Purrde, are you shitting me?

a friend of my brother sold his EQ character for 3 grande. this was 2 years ago.
So... do you think a person could make a living playing this game?
it takes literally hundreds of hours of game time to get a character to the point where you can sell it for that much. i doubt the hours to $$ ratio is as impressive as the total amount.
Hey Sandia...pssst...c'mere....I got these cool dodecagonial dice from the 1970's I'll let go for only $3700usd...interested?
I thought we were talking about a car...this is about Everquest...

Make an Ever Madden....then I'll play...and I'm holding out until I get a fat signing bonus...
Even if it took only 10 hours, if you could sell it for $1000, that's still only $10/hr.

But if it's fun, and you could even make $5/hr for it, it's better than not getting paid.
Laurel said:
Even if it took only 10 hours, if you could sell it for $1000, that's still only $10/hr.

But if it's fun, and you could even make $5/hr for it, it's better than not getting paid.

I'm learning about bullies in developmental psych. Good thing you're not in school now Laurel. They throw rocks at the smart kids. BIG rocks.
Laurel said:
Even if it took only 10 hours, if you could sell it for $1000, that's still only $10/hr.

But if it's fun, and you could even make $5/hr for it, it's better than not getting paid.

checks math quickly... WOW that Laurel is pretty smart sometimes! :rolleyes:

AHEM! Circles answer with a red pencil, and hands paper back to Little Laurel.

Laurel said:
Even if it took only 10 hours, if you could sell it for $1000, that's still only $10/hr.

But if it's fun, and you could even make $5/hr for it, it's better than not getting paid.

Your math buddy says $1000 divided by 10 is $100 per hour. :)
Fucking hell.

I was wondering why I had so many twenties in my wallet.

Laurel said:
Okay, okay...so it's 100 hours at $10/hour.


That would be Ms. Smartie Pants.

At least, after Halloween when I go back to my normal title. :D