Over 50 Introduce Yourself

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Introduction -- well, read my profile!

I just want to post before my next birthday. The numbers are getting higher each year, it seems.
Happy birthday lovely2222!



Thank you!
Happy birthday! ....Hope you had a wonderful day! Sorry for the mix up long day!!!

lm still hanging in at 54...and lovin it.
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Over 50 and starting to push 60, but doing well for an old guy. It's great to see so many of us that are still enjoying the finer things life offers.
Nice to find

I have not been on the bulletin boards very much. It is good to find some others my age
Well, I qualify now, so thought I'd say HI to all the 50+ folks on LIT!

I must admit, the conversation and sex is often better with a 50+-er...........just saying!

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