-checking/grammar-checking tool. I tried an experiment by accepting all the changes suggested by Grammarly. After reading through it afterward it didn't sound like my writing at all. The program doesn't consider if my writing was acceptable within the rules. The changes the program offered were designed to make everything "perfect". I believe Lit uses an AI to find writing by an AI. So if it appears to be perfect according to the AI they use, it will be tagged as AI written. All that is unsubstantiated supposition, just my opinion of it of course. But it fits how things are right now.

I am EXTREMELY pissed.

I write all my own work. I have now had three stories THAT I WROTE rejected as AI, one of them for a THIRD time. I am inclined just to remove all my stories (70 of them) from the site and stop writing here. I find it insulting that they would do that. I've just about had it.

I've been writing here for 18 yes, since 2006, and I like this site a lot. But I am tired of being subjected to such questionable treatment.

If I disappear soon, you'll know why.
This is, by my count, the seventh time you've posted this exact same tract.

What are you actually trying to accomplish here?
Sorry, you used the grammarly re-write tool and got caught. Don’t do that anymore.
Hey thanks for the tip, I do use Grammarly. Will keep this in mind thanks. Funny they call you out on little spelling or grammar issues, but don't want you to use the available tools, crazy!
I'm not joking when I say this, but be sure to leave in a couple of typos or mistakes. It will get the story through.

I find it strange that you're well established here and still having this much trouble, usually its first time authors. Have you sent a PM to laurel telling her you've posted dozens of stories here in the past?