

Literotica Guru
May 14, 2002
What a little drama Lit is! I really think we are quite worthy of a soap, or atleast a Talk Show..."Loony Litties"....I'll have to think on it a bit.:)

These are my perspectives after a week I'll not soon forget.

I wonder why anyone here thinks that Ram or someone speaking on Tan's behalf, or Ish, or anyone else in Tan's immediate circle of closest friends should have to prove anything to Literotica?

This is how I recall this situation. Ram started a thread to memoralize Tan to those of us that knew her. I imagine his thinking was that it would be a great deal easier than calling and PMing countless friends, especially in his state of mind at the time he posted the thread. I think he also did it as a favor to those that may have came across her in threads here and there, and might see some reference in the near future to her death and this would let these people know, as well.
He gave very generic info because that is all a public forum on the internet requires, really. Those of us that are close to him and her knew we would get our answers in did not see us demanding that he answer our questions on the board, did you? It would be one thing if he had attempted to relay the details of her death to us, then you might have the right to disect his words and demand explanations because then he is throwing something out for you to nibble on. (Though I see the need for anyone here not close to her to do that as morally bankrupt.) He did not do that. He spoke his heart about his loss, he let us know that "God took her back". Most of you expressed your sentiments and moved on. But then by and by, more and more began to question the validity of his words like a pack of wolves. I realize that initially, its very easy to say "hmm...." but what amazes me is that you guys seem to forget who we are talking about here. We are talking about Ram and Tan! For those of you that know them know better, don't you? I will never be able to accept that my friends would do this to us (speaking specifically to those of us that know them well.) unless it is proven otherwise, and you know what? I don't need that proof posted on a damn internet message board like a piece of tabloid trash, and even were it to be proven to me, I really don't want to know the details as to "why" because I know it can be nothing I want to even begin to fathom. If this is done with ill intent, it tells me that someone, somewhere is in alot of pain....
Quite frankly the only person that can prove that to me is Tan herself, and that will never me, I am accepting what others wish me to accept.
Some of you may be remembering how I wanted to know (privately) what happened to her on the night Ram started the thread. Well....she was my closest friend, and I did want to know how she left this world...I wanted to know what her last moments were like. I wanted something to give me some kind of closure. I wanted to know what situation her baby girl was in, I NEEDED to know that she was OK. Since I know her Father is available to her, I am satisfied that she is, as best as she possibly can be.:(

Oh, and since I know the vultures are circling, just know that Ram tried to call me that night so that he could tell me the news himself, but we kept missing eachother and he later told me that he decided to just start the thread.

Ram and Tan and her friends owe the likes of Hanns and the unregistereds and the others "demanding" an explanation and proof NOTHING. If you want proof that badly, do the detective work yourself and stop sitting here expecting to be entertained, and feeling someone owes you something.
And I wonder...should you manage to dig up something that proves she is alive, I'm just betting you'll make a beeline for that "new thread" button won't you? You would like to come in here and hurt us even more than we are already hurting, huh??? Tell me...will you get off on that, and expect us to call you our hero, and thank you?:confused:
When I read that thread he started and sit absorbing all that it says, I'm reminded of those of you that love to belittle so many people here by calling them drama queens and attention seekers and claiming always that someone else is worse than you. And I sit stunned by the claims that I am feeding off this event and trying to make it about me...tell me, how do I fit in this category? Because I have two initial replies of shock, and then realization that obviously this was why he wanted to call me, and then one other post in which I wrote a small paragraph about my memories of her?
If so...well, OK.
Further.....whoever it is that started the thread supposedly with my ID as the originator, with the av of Tan and the comic head attached, posted that crap and you idiots sat reading it and BELIEVING it and thinking I posted it....I wanted to vomit but I couldn' just wouldn't happen and I wondered why? And that is when it finally hit me...I am not shocked or stunned or truly suprised anymore. The last couple months spent here at LordLucans hand and Hanns' hand have taken me to a new level of reality, and ya ain't pretty. But it's real, huh.....or is it?

It took me awhile to get to this point, but I am finally here. I have finally realized, or hell...maybe its more that I've just finally come to terms with the fact that the very sickness and other crap in others that I removed myself from in my personal life cannot be avoided anywhere. In my two years online and on message boards, it all finally caught up with me and once it was my turn to get a major dose of reality, I bucked and fought and denied and still kept right on believing that people could use these venues in a good way, in a way that helps them and that they enjoy. The one thing that always appealed to me about message boards was that all that could really influence and sway one about the character and inner beauty of another was effectively stripped couldn't see it. What you were left with was, in my opinion, what mattered's thoughts and perspective and their feelings. I loved getting these little glimpses inside the minds of others, and all in all, I am still left with the belief that there are some really cool people in this world, and you have touched me and you have helped me because you made me think in bigger terms than I ever have before. I have been enriched by this board more than any other place online because there are people from all over this world here, and even if you're in "smalltown nowhere", you have your own ideas and experiences and they matter, because you gave a little of it to others and often, it was me that benefitted. So...thank you, you are for me, bigger than Hanns and LordLucan and all that I have experienced because of them.
I hope you realize that I really AM saying alot with that one.;)

