Ponch wants everyone to have a safe weekend.


Literotica Guru
Nov 2, 2002
Ponch wants you to wear your seatbelts. Ponch doesn't want to see anyone speeding. If Ponch catches you speeding, Ponch will write you a ticket. If you rip that ticket up, Ponch will handcuff you. If you like being handcuffed, Ponch will take you home and dance you his sweet Latin Lambada of Love. Ponch also wants you to be nice to children and asks that you don't litter on our beautiful highways.
I like being handcuffed... and I love cops... but ya coulda picked a better looking one than Ponch.
Ya know, That 70s Show just kills me sometimes.

Are they smoking pot sometimes?
Ponch doesn't use drugs, Ponch is a role model. Ponch thinks the only drug we need is love, Latin love.
Ponch, Where's your blond partner, he's more my style ---- no offence. :)
Ponch's only partners are his bike and his love for this nation's great highways. Ponch is a solitary man.
Yeah, it seemed like they're passing a bowl around in some of those scenes.

Fez is Latin, right?

I saw him doing some wiggle dance with his pants down last night.

I thought I was going to die....
They never come right out and show it (the pipe) but they imply it, and their eyes give it away. That and the silly shit they say after smoking it.
Yeah, one time I saw billows of smoke in the background, my first clue.

Do you think Ponch's love dance is the same as what Fez was doing last night?

He was making a tattoo move or something...
Ponch doesn't have time to watch TV. Ponch is too busy keeping the highways safe and being a mentor to children. Ponch doesn't like this drug talk. Ponch wants the children to have a drug free future. Ponch must get the highways in shape quickly so Ponch has time to dance tonight.
Ponches tighty whiteys and polyester pants are too tight.. they are cutting the oxygen off to his brain :(

Either that or the string someone pulled on his back is stuck.
Ponch thinks driver safety is sexy. Ponch thinks teaching children moral lessons is dynomite. Ponch has had a hard days work keeping the highways safe and the children on target. Now Ponch will oil up and flex in preperation of Ponch's dance.
Ponch is tired. Ponch has to go to bed. Ponch must wake up early tomorrow and make the highways safe for the children. Ponch see Ponch writing many tickets tomorrow. Ponch wishes everybody sweet dreams. Ponch is looking forward to eating Ponch's special Juevos con Arroz tomorrow. Ponch knows that breakfast is the best way to start Ponch's day.