Purely transactional?


Invisible exhibitionist
Mar 17, 2008
I happened upon a news story this morning, and it set off a flurry of questions for me. The content of the headline Woman puts baby up for adoption after sperm donor lied about his ethnicity is of little interest to me. The story in the headline can be summarized as a married woman feared having another child with her husband because of a potential genetic defect, so she sought a sperm donor who was a Japanese man with a fancy university education. She got pregnant, but she later found out that he was Chinese, married, and didn't go to the fancy college. She gave birth, put the baby up for adoption, and is suing the sperm donor for almost $3 million. I am not concerned with the lying, the ethnicity issue, the education matter, or the putting the baby up for adoption. I am more interested in the fact that she and the donor had sex ten times before she got pregnant.

Ten times! I'd love more details. According to an article in Japanese media, the husband arranged the hook-ups with this particular fellow to have sexual intercourse with his wife, so it wasn't a case of her sneaking around behind his back. There had to have been arrangements that they were all comfortable with. Did they do it at his place, and did she go home to hubby where they had fingers crossed that she was impregnated? Did she get a not-pregnant result from a test and then go back again? Did this happen until she got pregnant after the tenth boink?

Maybe the husband went to a bar while the guy banged his wife on their bed. Maybe they did it in a hotel. I have to assume it was in some place comfortable due to the intention of conception. I mean, you wouldn't have a quickie in the backseat of a car if you wanted to get pregnant, not that you couldn't, of course. You would want the time and place to be conducive somehow.

I also wish I knew more about how this all played out. The woman was under no illusion that she would be having sex with a strange guy chosen on the internet. She was a willing participant in this. What was their sex like? Did they remain 90% dressed while they managed to fuck, or did they get naked? Was there foreplay of some sort to get her lubed up and receptive? Sex experts seemed to be mixed on whether a woman's orgasm helps to get her pregnant, but I wouldn't be shocked if she (and maybe her husband) believed it would help. Once the donor made his donation, did he put his pants back on and wish her good luck and then wait for the next call?

I wish I knew what she wanted the sex to be like and what it actually was like. Did she just plan to lie back and let the guy bone her and then continue her daily errands after he jizzed in her? Did she plan to lie back impassively but then find herself getting into it? This happened ten times...did she have any orgasms? One? Did she get all sorts of worked up and then go home to finish boning with her husband in a condom? So many questions!
I happened upon a news story this morning, and it set off a flurry of questions for me. The content of the headline Woman puts baby up for adoption after sperm donor lied about his ethnicity is of little interest to me. The story in the headline can be summarized as a married woman feared having another child with her husband because of a potential genetic defect, so she sought a sperm donor who was a Japanese man with a fancy university education. She got pregnant, but she later found out that he was Chinese, married, and didn't go to the fancy college. She gave birth, put the baby up for adoption, and is suing the sperm donor for almost $3 million. I am not concerned with the lying, the ethnicity issue, the education matter, or the putting the baby up for adoption. I am more interested in the fact that she and the donor had sex ten times before she got pregnant.

Ten times! I'd love more details. According to an article in Japanese media, the husband arranged the hook-ups with this particular fellow to have sexual intercourse with his wife, so it wasn't a case of her sneaking around behind his back. There had to have been arrangements that they were all comfortable with. Did they do it at his place, and did she go home to hubby where they had fingers crossed that she was impregnated? Did she get a not-pregnant result from a test and then go back again? Did this happen until she got pregnant after the tenth boink?

Maybe the husband went to a bar while the guy banged his wife on their bed. Maybe they did it in a hotel. I have to assume it was in some place comfortable due to the intention of conception. I mean, you wouldn't have a quickie in the backseat of a car if you wanted to get pregnant, not that you couldn't, of course. You would want the time and place to be conducive somehow.

I also wish I knew more about how this all played out. The woman was under no illusion that she would be having sex with a strange guy chosen on the internet. She was a willing participant in this. What was their sex like? Did they remain 90% dressed while they managed to fuck, or did they get naked? Was there foreplay of some sort to get her lubed up and receptive? Sex experts seemed to be mixed on whether a woman's orgasm helps to get her pregnant, but I wouldn't be shocked if she (and maybe her husband) believed it would help. Once the donor made his donation, did he put his pants back on and wish her good luck and then wait for the next call?

I wish I knew what she wanted the sex to be like and what it actually was like. Did she just plan to lie back and let the guy bone her and then continue her daily errands after he jizzed in her? Did she plan to lie back impassively but then find herself getting into it? This happened ten times...did she have any orgasms? One? Did she get all sorts of worked up and then go home to finish boning with her husband in a condom? So many questions!