In closing...I have been asked what I have done about Hanns stealing my pics and using them on other websites. First, I want to thank those of you that have given me advice in PMs that I haven't yet responded to. I really appreciate it. There has been an abundance and I just haven't had the energy lately to form my thoughts well enough to adequately say thank you. Some of you wrote very long PMs and I feel kind of foolish simply saying thank you...but that is what comes to mind...that is what I feel. My mind has been on Tan and the pics and the question of whether or not I can handle being here I'm sorry I haven't answered them all yet, but I will.
The general answer is that when I first learned of the websites, I notified Geocities/Yahoo and said that I was the woman posted in the link and that I did not give permission for it to be used, and I asked that it be removed. They did not do so. I will continue on with them, but I must say, my work is cut out for me, as he has so many sites now and continues to add more, so I may never get them all removed. I do not have the money to fight this in another manner, so what I have realized is that I just have to accept what has happened and try to not even think about it. I was foolish to post my pics here and foolish to trust anyone online to simply appreciate them or not, and move along. I posted them, I have to live with his abuse of my trust and of my intent.
So be it.

Hanns and LL and all you little coward "unregistereds", I'm not going away. I am not changing myself and my words to suit you, either. I have too much here that is meaningful to me and since I have to do alot of "dealing with it" to be able to stay, it is now your turn.....just deal with it.;)

Having said that, I will never address either of you again, no matter what.

Hey...I just had an idea. Maybe you would like to use this thread to post your tell us what kind of taste has been left in your mouth after all this? It sure would be nice to put it here, and leave Rams thread alone...and leave Hanns' threads alone...and let this be your vent/therapy session.:)
intrigued - 4laterer is Hanns lampooning PC...

You've given the gang WAY too much satisfaction unless you're one of them.

Damn, you type a lot. You beat Uncle Bill, and that is tough to do.

It isn't the board that needs or deserves answers, it is Ram. Don't presume to speak for him, for what he knows or doesn't know, or believes or doesn't believe. It is his life, and he should be able to handle this anyway he wants to, without explanations here to anyone. Me included.
SINthysist said:
intrigued - 4laterer is Hanns lampooning PC...

You've given the gang WAY too much satisfaction unless you're one of them.

lol....ok. And you are....?:)

Actually...I'm not giving them anything, anymore.
Cheyenne said:
Damn, you type a lot. You beat Uncle Bill, and that is tough to do.

It isn't the board that needs or deserves answers, it is Ram. Don't presume to speak for him, for what he knows or doesn't know, or believes or doesn't believe. It is his life, and he should be able to handle this anyway he wants to, without explanations here to anyone. Me included.

Exactly....and I am never presuming to speak for Ram. I don't know how you got that from what I said, either.

You wouldn't believe how long it took me to type that.:D

Thanks, Mona.
I always loved MAD's Spy vs. Spy...Troll vs. Troll is even more fun - but it could use some catchy theme music SIN :D

Taken from one of SIN's fun links...
4laterer said:

I see you still havent corrected your WRONG piece of thesis, antithesis, synthesis crap
Probably because his piece of crap is right, and you're wrong :)
My perspective on all of this is. . .I'm disgusted by what transpired the other night.

Ram did call me and I heard the utter anguish in his voice. His very soul has been shattered. End of story. Proof not required. He is in the state he is in, regardless.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I say what happened to his thread. I restrained from posting again there only out of respect to him and to Tantanah. While I understand the doubts and the questions, there was no need for what that turned into.

I've not posted since Thursday night and I don't know how much I'll post in the future. This board has become more and more like elementary school and I have better things to do with my time. I do have a few good friends here and that's the only reason I've stayed here.

My .02 - Right now I could really give a rip what anybody else thinks.
cutie pie said:
My perspective on all of this is. . .I'm disgusted by what transpired the other night.
His very soul has been shattered. End of story. Proof not required. He is in the state he is in, regardless.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I say what happened to his thread. I restrained from posting again there only out of respect to him and to Tantanah. While I understand the doubts and the questions, there was no need for what that turned into.
That's pretty much my take on the situation.
I see no reason for doing that on his thread.

And I agree, things like that are making me feel less inclined to spend time here. There are always other things I can do with my time *shrugs*
Cheyenne said:
Damn, you type a lot. You beat Uncle Bill, and that is tough to do.

It isn't the board that needs or deserves answers, it is Ram. Don't presume to speak for him, for what he knows or doesn't know, or believes or doesn't believe. It is his life, and he should be able to handle this anyway he wants to, without explanations here to anyone. Me included.

I hope my earlier answer makes more sense to you now, Intrigued, given the announcement about your friend Tantanah. I realize I was cryptic at the time and didn't elaborate. Timing wasn't right to do so.

