

The Prodigal Wife
Dec 15, 2022
Does Lit no longer accept images inserted from reblogme?
I am having the same problem. Not sure if it is on the Lit end or the reblogme end?

When I click (in a Lit Forum post) on a link copied from reblogme, it takes me directly to my reblogme home page instead of to the image. I clicked on one of yours and it did the same thing.
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Just saw this on the reblogme staff blog:

"We're all about pushing boundaries and celebrating freedom of expression here at ReblogMe, but let’s make it crystal clear—there's absolutely no place for CSAM on our platform. Not only is it against our rules, it's unethical, it's harmful, and it's illegal.

Activities like these jeopardize the community and threaten the freedom and safety of our platform, impacting everyone who uses ReblogMe as a safe space to express desires, passions, and interests they would otherwise not be able to express outside of this platform.

You’ll still be able to log in, but access to images and videos may be temporarily suspended while we sort this out."
I am having the same problem. Not sure if it is on the Lit end or the reblogme end?

When I click (in a Lit Forum post) on a link copied from reblogme, it takes me directly to my reblogme home page instead of to the image. I clicked on one of yours and it did the same thing.
Thank you!
Just saw this on the reblogme staff blog:

"We're all about pushing boundaries and celebrating freedom of expression here at ReblogMe, but let’s make it crystal clear—there's absolutely no place for CSAM on our platform. Not only is it against our rules, it's unethical, it's harmful, and it's illegal.

Activities like these jeopardize the community and threaten the freedom and safety of our platform, impacting everyone who uses ReblogMe as a safe space to express desires, passions, and interests they would otherwise not be able to express outside of this platform.

You’ll still be able to log in, but access to images and videos may be temporarily suspended while we sort this out."
And thank you once more!
J x
You may have noticed that the reblogme site itself has now imposed a draconian ban on NSFW imagery posted on their site. So when you look at blogs, you mainly get the 'broken link" symbol instead of the image. This is like when Tumblr banned its nsfw content some years ago (and lost a lot of users in the process). Pffft...
I have sometimes used a site called Just today I reestablished that site for myself because of the loss of reblogme links. I was able to post an image from that site to Lit. The (fun) example:

I have been able to upload images from my computer to that site, but the site won't take a URL link from reblogme. Evidently reblogme has prohibited cross-linking from its site (to anywhere?). Nuisance to download then upload then post to Lit.....
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