Literotica's system won't allow "retro" paragraph style.


Aug 9, 2021
Shows how old I am, having grown up during the tail end of the typewriter era, indenting all the paragraphs in my stories with the tab button. Literotica's software won't allow that, automatically left-justifying all the paragraphs in my stories. And, like many forty-somethings, it took me a while to realize that two spaces after a period was no longer acceptable, just one. I also hate how many younger poets are center-justifying all their poems, like: Roses are red
Violets are blue
Fucking a whore for a hundred bucks
Instead of you
Shows how old I am, having grown up during the tail end of the typewriter era, indenting all the paragraphs in my stories with the tab button. Literotica's software won't allow that, automatically left-justifying all the paragraphs in my stories. And, like many forty-somethings, it took me a while to realize that two spaces after a period was no longer acceptable, just one. I also hate how many younger poets are center-justifying all their poems, like: Roses are red
Violets are blue
Fucking a whore for a hundred bucks
Instead of you
Yeah. Nobody here cares. :)

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
Fucking a whore for a hundred bucks
Instead of you​
That's how I would have formatted it.. Toggle the BB code and make corrections from there..
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