Posting stories with under18 sex scenes


Jul 25, 2020
Today I found a story that was about sex with a boy who was specifically stated as being 17. How did this get through scrutiny? is there a different rule for me and women. I reported the story several hours ago but so far no action has been taken. I won't name the story here as I want as few people as possible to read it. if a story mod wants to know then they can contact me directly.
There are no story mods here. Just one submissions editor, who operates on the story side. And there being only one story submissions editor and some 100 stories processed through here every day of the year, you should be able to recognize that rule breaks get through occasionally. When you see this and want to challenge it, there is a report button at the bottom left of the last page of the story. That's where to report it; not here.
I think things like this should be posted here. That way all the people who have had a story unfairly kicked back can see just how seriously the 'rules' here are taken and enforced.
Today I found a story that was about sex with a boy who was specifically stated as being 17. How did this get through scrutiny? is there a different rule for me and women. I reported the story several hours ago but so far no action has been taken. I won't name the story here as I want as few people as possible to read it. if a story mod wants to know then they can contact me directly.
Give it time. The site editor might be asleep!

If you've reported it, it will be in Laurel's queue to process.
There are no story mods here. Just one submissions editor, who operates on the story side. And there being only one story submissions editor and some 100 stories processed through here every day of the year, you should be able to recognize that rule breaks get through occasionally. When you see this and want to challenge it, there is a report button at the bottom left of the last page of the story. That's where to report it; not here.
I used the report button that was with the story but no action was taken. it is still there 24 hours after i reported it.
I think things like this should be posted here. That way all the people who have had a story unfairly kicked back can see just how seriously the 'rules' here are taken and enforced.
To be fair, it was probably not intentional, but it does raise the question of the whole approving process once again. Assuming that what everyone thinks here is true, that Laurel+software is the only moderator of stories, I suppose she would rather let some stories slip than change the whole system. I would just ask for more transparency once again, as we are assuming so many things here, while we don't actually know anything for a fact. Maybe she has her reasons to keep us all in the dark, maybe she thinks if the system was publicly known, more people would try to find ways to abuse it, but still...
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I wonder when the story was accepted. Not to condone underage, but it seems like the approving process has changed over the years. Could this have been a blast from the past?

My reaction, too. The standards were more lax in the old days.

As for the OP: Laurel, the site owner, is the point person on this, and she cannot always respond immediately, so just wait. In any event, it's up to her to decide, so it's not something the rest of us need to worry about.
In answer to one of the first questions, there are certainly not different standards for men and women. This is either an old story (standards change) or else it just slipped through by accident.
To be fair, it was probably not intentional, but it does raise the question of the whole approving process once again. Assuming that what everyone thinks here is true, that Laurel+software is the only moderator of stories, I suppose she would rather let some stories slip than change the whole system. I would just ask for more transparency once again, as we are assuming so many things here, while we don't actually know anything for a fact. Maybe she has her reasons to keep us all in the dark, maybe she thinks if the system was publicly known, more people would try to find ways to abuse it, but still...
I accept the reality there's a lot of stories here, and things will fall through.
However, I get tired of all the self righteous squealing about how against under age this site is, yet they won't pay anyone to help properly screen stories, have some type of program that will toss a story for things like "My fifteen year old dog" but is useless for anything more subtle and often times can't catch "I sucked his dick at 16" but boots my first example.

Although not underage, a better example of their "rules" is they don't want actual rape stories. But someone is looking for feedback for a story called I want to be raped. Now even if its fantasy and not actual rape in the story, how is it that something you say you don't allow can be used in a title or tag? The program can't catch a title like that and ask it to be changed?

Or is it that people who enjoy rape stories search for that word and lit wants traffic?

Just tired of people acting like this site has some type of ethics or morality, and that there is an actual effort to enforce any of their wink wink rules.
I accept the reality there's a lot of stories here, and things will fall through.
However, I get tired of all the self righteous squealing about how against under age this site is, yet they won't pay anyone to help properly screen stories, have some type of program that will toss a story for things like "My fifteen year old dog" but is useless for anything more subtle and often times can't catch "I sucked his dick at 16" but boots my first example.

Although not underage, a better example of their "rules" is they don't want actual rape stories. But someone is looking for feedback for a story called I want to be raped. Now even if its fantasy and not actual rape in the story, how is it that something you say you don't allow can be used in a title or tag? The program can't catch a title like that and ask it to be changed?

