Please help me get rid of my online troll/stalker

Put him on ignore and leave him there. Problem solved.

I know that many of you like him whereas I'm not exactly popular on this site, but I'm hoping to ask you for a favor:

Please send him a few pm's, asking him to stop trolling me.
It's all been going on for about 8 months now, in the GB. He's relentless. Putting him on ignore is no longer helping, because I'm at the point when I get angry whenever I see that his posts follow mine.

He claims that he's trolling me because:
1.I'm a bigot who socializes with the worst "racists" in the GB. I'm insufferable to most posters, and the GB would be better off if I left the forum.
2.I'm a female impersonator (when in fact I already provided 5 pics. that show that I'm a woman).

I'm particularly disturbed by the sexual connotations of some of his posts (suggestive of anal sex, pics. with penises in different stages of erection, or tucked penises and so on) and by the fact that he keeps reposting my pics. in conjunction with creepy comments.

It was suggested to me to "either grow a thick skin and put him on ignore + stop whining about it", or leave the forum if I can't handle it.
But why should I? I enjoy the aspects of the forum that do not involve such nonsense.

Quoted before the delete
This is stupid.

You grown-up GB men are behaving like bloody teenage fools with all your alts and attack alts. And you laugh at my attempts to get rid of a creep - no matter how ridiculous they look - saying that I just Love his attention and I'm seeking the drama.

Who gave birth to you? Que?


You clearly love the attention, any and all attention.

I imagine Query and I are about the same age. Couple that with the fact that he's male, and it's obvious he didn't give birth to me. This may be another area of confusion for you in your struggles with the differences between males and females.
This is not the forum for this thread by the way. It will likely get moved to the GB where you'll get all that attention you're seeking.

I'm off to work. Have fun living that online, recluse, martyr life, hashtag.
This is stupid.

You grown-up GB men are behaving like bloody teenage fools with all your alts and attack alts. And you laugh at my attempts to get rid of a creep - no matter how ridiculous they look - saying that I just Love his attention and I'm seeking the drama.

Who gave birth to you? Que?


To be fair, youre rude and hostile to me a lot, and I don't harass you. I don't insist you be like me tho you insist I be like you.

Emerson is a piece of work, ignore him.
The irony is - I get told off by the GBers for saying nice things or engaging with you when you post those so interesting -non-bigotted- things. "How dare you enable the racists?"
And by the same token, you get upset when I'm put off and react to your "nigger this, nigger that" comments.
The difference between you and him: I never interacted with him before he started stalking me, relentlessly, out of the blue.

I will try. Again. Although self-restraint isn't my best quality, especially when someone else quotes him.

Bad form? I'm half as "classy" as he is Lol.

I don't give two straws how I come across, I just want to get the creep off my back.

I did inform Laurel several times, but I had no response. I guess because he hasn't broken the forum rules yet.

then you're stuck, i suppose. unless you do as has been suggested and put him on ignore.

is it a real-life issue, or just a Lit drama?
The irony is - I get told off by the GBers for saying nice things or engaging with you when you post those so interesting -non-bigotted- things. "How dare you enable the racists?"
And by the same token, you get upset when I'm put off and react to your "nigger this, nigger that" comments.
The difference between you and him: I never interacted with him before he started stalking me, relentlessly, out of the blue.

I will try. Again. Although self-restraint isn't my best quality, especially when someone else quotes him.

Bad form? I'm half as "classy" as he is Lol.

I don't give two straws how I come across, I just want to get the creep off my back.

I did inform Laurel several times, but I had no response. I guess because he hasn't broken the forum rules yet.

I take people as they come, so long as they take no hostile action against me I don't care a lot about what they say. All the people who dislike my racist views don't hesitate to throw insults at me for non-racist issues. LIAR is a common insult. I might have one friend if I lied, but honesty is my obsession. I'm often wrong, but always honest. When I'm wrong I apologize. My mother said to me, YOU CAUSE ME MORE PROBLEMS THAN ALL THE OTHER CHILDREN COMBINED, AND YOURE THE ONLY ONE I CAN TRUST. I wasn't born racist, its not something I caught from a toilet seat. I came to it from experiences with black skinned people. They convinced me racism is a wise policy.
I take people as they come, so long as they take no hostile action against me I don't care a lot about what they say. All the people who dislike my racist views don't hesitate to throw insults at me for non-racist issues. LIAR is a common insult. I might have one friend if I lied, but honesty is my obsession. I'm often wrong, but always honest. When I'm wrong I apologize. My mother said to me, YOU CAUSE ME MORE PROBLEMS THAN ALL THE OTHER CHILDREN COMBINED, AND YOURE THE ONLY ONE I CAN TRUST. I wasn't born racist, its not something I caught from a toilet seat. I came to it from experiences with black skinned people. They convinced me racism is a wise policy.

^^^^^A cunt. Beware.

the hypocrisy is in red, above.
You could just stop pisting here altogether. It's not like you've forged some lifelong friendships or anything. You'll be a happier, more grounded #### if you just log off and go away.
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Thanks, JBJ.
I will try to put Emerson on iggy.
I'm starting to believe that the GB mentality is that stalking is perfectly appropriate, if the target is an obnoxious hated poster such aas myself.

How dare I complain? I should just bugger off the forum for good. Emerson is a hero for having managed to run the undesirable poster out of the forum.
Disgustipated's post (and those that will follow) say it all.

And thanks so much Laurel, for moving this attempt of troll shaming thread in the GB, which is full of Emerson enablers.
Now I'll become even more of the butt of a joke of the GB and labelled as a drama lama and an attention-seeker, who loves being trolled by Emerson.
He will feel even more justified to stalk me.

GB is a gladiator arena, at its best.

As a child I learned to make bullies pay a price for the fun they got from me. When a GB poster frowns at me I bludgeon her as hard as I'm able. Try it.
Thanks, JBJ.
I will try to put Emerson on iggy.
I'm starting to believe that the GB mentality is that stalking is perfectly appropriate, if the target is an obnoxious hated poster such aas myself.

How dare I complain? I should just bugger off the forum for good. Emerson is a hero for having managed to run the undesirable poster out of the forum.
Disgustipated's post (and those that will follow) say it all.

And thanks so much Laurel, for moving this attempt of troll shaming thread in the GB, which is full of Emerson enablers.
Now I'll become even more of the butt of a joke of the GB and labelled as a drama lama and an attention-seeker, who loves being trolled by Emerson.
He will feel even more justified to stalk me.

You fucking moron. Emerson is a regular on the How To forum, as well.

If you want to "Troll Shame," then this is the correct forum for that. All other forums have moderators who will move it to the GB. Pay attention.