I'm kinda shocked they didn't do a background check on the guy just to make sure... or at least provide some credentials that would validate his claim!

And you would think that after 10 times you would have talked some... possibly been able to catch him in a lie if that happened.. or maybe it was just a bang and leave?

Many many questions.... to bad there isn't anything with her side of the story... or that would be fun to go get🤔
Interesting story. Hope the baby gets a good home as it is the only totally "innocent" person in the story.

Would it be better or worse if she just lay there and took it like a champ? For her husband? For the sperm donor? Sounds cold and clinical. Did hubby arrange it under the pretense of baby making but just wanted to watch his "trusting" wife get fucked by someone else?

I would chose 10 sessions multiple orgasms, and much fun for all involved. Why not. Life is short. But then I am just a simple squirrel with a large nut in his mouth.

Another question. Do they really expect to get almost $3M out of this dude they obviously knew nothing about? But maybe they did know. Maybe it's a husband and wife conspiracy to bag $3M from a rich guy. Make a great TV melodrama. And as the sperm donor was married, can the couple get the money from the divorce settlement? So many questions.

Loving Google translator, by the way.
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I wonder if the donor made any attempt to get her off if she were determined to just lie there like a starfish and go through the motions. He was already fucking her, so unless he merely wanted to blow his load, he might also want to have more fun with it. I bet he'd like to get her at least to the point of her making him promise not to tell her husband how into it she got.
I wonder how a Japanese woman can fuck someone 10x and not notice they are not also Japanese. There are clear differences in features.
I wonder how a Japanese woman can fuck someone 10x and not notice they are not also Japanese. There are clear differences in features.

This! And, as someone else pointed out, it seems rather naif on the couple's part not to have checked the desired requirements (a due diligence so to speak)

Indeed your insights are intriguing, BongoGal ... an incredible hint for a possibly successful erotic story: one you may want to write?
Indeed your insights are intriguing, BongoGal ... an incredible hint for a possibly successful erotic story: one you may want to write?
It would have to be an epic, multi-chapter collection. There would have to be a chapter for every donation date, and there would need to be a premise-setting intro chapter and at least one or more for the pregnancy, outraged discovery, and resulting trial. Also, unless lots of info comes out, it would also have to be very fictionalized. It would have to be at least partly comedic, I think. Maybe it would make for a better TV-MA limited series on Netflix.
I wonder how a Japanese woman can fuck someone 10x and not notice they are not also Japanese. There are clear differences in features.
This is purely a guess on my part, but I would not be at all shocked to learn that in Japan, being labeled Chinese can easily mean having one Chinese grandparent, or less lineage than that. I bet that he looked Japanese enough to pass.
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Happens here in the US too.

I heard a story just last year about websites devoted to finding co-parents for unmarried would be parents. I guess it's a whole trend now. You go online, find someone with similar ideas about your respective co-parent roles and values, then you arrange to get pregnant. Apparently a lot still use in vitro, but 'natural conception' is increasingly common. The two people the story focused on went that route. Got together and had sex until she got pregnant.

The story didn't dwell on the sex, or the mechanics, obviously. Shame. I also have questions.
Who has sex with the same skank 10 times is what you should be asking. Kick that worn out pussy to the curb like any other muh fucker.
Well I'm afraid the OP quickly lost me with "... I am not concerned with the lying, ..."

I would then have to ask if, in any business transaction - much less one with the incredible significance and importance of this one - she herself would be equally as unconcerned with the seller lying to her about the nature, quality and origins of the product?

If you are "...not concerned with the lying,..." and you so completely fail to do even basic due diligence prior to purchase (and after multiple inspections), then how can you possibly justify a lawsuit?

The funny part here (for me) is the obsession by the OP and some respondents with hubby's location and the quantity, quality, position, etc., of the sex. WTF?? "The court finds for the defendant, since, while he totally misrepresented all aspects of the product, the delivery was rather spectacular."

This wasn't a used car deal. So I'm not sure we can just smile, declare caveat emptor, and then gleefully delve into the kinky aspects of the whole sordid story. Could be time for a bit of social introspection here, sportsfans.
Well I'm afraid the OP quickly lost me with "... I am not concerned with the lying, ..."

I would then have to ask if, in any business transaction - much less one with the incredible significance and importance of this one - she herself would be equally as unconcerned with the seller lying to her about the nature, quality and origins of the product?
Perhaps it would have been easier for you to grasp what I was saying if I had phrased things a bit differently. I suppose I could have said, "There may well be a legal justification to use the courts to seek monetary damages in this case, but here on Lit I would like to discuss the salacious aspects of the arrangement." Better?

