Really, insurance should cover birth control?


Literotica Guru
Jun 20, 2011
really? why?

then again, most states have programs that gives away free birth control, yet why is it that so many chose not to use it? How do we get a single mother with eight kids living off welfare?

maybe we should declare those on welfare with large family's as incompetent and have them adjusted so that they can not have more children till they are off welfare
I don't understand why people are so anti-birth control. If you're working for a company, you understand that they take a portion of the money from your check to cover that insurance, right? Therefore, it should cover whatever you need it to cover. End of story.

Plus, a lot of people forget that what they're calling "birth control" is actually "hormone replacement therapy" and is rarely, if ever, taken for "birth control" purposes. It's a medical necessity and a goddamn cancer medicine. People are trying to find a way to keep life-saving medications away from people. WTF?
really? why?

then again, most states have programs that gives away free birth control, yet why is it that so many chose not to use it? How do we get a single mother with eight kids living off welfare?

maybe we should declare those on welfare with large family's as incompetent and have them adjusted so that they can not have more children till they are off welfare

insurance should be for the big ticket items, not paper cuts

So I take it you're either:
a. unemployed
b. not having sex
c. can't find anyone to have sex with you
d. all or any combination of the above
neverending thinks its okay if insurance covers viagra and baldness medication... but not birth control
My mom turned a spider bite into gangrene one time. Because she was a dumbass.

That's pretty old school epic. Like having scurvy or the plague.

People still get the Bubonic all the time. Cured with penicillin though iirc. Oh, science.
That's pretty old school epic. Like having scurvy or the plague.

People still get the Bubonic all the time. Cured with penicillin though iirc. Oh, science.

That's exactly what I said. I was in high school. That shit literally turns green and you wind up with a scar. It was all kinda fucked up. I was like, "Really? ...really?"
Because pregnancy costs about 100,000 times what a few birth control pills cost and insurance companies have to cover those costs. If by paying for a pill or a condom, they can lower overall costs and raise profits, isn't that good business?

Oh wait - you want some religious argument to be the law of the land.

insurance should be for the big ticket items, not paper cuts

Yes, but Americans, the world actually, are used to Healthcare payment plans...not insurance.

really? why?

then again, most states have programs that gives away free birth control, yet why is it that so many chose not to use it? How do we get a single mother with eight kids living off welfare?

maybe we should declare those on welfare with large family's as incompetent and have them adjusted so that they can not have more children till they are off welfare

Let's see...every insurance plan I was covered by had a drug payment plan associated with it. That RX plan payed for prescription drugs. Last time I looked, you needed a prescription to get birth control pills and/or BC patches. Also the implants need to be inserted by a doctor.

Want them not to be covered, make them available over the counter. Maybe not the implants, that could get messy.

As for condoms, last time I looked they weren't covered by any part of my insurance plan.