Please Provide a Non-Technical Answer, to my LIST Category Question That the Normal Author can Understand

Sep 14, 2022
Dear Lit-Tech,

Yestersay, I asked: Please explain purpose (usefulness) of adding Literotica's new "LIST" Category to the Author page?

I then sent Lit-Tech's reply to three Literotica Authors that did not understand that reply.

So, I wrote a re-reply that no-one has yet responded to, that perhaps, summarizes your Lit-Tech in a form of simplicity that the average Author will understand (read below):
Thank-you lilshymynx for the quick reply.

So, (to be clear) all readers that place a particular story in their reading list will be totaled and appear in the Authors Works' page under that particular story?

As long as that reader has a public list. (LIST category).

Does this sum up usefulness of the "Lists Category" that the Author sees.
Can you please edit my re-reply or does my re-reply correctly summarize the usefulness of your "LIST" Category that the non-technical Author understands.

Note: Words in ( ), I just added


I'm a little confused... either you are talking about a new feature that I haven't discovered yet, or you are talking about the Lists in the new Author Profile Pages.

Do you mean those lists? (I used my own profile as an example here)

These are lists that I created, not some users. If you go into your Control Panel, there's a menu item called Reading Lists.
There you can create lists for stories that you want to save, like your favorites, and then you can decide whether the list you created should be publicly accessible or private. Only the public lists that you create will show up in your profile page.

For example, in addition to the two lists you see in my profile, I have a private "Read Later" list that you can't see, where I save stories that look interesting but I haven't had the time to read yet.

Does that answer your question?
I thought the OP was asking about those lists when I answered them originally, but their response clarified things, and I think they are asking about the 'Lists' counter on the story card itself, not the user-created lists. I've responded in the other thread hoping that will answer their questions.