Orgasm Help...


Jan 5, 2003
Hey All!

A few months ago I had sex for the first time with a guy I am currently in a relationship with. The problem is I have not orgasmed once during sex in various positions, oral or him touching me. I do get some pleasure from it, but have never actually orgasmed whereas he has. When i was younger I used to masturbate by rubbing myself up and down on a pillow and remember coming, but have experienced no simliar feeling with him. Could I have damaged or overstimulated my clitoris?

I don't believe it is anything to do with me being nervous or holding back emotionally as I trust and love him. Can anyone suggest anything which may help me to orgasm? Thanks x
A few clarifying questions if you please...
Is this your first sexual relationship?
Have you used anything other than a pillow to touch yourself? i.e. finger, water etc...

How old are you?
How comfortable have you been with giving him direction as to make you come?

How old is he?

It is not uncommon for younger women to have difficulty reaching orgasm with a partner because of it being a new experience. If you say you are comfortable with him maybe we should look at how comfortable you are with yourself.

If he is the kind of guy you can talk to have you talked to him about it?

Happy loving
Thanks for your response OnyxEros.
Yes this is my first sexual relationship.
I have tried touching myself before, but never found I could actually orgasm from doing so.
I haven't explained this to him yet, because wanted to find out whether it was something wrong with me.
I have never really tried directing how to make me come as unsure myself, although I do tell him what feels good and doesn't, but i'm never brought to orgasm.
First and foremost there is nothing wrong with you or him. Nothing at all.

I have a few suggestions and if you bare with me maybe I can spark you into having some of your own ideas.

I think one of the most important things for you to do is to really focus on yourself before expecting he can bring you to orgasm. The nights you aren't together try touching yourself and feel what works and what doesn't. Try looking at your parts and realizing what you are touching and what feels good.

oh before i forget, make an appointment with the doctor to get checked out. since this is your first sexual experience it's a good idea to make sure all is proper in gynoland :D

Also if he is as inexperienced as you you have to allow for the fact that he is learning your parts as well. They are complex and a guy certainly doesn't know how to stimulate them properly by guessing.

If you have any girl friends that you are super close to ask them about their experience with sex.

To be honest i will tell you that 95% of the young girls I have ever come in contact with have a difficult time with sex at first. It's normal and thank goodness you are asking b/c we wouldn't want you to be an old woman not knowing how to come!!!

It just sounds like you are starting to discover your body fully and the joy's of sex. Take your time and appriciate yourself before expecting him to do so.

Does he know you don't have orgasms?

happy loving