Places you can go to learn the things- for Free!


Literotica Guru
Sep 30, 2011
Sapiosexual Indulgence


I don't know about you, but I love to learn all of the things. Here are some free resources I've found, many of which offer courses that may be of interest to my fellow writers, readers, and sapiosexuals. Enjoy! :)

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Nice. Thank you for the list, Emily! :rose:

Here are two other learning places, what you might call "trade schools" of learning.

I rely on [B][/B] for tons of DIY procedures. Cooking to concrete work-- knitting to metallurgy, bookbinding to housebuilding.

When my macbook wants to quit on me, I can usually do my own repairs-- thanks to the guys at [B][/B]

Check out http://codeacademy.comif you want to learn PHP or ASP or Ruby...
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I have found a really nifty place to learn things. It's not on-line, but probably not far from where you live. It's called the public library.
You're welcome, Stella! :)

You sound like one very busy lady, with all that house building and metallurgy (I'm not even sure I know what metallurgy is!). But, I did just learn how to turn a playing card into a solar charger for AA batteries on! How cool is that?! Thank you, Stella! :rose:

I, too, have a Macbook (Pro), but I'm not so sure I should attempt home repairs. I just tried to make my internets more secure by adding a password, and somehow locked myself out completely. Luckily, you can just reset the router (after praying to god that, if just this once she will bring the internets back...) and pretend like the whole thing never happened. ;)
I have found a really nifty place to learn things. It's not on-line, but probably not far from where you live. It's called the public library.

Hmm, the public library, you say? Well, I might have to see if we have one of those around here somewhere! Thanks, Richard! ;)
With the speed of change on how we source our information, I think after 12 year a new thread may be in order. also, but I confess I’ve lost track of the pros and cons of each.

Edited: and nooooooooooo, I hate when I get caught by reanimation.
I'm skeptical of "sapiosexuality."

It's just having "a type," where the type is "smart people."

We don't postulate a separate sexual orientation for every trait people can be attracted to.

There is no "callipygiosexuality," no "xanthotrichosexuality," no "pubodepilosexuality," etc. You just like big butts, blonde hair and waxed pubes, it's not a sexuality, a sexual identity or a sexual orientation.

I think that calling it one is a pose.