Or is it that people who enjoy rape stories search for that word and lit wants traffic?

Just tired of people acting like this site has some type of ethics or morality, and that there is an actual effort to enforce any of their wink wink rules.
I agree on many points, yet still, it bugs me that we don't actually know for sure that it's the software that causes slip ups like this... It leads to too much guessing and maybe that is exactly where Laurel wants us, so I am always asking for the approval process to be more transparent for us. Once again, I accept that she can run her site however she feels like, but I will still keep asking HOW exactly is it being run. Somehow, all the hush-hush about it makes me feel like she wants us to be in the dark, because every time we make a certain point, it is weighed down by the whole uncertainty of how exactly the whole system works...
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I agree on all the points, yet still, it bugs me that we don't actually know for sure that it's the software that causes slip ups like this... It leads to too much guessing and maybe that is exactly where Laurel wants us, so I am always asking for the approval process to be more transparent for us. Once again, I accept that she can run her site however she feels like, but I will still keep asking HOW exactly is it being run. Somehow, all the hush-hush about it makes me feel like she wants us to be in the dark, because every time we make a certain point, it is weighed down by the whole uncertainty of how exactly the whole system works...

Why does it matter? What hush-hush? What more could be done?

I don't understand the concern about this issue. The under-18 issue has never struck me as difficult to understand or navigate if one just pays attention. There is exactly one person acting as the gatekeeper of a hundred or more stories that get published every day. Of course, there will be some variability in how the rule is applied. But so what? If a few stories slip by now and then, why does anyone care? I'm baffled by the hand-wringing over this issue.

Sometimes it doesn't help to say more to explain a rule, because then everything one says becomes an additional issue one has to consider in administering the rule. It may make Laurel's job MORE complicated rather than less. I imagine that's why she declines to say more on the subject. From her point of view, the present statement of the rule suits her application of it just fine.
Why does it matter? What hush-hush? What more could be done?

I don't understand the concern about this issue. The under-18 issue has never struck me as difficult to understand or navigate if one just pays attention. There is exactly one person acting as the gatekeeper of a hundred or more stories that get published every day. Of course, there will be some variability in how the rule is applied. But so what? If a few stories slip by now and then, why does anyone care? I'm baffled by the hand-wringing over this issue.

Sometimes it doesn't help to say more to explain a rule, because then everything one says becomes an additional issue one has to consider in administering the rule. It may make Laurel's job MORE complicated rather than less. I imagine that's why she declines to say more on the subject. From her point of view, the present statement of the rule suits her application of it just fine.
What do you mean what hush-hush? When I asked that question some time ago, I was shocked to learn that even prolific authors that have been here for 10, 15 years or even longer have no idea how exactly the process works. There are only assumptions. I also refuse to believe that there is no way to improve the system when it comes to the issues we raised here. Some of the stories get held back for the silliest reasons and some stories containing stuff that is very much against the rules get published. It is definitely not an issue that makes me or anyone else bang the head against the wall, but still, why would anyone refuse the possibility of improvement, if it's possible? Personally, for me it just sucks not knowing why and how. I am not really demanding anything, or banging my fist against the table, but just asking if it was possible to make the process more transparent for us who write and upload the stories. I don't think I am asking for much and even a simple I can't/won't disclose anything from Laurel would be ok for me on some level.
What do you mean what hush-hush? When I asked that question some time ago, I was shocked to learn that even prolific authors that have been here for 10, 15 years or even longer have no idea how exactly the process works. There are only assumptions. I also refuse to believe that there is no way to improve the system when it comes to the issues we raised here. Some of the stories get held back for the silliest reasons and some stories containing stuff that is very much against the rules get published. It is definitely not an issue that makes me or anyone else bang the head against the wall, but still, why would anyone refuse the possibility of improvement, if it's possible? Personally, for me it just sucks not knowing why and how. I am not really demanding anything, or banging my fist against the table, but just asking if it was possible to make the process more transparent for us who write and upload the stories. I don't think I am asking for much and even a simple I can't/won't disclose anything from Laurel would be ok for me on some level.
My observations, from having been an author here for six years:

1. 95% of the questions people ask along the lines of "will the Site accept my story?" can be answered if one simply pays closer attention. Most of the people who ask the questions are newbies who have not spent enough time reading the rules. Read the rules, and pay attention to how the rules are administered, and keep an open mind. In at least 95% of the cases where people ask questions about the administration of the under-18 rule, the answer has seemed completely obvious to me.