I meant you shouldn't assume Ram believed she was dead, or that he was doing nothing to find the truth. Your whole first post here seemed to be written with that assumption.
My perspective is this.

1. I didn't know Tan. I felt that it would be hypocritical for me to endorse one point of view or another, when in fact I had few feelings either way.

2. This did not surprise me. I'm pretty cynical. I'm a strategic pessimist, which keeps me from being "devastated" every time something happens.

3. When information is deprived of context, one needs to judge it by it's intrinsic worth. That is, when I judge a post, I try to judge it--not by who posted it--but by the post's intrinsic merit. Smart people say stupid, foolish, or ignorant things. Dumb people say smart or wise things. You never know.

Who knows who is who? It's a sea of pseudonyms and titles. The best I can hope for is that the same person usually is behind a particular username, so I believe that I can usually count on a consistent point of view behind a particular mask. As long as a persona is consistent, I can learn to deal with it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I don't care who you (or anyone) really is, as long as their persona is consistent. Female-presenting male, male-presenting female, bisexual female, bisexual male, animal, vegetable, mineral...what difference does it make? Their personal stories may or may not be true, but why should that matter to me? I don't post here in order to obtain personal information or to pick up babes.

Even if someone is the devil's advocate, their arguments can be significant or entertaining. Someone "pretending" to be my friend will not obtain anything of value other than my time--so what do I care if they are pretending on some pretext or other? If they wish more information or something else, we can plan to meet face-to-face--at which point the most obvious frauds will at least be eliminated. At that point, I take them as any stranger I might meet--with care.
horny_giraffe said:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I don't care who you (or anyone) really is, as long as their persona is consistent. Female-presenting male, male-presenting female, bisexual female, bisexual male, animal, vegetable, mineral...what difference does it make? Their personal stories may or may not be true, but why should that matter to me? I don't post here in order to obtain personal information or to pick up babes.

Just for the record, I DO care. At least I care once we have had any contact away from the board- a PM or an email. If you aren't who/what you say you are and I find out, you're gone from my life.

The extreme example of what you are saying is okay is someone who lies well enough to get someone else to fall in love with them and then fakes a death to get out of the lie. That is horrible. But there are a lot of levels of lies leading up to a "whopper" like that one. All the lies told to other people here who thought this "dead" person was their friend. Ram isn't the only one this person scammed. All those posts to her death thread about how "Tantanah was my good friend and she will be missed greatly"- don't you think THOSE people should have a right to be just a bit irritated with her, too? They were all duped by her, some just more than others. And no one deserves that.
Cheyenne, I understand what you are saying, I understood before. The point I spent all that time trying to make and apparently failed miserably at is this...I did not think it showed a great deal of humanity for a forum board to demand answers from a man that was greiving. It became a feeding frenzy, and seemed to be less about he and Tan, and more about us.
Those questions could have been answered behind the scenes, in due course...and by those really needing to know, not by those just seeking a little entertainment.

What I felt about whether or not it was true really didn't matter, so I certainly didn't find it appropriate to reveal my thoughts here, for once.

I understand the need for answers, but it was more important to me to show respect to Ram, and to Tan. I knew the answers would come, in time.

Please note that this thread was started when I was upset. I thought she was gone.

I'm learning....just a little too slowly, sometimes.
Cheyenne said:
Just for the record, I DO care. At least I care once we have had any contact away from the board- a PM or an email. If you aren't who/what you say you are and I find out, you're gone from my life....

That's kind of the critical point, isn't it? Once you contact someone via email or PM, that is. I guess at that point it is a rather cruel thing to do.

You made me aware of something additional, as well.

Previously, I've been thinking that people stupid enough to develop internet relationships get what they deserve. It occurs to me, however, that this sort of argument bears a striking resemblence to the justification that I've heard from criminals who say that a person was an idiot for leaving their door unlocked and therefore deserved to be robbed.

Yes, leaving your door unlocked is pretty stupid--but that doesn't mean you deserve to be robbed. Similarily, developing a relationship from the internet in my experience is rarely successful--but that doesn't mean that someone deserves the pain they receive, however foolish they may have been.

Taking advantage of one's strengths to exploit other people is cruel. The kind thing is to keep your distance if you feel that you don't feel like honoring another sensitivities. (For the record, as intrigued might say, I did not participate in the main memorial thread at all. I did not believe that I could muster the appropriate sensitivity, so I maintained my distance. I did post a mildly acerbic comment to an additional "memorial" thread that someone else started up, as I thought they came across as particularly crass and attention-seeking by starting up an additional thread. )

In many ways, some of the most famous "trolls" on this site are the most kind in their cruelty. Their cruelty is obvious and lacks subtlety--few people are fooled and even fewer are bothered. A subtle barb from a poster that one considers a friend can be much more painful, and a major lie from a friend can be very destructive to someone that has come to depend on them.