Looking for Loving Wives Story Where Wife Tells Husband She Wants/Deserves One Night/Weekend (A Hallpass)


Jul 3, 2021
There are some great stories here. I think I'm most fascinated with the stories where the wife tells the husband that she loves him, but she is going out on a date with someone and is planning on spending the night with her date. Sometimes the wife claims it's not cheating because she is telling the husband in advance. I'm looking for stories where the husband refuses to allow the behavior, but she goes anyway... Or, stories like Let's Zoom where a devoted wife and her lover approach her husband and tell the husband they are having an affair and that she isn't leaving min- she will still be his wife, but she will also keep her boytoy. I would prefer stories where the husband leaves & gets his revenge even if it's just the revenge of a life well spent. A story called "Let's Zoom" fits what I'm looking for perfectly. Bonus points if there are children involved and they take the mother's side and blame dad for breaking up the family. BTB Stories are great - I love the stories where the guy finds out about the affair and takes off with no warning too.

Titles I've read that meet these requirements:

Let's Zoom
My Wife Wants to Date Other Men - Tnicoll
Something Fishy - Shock and Awe
Fortune - oshaw
I'm a Bastard - GTO_Racer
Danny's Dilemma - Paptoad
Another Chance - DG Hear
February Sucks - GeorgeAnderson
Damaged Beyond Repait - hapmarried
That Which You Don't Have - sirsemega
How Are You - Vulcez
Business - StangStar06
Sticking It to Peggy - Just Plain Bob
Enforcing the Pre-Nup - qhml1
Are We Done? -
Betrayed - soul71
words - jezzaz
the evisceration - SemperAmare
security clearance - imhapless
Raine, On Her Parade - Sleeperyjim

Oh, when I search for stories, I always make sure to check the box "Most Popular" so I only get high-rated search results.

I look forward to some suggestions. Thanks!
The Sea Change by DTIVERSON
The Bridge, Where's Buster, and Jail Breaking by RichardGerald
Michelle and Matt by Ohio
He Used to Be My Idol by Cavigagurl
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Oh, when I search for stories, I always make sure to check the box "Most Popular" so I only get high-rated search results.

Many of the most awesome stories I've read didn't get "hot" ratings. Not everyone has good taste. So maybe try not checking that box occasionally.

In addition to doing what you're doing here, stating what you like and asking for recommendations - there may be keywords you can search for. (Not "tags", though they could be helpful too.)

Also, the people who listed your favorite stories as their favorite stories might steer you in the right direction.
Thanks. I appreciate the suggestions and advice.

I will say this...After reading a story I liked I will always check out that author's entire submission list and I frequently will read stories without an H attached. I believe the H is for stories rated 4.50 or higher and I've read many stories that were 4.x but under 4.5 and they were great.
Due to the malicious voting practice in Loving Wives, some darned fine stories get 3-star ratings. OTOH, there are enthusiast categories, also, where almost anything gets 4- or 5-stars.
Wonder if anyone knows what the average rating, is category-by-category?
Due to the malicious voting practice in Loving Wives, some darned fine stories get 3-star ratings. OTOH, there are enthusiast categories, also, where almost anything gets 4- or 5-stars.
Wonder if anyone knows what the average rating, is category-by-category?
Malicious voting practices? Oh wow...Please, do tell me what's it about.

I confess I have a hard time voting. If I love a story and it's going to be bookmarked as a favorite, that's an automatic 5. I've also given a 5 to a handful of stories that probably should have gotten a 4. Then I usually give 4s to stories that I liked, but are filled with errors, multiple references to someone in the story that they used the wrong name - that one really bewilders me. I'll also give 4 to stories that I like, but weren't anything special and 3s to stories that are probably written well, like no grammatical errors and that kind of stuff, but the story itself just didn't do it for me...although, I can recognize others would probably enjoy it. No one is going to love it... Then I give 1s to the disasters...I don't know if I've ever given a 2. If the story can't even warrant a 3 on my probably too generous grading scale, it's a 1 and I stand by that.

