please indulge me as i post some pictures and a quick question

bunny bondage

just cruisin' through
Oct 4, 2002
ok, i've got some pictures to show you! He had me dres up like a school girl for him, and since angelfire has very limited space, these are the chosen few pictures that i've decided to share! as always, the blue arrows point to a bruise that He gave me. (although why He just pointed out the one bruise is beyond me, there's clearly several!) these pictures were taken at the beginning of the night. there's a couple more interesting ones, but the roll that they're on isn't done yet. but i'll be sure to post them as soon as i get them developed! so here's a little intro into my life of debauchery! also included are some pictures He took of my back.

and ok, here's my question. it's about bruises. He beat me with the crop today REALLY BADLY. i was in tears. now don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining - but i do have a concern. here it is, a couple of hours later, and these funny little bruises are coming up. it's not one big bruise, it looks like i've got freckles of bruises on my ass. lots of little purple dots and the skin around them is red. since i'm new to the crop, and He's never taken it this far (how i LOVE the progression our little relationship is making!) i'm not sure if this is it?

oh, and p.s., be sure to tell me if the pics aren't working, if they are working, and what you think of them! ^_^
Angelfire took your pics down, I hate to tell you. They must be pretty racey for Angelfire to do that! You could upload them righ to the thread, that might be easier overall. If you need help with that, just let me know and I would be happy to.

Can't answer your question on the bruise, but it sounds as if some blood vessels were majorly broken. However, maybe some one else will have an answer for you.
stupid angelfire! stupid stupid stupid! they weren't even showing anything naughty! argh....i shall now begin the long proccess of posting them here. bah.

thanks for telling me, Chele! ^_^
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another goof post.....sorry.....but at least i'm upping my post count! :p

i was having trouble getting the images up.
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trying this one last time...i've made them into gifs, so i hope there's not much quality loss....
If you like, you can email them to me and I can see if I can post them here for you. PM me if you like to, and Ill send you my email. I'll be one for about an hour.
thanks a billion, Chele, but after making them tiny and grainy and generally not as good, i've managed to post them! thanks though! ^_^
Looks like ya got it to work! These look great! I don't think they are grainy, but uploading does change them slightly.
The pebbling in your brise sounds like capillary damage, nothing serious unless you've got "Spots" bigger than a fingertip. It'll all heal eventually, but those kind tend to take a little longer.
Answer a couple questions for me, do you still have any pain? Is it deep, like a bone bruise? What type of tip did the crop have on it?
it's just a regular leather tip, i'm afraid i don't know too much about crops since He's the first to ever use one on me.

*feels around to check* there's no pain, and the spots are tiny, no bigger than freckles. it's not a bone injury - it's on the fleshy part of my bottom. upon closer inspection, i realize that the skin is also raised, but this is probably the symptom of nothing more than a welt.
bunny bondage said:
and ok, here's my question. it's about bruises. He beat me with the crop today REALLY BADLY. i was in tears. now don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining - but i do have a concern. here it is, a couple of hours later, and these funny little bruises are coming up. it's not one big bruise, it looks like i've got freckles of bruises on my ass. lots of little purple dots and the skin around them is red. since i'm new to the crop, and He's never taken it this far (how i LOVE the progression our little relationship is making!) i'm not sure if this is it?

It's been normal for me with certain instruments, bunny. When the brush is used by Mistress it will leave lots of purple/red marks and the same freckling you mentioned. They disappeared way too quickly (several days at tops), and of course healed with no adverse effects that I can tell.
thanks for the medical advice, everyone, and you'll be glad to know that the freckle-bruises are already fading a bit. i'm glad there's a place where i can go to ask this kind of question!

and thank you, Richard, i'm glad you enjoyed! i'll be sure to post more when they're developed! ^_^
bunny bondage said:

and thank you, Richard, i'm glad you enjoyed! i'll be sure to post more when they're developed! ^_^

It was more then enjoyment
Nice pics bunny, I hang out in a schoolgirls fantasy on I know what all those schoolgirl uniforms look like. :)

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Gorgeous pics bondage bunny *s*

Thank you kindly for sharing with us. I hardly come over the bdsm board anymore...but nice to see the pics *s*
Damn, how cum I never went to school with any girls like that? Oh, yeah, all boys school... doh!