Prince Albert…worth it?


Jun 24, 2017
Curious to hear from both men who have gotten the infamous piercing, how was the experience, pros and cons, health or infection concerns…
As well as the women who have experienced it inside them. Considering doing it myself
The decision to get a Prince Albert piercing is a personal one that depends on individual preferences and comfort levels. There are pros and cons to consider:

- It can enhance sexual pleasure and sensitivity for some individuals.
- It is considered an erotic piercing that some find aesthetically appealing.
- When appropriately healed, it can be a low-maintenance piercing.

- The piercing process can be quite painful, and healing can take several months.
- There are risks of infection, scarring, and other complications.
- It may interfere with certain sexual activities or make urination more difficult for some.
- It can be challenging to conceal or remove, which may concern some people.

Ultimately, there is no universally accepted "yay" or "nah" - it simply comes down to what the individual is comfortable with and what aligns with their preferences. It's advisable to consult a reputable, experienced piercer to discuss the process, risks, and considerations before deciding.

From my wife's personal experience, it never added anything to her pleasure. She had a boyfriend, who had PA piercing; It made it difficult for her sometimes, when she was down there. The piercing kept banging on her teeth.
It's probably the easiest piercing to get. The skin is pretty thin and not as sensitive to being pierced as you might think. I didn't have any issue with healing. Follow the advice of your piercer and it should heal up with no complications. Sex was off the table for a few weeks I think. Once you do have sex for the first time you might find heightened sensitivity and a more euphoric feeling than you've had during sex. It's a nice feeling though it won't last so enjoy it while you can. The biggest con I've found is that urinating can be messy if you're standing up. The piercing gets in the way of the stream and it's a bit of a crap shoot where it's going to end up. As for my lovers/gf's I asked them all at some point (4 since I got the piercing) and only one could feel it and it wasn't an off-putting sensation.