You've got me curious about these malicious voting practices... :LOL: That's too bad if people are intentionally voting too high or too low. I'm not saying my system is good...but it's honest and I stay consistent with it.
Malicious is a bad choice of terms. The LW is a tough group that many writers stay away from. You have the hardcores on both sides, willing cuckolds and BTB at all costs. They tend to get nasty in comments and the way they vote. It's like American politics, the two sides don't play well together!
Interesting. I need to stop reading LW stories. Many times I feel real, genuine sadness after reading some stories. Obviously, I'm imagining that I am the man in the story being betrayed, humiliated, abandoned and devastated and I honestly can feel it in my stomach for hours and hours! I am fine with the btb stories and equally fine with many of the stories when husband and wife reconcile. Unfortunately, so many of the stories about reconciliation are Men who are spineless even though the author didn't intend to make the husband that way. The only LW stories I absolutely detest are forced or willing cuckold husbands and the story ends with him still living that way.

My wife died when we were 33 and sadly, thinking of her being the bitch wife in the story can be so painful. In reality, she was everything I ever wanted...Thinking of letting another man pound away at her or even worse, watching it freely, or even worse than that being forced to watch when you've begged her not to do it.... Ugh.... I can't. I know many can and many want that lifestyle. Hey, that's their life to enjoy any way they want (within legal limits).
Interesting. I need to stop reading LW stories. Many times I feel real, genuine sadness after reading some stories. Obviously, I'm imagining that I am the man in the story being betrayed, humiliated, abandoned and devastated and I honestly can feel it in my stomach for hours and hours! I am fine with the btb stories and equally fine with many of the stories when husband and wife reconcile. Unfortunately, so many of the stories about reconciliation are Men who are spineless even though the author didn't intend to make the husband that way. The only LW stories I absolutely detest are forced or willing cuckold husbands and the story ends with him still living that way.

My wife died when we were 33 and sadly, thinking of her being the bitch wife in the story can be so painful. In reality, she was everything I ever wanted...Thinking of letting another man pound away at her or even worse, watching it freely, or even worse than that being forced to watch when you've begged her not to do it.... Ugh.... I can't. I know many can and many want that lifestyle. Hey, that's their life to enjoy any way they want (within legal limits).
Yeah Loving wives stories can take you thru all the emotions. That is why I enjoy them. It lets you feel it without have to go thru it. I am betting most of us would not share our spouses either.
Malicious is a bad choice of terms. The LW is a tough group that many writers stay away from. You have the hardcores on both sides, willing cuckolds and BTB at all costs. They tend to get nasty in comments and the way they vote. It's like American politics, the two sides don't play well together!
It is the best word. The comments drip with venom. I was once told to kill myself for writing "cuckold shit". There are many PROMINENT LW readers who in their comment outright say they are 1-voting a story they claim they haven't read but want to crush. They are on a crusade to drive what they call cuckold fiction out of LW entirely, as if it matters where an author posts their story.
The only LW stories I absolutely detest are forced or willing cuckold husbands and the story ends with him still living that way.
But do you read them and downvote them because you don't share the kink?

Ugh.... I can't. I know many can and many want that lifestyle. Hey, that's their life to enjoy any way they want (within legal limits).
It's fiction. I don't want to be a killer, but love crime novels. Of fucking course most normal married people wouldn't do any of this stuff.
It is the best word. The comments drip with venom. I was once told to kill myself for writing "cuckold shit". There are many PROMINENT LW readers who in their comment outright say they are 1-voting a story they claim they haven't read but want to crush. They are on a crusade to drive what they call cuckold fiction out of LW entirely, as if it matters where an author posts their story.
Then it should be Literoctia's responsibility to seperate the category into different classifications. If I come across a story I don't care for, I move on. No comments or votes. I understand there are wackos that post vitriol. They should be removed.
It is the best word. The comments drip with venom. I was once told to kill myself for writing "cuckold shit". There are many PROMINENT LW readers who in their comment outright say they are 1-voting a story they claim they haven't read but want to crush. They are on a crusade to drive what they call cuckold fiction out of LW entirely, as if it matters where an author posts their story.
"Kill yourself"?? Are you fucking kidding me? We all know this is a very "adult" website that includes a lot of X-Rated content, drug content, and severe violence at times...but those are in fictional stories. What that asshole did should not be tolerated and he should be banned from the website. That's crazy.
But do you read them and downvote them because you don't share the kink?

It's fiction. I don't want to be a killer, but love crime novels. Of fucking course most normal married people wouldn't do any of this stuff.
I absolutely would not downvote a story based on themes I didn't like or didn't share a particular kink. Not a chance. Anyone who does is a piece of shit in my mind. I am probably missing out on some good stories that I would enjoy simply because I often read the author's description of the story and make my decision whether to read it or not. If I start reading something because the description was totally vague as was the story title and then learn it's a theme/topic/whatever that I don't enjoy at all I will just stop reading it. That doesn't happen often, but it has happened.