To the extent that I have enough info to understand it, one aspect of the lawsuit that I'd like to see discussed in court is the litigant's charge that the donor "was giving false information for the purpose of obtaining sexual pleasure..." I suspect that no one is going to allege that the donor did not obtain sexual pleasure from the repeated acts of sexual intercourse. I mean, it would strain credulity to argue while he managed to become erect, his ejaculations were merely businesslike exchanges of bodily fluids devoid of pleasure on his part. If I were in the donor's shoes, I might be tempted to testify without fear of contradiction that while I did obtain sexual pleasure from the sex acts, the recipient received as much or more sexual pleasure than I did. If I were him I'd suggest that it took ten 'sessions' because she enjoyed the sex so much. If this were perjury, then who could prove it?
I would be glad to engage in sperm for hire if there are any takers??

after the ten sessions I would then reveal, ohhhh, you mean a vasectomy negates my sperm? How was I to know? :eek::eek:
after the ten sessions I would then reveal, ohhhh, you mean a vasectomy negates my sperm? How was I to know?
It might be amusing to discover that in the actual case, she only got pregnant during the tenth session because that was the time his secret condom broke.
…donation date...
Epic. Lol
This is purely a guess on my part, but I would not be at all shocked to learn that in this Japan, being labeled Chinese can easily mean having one Chinese grandparent, or less lineage than that. I bet that he looked Japanese enough to pass.
And spoke flawless, unaccented, educated Japanese.
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me nine more times... you're right to be asking such questions, BG!
How many seasons are you planning? I'm hooked already!
I see it as a mini-series, perhaps limited to one episode per attempted donation. Until the desired pregnancy is achieved, each episode could end on a negative pregnancy test. 'To be continued...' Unless genuine source material turned up to inform what actually happened, I'd be forced to let my salacious imagination fill in the gaps, so to speak. I imagine that the husband and wife are both very good-looking, and the 'donor' less so, although he's more masculine than the husband. I picture the husband and the donor shaking hands and both agreeing that this is purely transactional and that their marriage is safe. After kissing his wife good luck, the husband goes away for the afternoon to leave the wife and donor to make a baby. I see the first attempted donation being business-like to an extent. Even though later episodes will become notorious for their graphic nudity, the first might see the two participants keeping as clothed as possible. Nerves on her part might make things difficult at first, but some handy lube might make the business of coitus possible. That's when the viewer sees her face and her struggle to remain a simple receptacle to his sperm. Through her straining to maintain composure, definite hints of physical pleasure leak through. Eventually, the donor ejaculates and then dutifully gets dressed, bows to her, and leaves. She treats him brusquely as if he had simply been a delivery driver who had dropped off some take-out food. When she is alone, however, we see that she is now extremely frustrated sexually after getting terribly aroused but not having an orgasm. Her husband comes home, and he gingerly asks how it went. She tells him that with luck, they'll soon have a baby. To his surprise (and perhaps discomfort), she wants to have sex with the husband, partly to reassure him that she still wants him sexually, but mostly because the donor left her horny as hell. The sex is not what she was hoping for, though. We can see on her face and in images of her imagination that the donor was more sexually satisfying (probably more hung) than her husband. Flash forward a week or so...negative test. Try again soon.

I see later episodes having the wife and donor agreeing that the desired sperm and egg meet-up might be helped if she let herself get more into it. Once she allows herself to allow and admit pleasure, nudity with the donor becomes casual, and orgasms are easy to come by. Maybe things become wilder with episode after episode. What sex position will they try this week? Rumors will fly that the on-screen sex isn't being simulated. The producers will maintain that it's all acting and camera angles, but it's so real that the rumors persist.
What a great thread for a classic over thinker circle to find common ground. Kudos
Well I'm afraid the OP quickly lost me with "... I am not concerned with the lying, ..."

I would then have to ask if, in any business transaction - much less one with the incredible significance and importance of this one - she herself would be equally as unconcerned with the seller lying to her about the nature, quality and origins of the product?

If you are "...not concerned with the lying,..." and you so completely fail to do even basic due diligence prior to purchase (and after multiple inspections), then how can you possibly justify a lawsuit?

The funny part here (for me) is the obsession by the OP and some respondents with hubby's location and the quantity, quality, position, etc., of the sex. WTF?? "The court finds for the defendant, since, while he totally misrepresented all aspects of the product, the delivery was rather spectacular."

This wasn't a used car deal. So I'm not sure we can just smile, declare caveat emptor, and then gleefully delve into the kinky aspects of the whole sordid story. Could be time for a bit of social introspection here, sportsfans.
After this, Buscando never posted on Literotica again.