2. There's one person doing the administration of the rule. That person's ability to spend extra time explaining the rule or clarifying the rule is limited. Changes and clarifications at this site in general come slowly. That's just the way it is, and given how it is owned and administered I don't know how much can be done about it. It seems reasonable to me to cut the site owner slack on this matter, since nothing really is at stake and she's the one (along with Manu) doing all the work.

3. I see no reason, based on anything I've seen over six years, to believe that the site is acting in bad faith. I think any such theories are unsubstantiated conspiracy thinking.

4. There is a downside to being transparent. The more one explains the application of gatekeeping rules the more one gives information to those who want to game them and get around them. This is true, for example, with respect to the "sweeps" process, and I can imagine it being true with respect to the under-18 rule, too.

5. The rule seems clear to me. No under-18 sexual content, period. You can say something like, "I lost my virginity when I was 17." But that's about it. This seems clear to me. If one takes the time to look at the site's explanations of the rule and some of the threads that have explained it, it's clear enough. What more transparency is needed? It seems to me that if Laurel has given us a clear rule, which I think she has, she's done enough. I'm not sure why we have any particular interest in knowing exactly how she handles the administration of the rule, as long as most of the time the results seem consistent with the rule, and in my experience in 95% of the cases the results DO seem consistent with the rule.

6. I think there ARE some content rules that are unclear, and that Laurel could clear up, like the contours of the non-con rule, but I think the under-18 rule is fairly clear, because it's sweeping and fairly absolute.

7. The Site could do a somewhat better job of putting all the content rules in one place and making them completely obvious to people, but since I've been here it has taken some steps to do that, so things are clearer than they used to be.

8. The rules have changed over time, and the application of the rules has tightened up. The Site also has taken some steps to go through its catalog and delete old stories that violate the current rules. So there's less inconsistency than there used to be.

1. I agree completely.

2. This is one of those assumptions I mentioned. We all assume she is doing the work alone. No one knows for sure. Even knowing that with certainty would give more strength to cutting the slack argument.

3. Once again, I agree fully.

4. I am not sure about this. Surely, those with malicious intentions to subvert a rule are a real minority. I don't think we need to know what the keywords the software is searching for are, or its algorithm. Knowing there is an actual software and just Laurel would be enough in a way.

On all other points I agree with you, except that I still prefer transparency. Also, it is good to hear that the website has been improving over time. I became an active member only recently, so I lack the perspective some of you have.
…so I take it @Ailsa_Craig has now learned it’s okay to wait a day before posting an arm-flapping thread here complaining about Laurel?
Year ago, Laurel made a post saying she was the only one who checked the stories through. She didn't trust others to do it her way. So yes, she has said she is the only editor here.
…so I take it @Ailsa_Craig has now learned it’s okay to wait a day before posting an arm-flapping thread here complaining about Laurel?
Certainly gave our resident conspiracy theorists a launching pad, though. (which folded right back on a point I made on anther thread.)
Year ago, Laurel made a post saying she was the only one who checked the stories through. She didn't trust others to do it her way. So yes, she has said she is the only editor here.
Thank you. You are the first person to confirm such a thing explicitly. One assumption less either way.
Thank you. You are the first person to confirm such a thing explicitly. One assumption less either way.
The first one you've seen apparently. This gets pointed out periodically. I think it's been less than three weeks since i cited Laurel on this.
The first one you've seen apparently. This gets pointed out periodically. I think it's been less than three weeks since i cited Laurel on this.

There were plenty of "I think" there, yours included, but no one had said anything like TxRad said in this thread, that Laurel herself confirmed how it works. Once again, I am glad I actually "know" now, instead of assuming or guessing.

There were plenty of "I think" there, yours included, but no one had said anything like TxRad said in this thread, that Laurel herself confirmed how it works. Once again, I am glad I actually "know" now, instead of assuming or guessing.
Yep, I've pointed to such a statement from Laurel before. And, no doubt, will have to do so again, as it understandably is a surprise to new posters that submissions here is a one-woman operation.
I had a story posted for years and then it vanished.

The problem was that it featured appentices, and they could be from 16 to 21 although I had assumed when writing 18 to 21 but wasn't specific.

I rewrote with adult post graduate management trainees - no problem.

I hadn't intended to breach the under 18 rule. It was unintentional but could have been seen as doing so. Now it doesn't.