I'm pretty sure I responded to a different thread on this forum where I tried to describe my voting...if anything, I am too generous with the ratings I give.

A while back I coined a term that I call the "Literotica Letdown". :LOL: Literotica is probably 95% or more amateur writers and I sincerely appreciate the effort people put into their work to provide you and me with some escape from reality, no matter how short that escape may be. Still, we all spend our valuable time reading these stories...getting invested in the characters and their emotions of many. It seems more often than not, stories here end with a big thud. Some are so bad that it absolutely ruins the entire story for me. Hey, I'm not out there submitting my own perfect stories for everyone to read and that's because I don't think I could be a good writer. Often, I get onto page 11 out of 12 of a story I've been enjoying just fine and the big reveal/retribution/reconciliation/etc. still hasn't arrived. Oooooh! I just started page 12 out of 12...I'm 1/3rd of the way through page 12 and finally! Here it comes! The tables are finally turned. This happens, that happens and the main character (male) grabs the hand of the woman he's dated twice and fallen in love with on page 10 and he says something cheesy and it's over. All of that build-up. All the descriptive scenes. All the minutia I gobbled up...and would gladly do it again if the ending didn't fucking suck so hard.

Oh, but wait...I might be in luck. I have arrived upon something no Literotica writer could live without. The Epilogue! Sweet... What? Oh, no! The author just rifled through the next 10 years of 7 people's lives in 18 sentences. I just experienced the Literotica Letdown once again. I have probably done a poor job explaining exactly what I mean by the Literotica Letdown (see? I can't write for shit!), but I'd think you must have experienced that devastatingly bad ending to an otherwise great story many times.

Again, could I do better? Probably not and that's why I wouldn't subject you to my nonsense. LOL Now, even with the Literotica Letdown, I'm giving 4 out of 5 stars. It had 5 stars written all over it until the ending.
There are some great stories here. I think I'm most fascinated with the stories where the wife tells the husband that she loves him, but she is going out on a date with someone and is planning on spending the night with her date. Sometimes the wife claims it's not cheating because she is telling the husband in advance. I'm looking for stories where the husband refuses to allow the behavior, but she goes anyway... Or, stories like Let's Zoom where a devoted wife and her lover approach her husband and tell the husband they are having an affair and that she isn't leaving min- she will still be his wife, but she will also keep her boytoy. I would prefer stories where the husband leaves & gets his revenge even if it's just the revenge of a life well spent. A story called "Let's Zoom" fits what I'm looking for perfectly. Bonus points if there are children involved and they take the mother's side and blame dad for breaking up the family. BTB Stories are great - I love the stories where the guy finds out about the affair and takes off with no warning too.

Titles I've read that meet these requirements:

Let's Zoom
My Wife Wants to Date Other Men - Tnicoll
Something Fishy - Shock and Awe
Fortune - oshaw
I'm a Bastard - GTO_Racer
Danny's Dilemma - Paptoad
Another Chance - DG Hear
February Sucks - GeorgeAnderson
Damaged Beyond Repait - hapmarried
That Which You Don't Have - sirsemega
How Are You - Vulcez
Business - StangStar06
Sticking It to Peggy - Just Plain Bob
Enforcing the Pre-Nup - qhml1
Are We Done? -
Betrayed - soul71
words - jezzaz
the evisceration - SemperAmare
security clearance - imhapless
Raine, On Her Parade - Sleeperyjim

Oh, when I search for stories, I always make sure to check the box "Most Popular" so I only get high-rated search results.

I look forward to some suggestions. Thanks!
Two stories by Fritz51 feature the five famous words east to find.
BigGuy33 wrote a couple as well.
Nick. I seem to like similar stories and like you do regular searches, also the more BTB type have a real effect on me and at times I leave Lit alone for a while! Anyway wanted to let you know I’m now reading your favourites - hope you don’t mind. Feel free to check out the favs in my profile there may be some you haven’t read. Cheers
Numerous times I have liked a story worth a 4 but it would hurt them so I dont vote. But... I just could not give a 5.

LW has grown on me with the simple understanding virtually all rise in score.

There are some mean awful people with nothing to add.
there are mean awful people who give good advice.

Ive gotten some real tips from awful people. I do not dismiss things because of tone.