Effigy Old Muppet Joined Mar 8, 2003 Posts 3,590 Mar 13, 2003 #1 You know how all the texan farmers sued Oprah for turning people off beef? Well that av does a far more effective job than anything else I can trhink of.
You know how all the texan farmers sued Oprah for turning people off beef? Well that av does a far more effective job than anything else I can trhink of.
SweetCherry Sex Dork Joined Dec 20, 2000 Posts 13,358 Mar 13, 2003 #2 Does that mena you don't want any more steaks at ungodly hours?
Effigy Old Muppet Joined Mar 8, 2003 Posts 3,590 Mar 13, 2003 #3 So long as that av stays away My god