Question about sex


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
Do people really have multiple sex sessions consecutively (or just about consecutively) in one night? I've once done this and honestly cannot imagine having the energy (sexual, mental, whatever) to go at it several times in one stretch. I go for the bang in one go and find myself to be very satisfied - and thus there is no more reason to keep going at it and going at it. In fact, the reality of so much sex is exhausting to me in more than a physical or mental sense. In some ways, it is spiritually (for lack of a better word) exhausting - one orgasm after another is more hollow than fulfilling...additionally, too much sex, for me, just seems indulgent and needlessly excessive.

Getting back to my original question - for those of you who do go at it all night - How do you manage it? From where do you get the energy and the desire?
Vanilla Coke. It fuels my orgies and my mid-term papers due the next day.
freakygurl said:
it's all a myth

Don't believe anyone that says they can do it. They lie.

Really? I need to know. It's a mystery that has intrigued me for a long time.
Some people fuck all night, for hours on end and love every minute of it.

As long as you're happy with where you're at sexually? nothing else matters. :) *coughs*
Olivianna said:
Do people really have multiple sex sessions consecutively (or just about consecutively) in one night? I've once done this and honestly cannot imagine having the energy (sexual, mental, whatever) to go at it several times in one stretch. I go for the bang in one go and find myself to be very satisfied - and thus there is no more reason to keep going at it and going at it. In fact, the reality of so much sex is exhausting to me in more than a physical or mental sense. In some ways, it is spiritually (for lack of a better word) exhausting - one orgasm after another is more hollow than fulfilling...additionally, too much sex, for me, just seems indulgent and needlessly excessive.

Getting back to my original question - for those of you who do go at it all night - How do you manage it? From where do you get the energy and the desire?

Wow....good question. Sex is usually about being "over-indulgent" and "excessive". When I am in the mood for a "marathon", it is just one of those nights where I have more engery at 1:00 AM than I did at 2:00 PM. Things just go on and on and on. Having a beautiful woman in my bed wanting sex is like a brand new Christmas toy. You'll play and play and play until mom makes you stop and go to bed.

Women, fortunately, don't have breakable plastic parts and you "generally" don't get as tired of them as you do the toy!

Hopefully, one day each of you will meet someone who really turns your crank.
"You think? You don't know?

Vanilla coke is bad for you."

As I understand her definition, I have.
Vanilla Coke loves me.
Well, not multiple sessions but...

I used to have all-night interludes every time. We would excite each other to a certain point and then pull back to calm down and then start over again (he had marvelous control) so our love-making would last 3-4 hours every night. We would have a long build-up that culminated in only one orgasm per evening.

I always smile when I hear other people complaining that "it" is over in a couple of minutes or a half hour. Having sex like that wasn't exactly a test of endurance although I guess we both had a great deal of stamina. I liken it to a comparison between a sprint and a marathon. Instead of going all out for a short distance, we paced ourselves for a longer duration.
Re: Re: Question about sex

Cougar180 said:
Wow....good question. Sex is usually about being "over-indulgent" and "excessive". When I am in the mood for a "marathon", it is just one of those nights where I have more engery at 1:00 AM than I did at 2:00 PM. Things just go on and on and on. Having a beautiful woman in my bed wanting sex is like a brand new Christmas toy. You'll play and play and play until mom makes you stop and go to bed.


I recently had this experience... He said I was his Disneyland!

Olivianna said:
... indulgent and needlessly excessive.

I think that's what appeals to me about all-night sessions, or staying in bed with a lover all weekend long.

Hedonistically yours,

I've been with men who fucked all night...and with men who were completely exhausted after one go.

Those nights when we just can't get enough of each other, and touching just feels SO good, you almost have to have it to continue breathing...those are the nights when marathons aren't just lots of sex. They are simply not being able to stop! :)

But once in a while, just the one time is more than enough. I know several guys like that. depends on the depth of caring, the relationship, and the connection on all levels. But yes, it is very possible.

Heres all you need to do:

Workout out about six days a week. Do a combnation of weights and aerobics. Get your body fat down below 20%. Eat a diet high in protein and a lot of fruit. Take a good multi vitamin and the proper suppliments.


Go online fork out about a 100 bucks for some Viagra.


Just roll over and go to sleep and be happy with what you got.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question about sex

msmuffett66 said:
The matterHORN!

Good ride!, I mean. ;)

I prefer to think of myself as that spinning ride where the floor drops out on you. All woosy afterwards and happy you went on it.

Ah - let me clarify - it isn't so much that I'm into get it over with. I do enjoy taking my time. Yes, it is really the question of going at it for hours, orgasm after orgasm. Thanks, though, to those who have answered. I guess it all has to do with drive and a ton of other things. Sometimes I think it would be fun to go at it all night, but once I've been satisfied (read: orgasm) then I'm pretty disinterested in the all-night prospect. Fortunately for me, my partner and I are on the same page regarding this matter.

Hoping to be More Sexually Hedonistic Some Day (At Least To Give It a Try),
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question about sex

Cougar180 said:
Good ride!, I mean. ;)

I prefer to think of myself as that spinning ride where the floor drops out on you. All woosy afterwards and happy you went on it.


Going for it... gotta love that attitude!

Olivianna said:
Do people really have multiple sex sessions consecutively (or just about consecutively) in one night? I've once done this and honestly cannot imagine having the energy (sexual, mental, whatever) to go at it several times in one stretch. I go for the bang in one go and find myself to be very satisfied - and thus there is no more reason to keep going at it and going at it. In fact, the reality of so much sex is exhausting to me in more than a physical or mental sense. In some ways, it is spiritually (for lack of a better word) exhausting - one orgasm after another is more hollow than fulfilling...additionally, too much sex, for me, just seems indulgent and needlessly excessive.

Getting back to my original question - for those of you who do go at it all night - How do you manage it? From where do you get the energy and the desire?

People do, however it is not a nightly occurance. It is usually special occasions, like being together after a long separation or just that time of the month when the libido is in overdrive. In terms of consecutively, it is really a matter of what you enjoy. There are times when it is wonderful to have one session of long, satisfying lovemaking. Then there are times when you just want to fuck like crazy, over and over again. When you can't get enough of your lover and want to consume them. It can be exhausting, but very gratifying. Fuck, sleep, fuck some more, snuggle, sleep, wake up all tingly, fuck some more. Spending the whole of the night in small bursts and having nowhere to go the next day and nothing to do but sleep. Energy feeds on itself, the more you expend the more you have. The desire stems from the joy you find in your lover and he/she in you. It is indulgent, yet so is taking the time to have one long session of lovemaking that satisfies not body and the soul. Needlessly excessive? I don't know, it can be so powerful and lovely to know that your desire for another and theirs for you is such that you want more and more, to the point you fall exhausted into each others arms. I don't think it makes it hollow or any less meaningful. In some ways, it is even more so.
Never said:
Prince Romeo, I do none of the above.

Well, it was supposed to be a bit of a joke.

But I do the first one and I can go all night long and I can orgasm more than once. And I'm a man. Are you?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question about sex

msmuffett66 said:
Going for it... gotta love that attitude!


it always helps to put some inspirational music in the CD something from footloose or the Rocky soundtracks! You get that whole...I can do it attitude. Next thing you know...birds are chirpping and it's time for eggs and bacon.

Yes, but I reserve the right to say otherwise at any place or time.