On the other side of the tracks (closed)

She smiled at him. She was happy they sneaked out. He looked so good leaning against the car "Well I don't care what his plans are. I have plans of my own." She said with a grin.

He took her hand and pulled her close. "No it won't stop us." She said. She looked into his eyes and leaned in. She kissed him softly and passionately on the lips.
He returned her kiss, one hand on the small of her back, the other gently cupping her the side of her neck. When the kiss ended, he didn't pull back, but stayed close to her, feeling her warm breath against his face.

"I think you need some counseling after that violent display."

He grinned and drew back slightly, "And you have to leave a note before I take you for said counseling."
His hand on her back felt so right. She felt so comfortable with him. She was so glad he turned up tonight. She was looking into his eyes. Her heart was racing.

"Oh counselling, what type?" She said. She hoped the counselling would be fun and maybe even naughty. She wanted to be naughty with him.

"Do I have to leave a note? Can't we just sneak away into the tonight?" She said. Her hand stroked his chest softly. She wanted to get away from here and be alone with him.
He gave her a smile, "Oh we can skip the note, but you have to go home at some stage and with a note there will be much less drama."

He purposefully didn't say anything about the counseling, for what he had in mind for her was something she had to experience and not be expecting. He could read the need she had in those blue eyes and he was going to make sure that he satiated that need.
“Okay fine I will leave my father a message. You are a right party pooper thinking about my father.” She said with a laugh. She got out her phone and sent her father a message telling him she wasn’t going to be home tonight because she was going out with her friend.

“Now I have sent him a message can we go?” She asked stroking his chest looking into his eyes. She wanted to be alone with him. Her feelings for him were developing a lot. She really liked him and hoped he felt the same for her.
He grinned at her, "Hey I do have to think about you, after the fight and you disappearing, your father would go ballistic if he had no idea where you were."

He reached up and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I'm ready to go, but you clearly need something else to wear, I am not taking you to my stomping grounds looking like a fresh daisy. I hope you have something leather or black that you can put on."
She smiled hearing him being concerned about what her father thought. She blushed as he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Oh so you are taking me out. I do have a leather dress I wore one Halloween unbeknown to my father. Take me home and I can get changed.” She said. She told him the directions to her house.
He grinned at her blush, "Yes I'm taking you out. Not to such a boring place like this one though."

He opened the door for her and got in, he of course knew where she lived, but she didn't need to know that. He followed her directions and parked outside the house. He knew that the Police would keep her father occupied for some time, especially now that she had disappeared.

He smiled, it was so much fun to corrupt her. But in retrospect it seemed like she was half way there anyway. He got out of the car and smiled at her, "Let's go have a peek."
Dale was grinning at Chantel telling her he was taking her out somewhere which wasn’t boring. She was excited to see what he had planned for her. He opened the car door for her and slid in gracefully. He followed her directions to her house. He parked outside the house.

He got out of the car and helped her out. “Come on lets go in.” Chantel said. She led the way into her house. She started up the stairs. She stopped and turned to look at him. “You coming up with me?” She asked him.

She continued up the stairs. She went into her wardrobe and pulled out https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/59/d1/61/59d161a0332f37197495114d64e8aff9.jpg and slid it on slowly giving him a bit of a show.

She then slipped into her shoes http://www.musicatstmarys.co.uk/ima...Black-(christian-louboutin-sneakers-blue).jpg and then turned to look at him. “What you think Dale?” Chantel asked him with a grin as she ran her hand through her locks.
He watched as she slipped out of the light dress and shoes, he had to admit that he liked looking at her body, she was fucking hot and she didn't really flaunt it, which just made it so much more fun to hang out with her. She took out the dress and slid it on, he couldn't believe his eyes, then she slipped into a pair of heels and stood for his inspection.

"Damn Chantel, no wonder your had to wear that on the sly. You look amazing. Definitely ten times sexier than I had thought."

He grinned and walked closer to her, running his finger along the top of her dress, tracing the curves of her breasts and then gave her a soft kiss in her neck, just underneath her ear.

"Let's go."

He saw a jacket hanging in her closet and snagged it, folding it over his arm before leaving the room and the house along with her, gallantly offering her his arm as they walked to the car. He placed her jacket in the back and held the door for her.
Chantel smiled at Dale. “Well my father would kill me if he saw me like this. Are you saying I am normally not sexy? I do feel so naughty in this outfit though.” She said. She ran her hand through her long hair looking at him. He moved closer to her and ran his finger along the top of her dress tracing the curve of her boobs.

He kissed at her neck making her moan softly. He told her let’s go. She nodded. He grabbed her jacket and they went back out to the car. He put her jacket in the back. He helped her in the car. “You know you’re quite gentlemanly.” She said with a laugh crossing her legs.

“So tell me a bit about where you are taking me.” She said. She smiled excited to have a good time with him. “You know tonight I think you might actually get in my panties. I need to thank my knight in shining armour for saving me.” She said with a grin.
He chuckled as he started the car, "Well I am taking you to a place where the women wear leather and latex, where booze is cheap or expensive, where the music is pumping and where you can actually dance."

He looked at her as he pulled away and swung the car into traffic, smoothly accelerating down the road and hitting the speed limit just as they exited town and entered on to the Interstate, "Get into your panties? I doubt that I will fit, you are way smaller than me."

He chuckled at his own joke and focused on the road.
"Sounds like a fun place." She said. She was hoping to have a lot of fun tonight with him. She enjoyed his company so much. She knew when she was him she would have an amazing time.

She playfully slapped his leg. "You know what I mean." She said with a laugh. She looked over at him smiling. Her hand stroked his leg softly as they drove off to the bar.
He gave her a grin and focused on the road once more, quite aware of her hand on his leg.

"It is quite a fun place. Best place to blow of some steam or to just have a good time."

He gave her a smile, "And I think I might just change your idea of having a good time and blowing off steam just a little bit tonight."
Her hand continued to stroke his leg softly. She was enjoying his company very much. “Well I am sure ready to have a good time and let off steam with you.” She said. She crossed her long legs and her dress slid up her legs a little. “I am ready for you teach me how to really let go.” She said.
He sure liked how she ran her fingers over his leg, though it wasn't enough to get him excited, he was glad that her naughty side was so near to the surface...or was it just him?

She had acted quite uncharacteristically the previous evening. Drinking, skinny dipping and even got down with some oral sex. With him. And he had never seen her act that way before. He smiled at the thought and rested his hand on the silky smooth skin of her thigh, his fingers resting just short of the hem of her dress

"I am glad that we are going to let off some steam together."

He looked at her, "Letting go just make building up the steam to let go so much easier."
Chantel’s hand continued to stroke his leg. Being with Dale felt so good. She was enjoying his company so very much. Right now there was no one she would rather be with because he made her feel alive. He was really bringing her out of her shell and awakening the real her that she never even knew. “I can’t wait to have the best fun with you babes.” She said. She moved her hand off his leg looking out the window looking for the bar.
He only removed his hand from her leg a few moments later when he swung the car from the main road and down a narrow access road, which opened up a few moments later into a parking lot.

The neon sign above the building declared it as the Transylvania. He got out and walked over to her side where he helped her out of the car, locking the car he offered his arm to her and led her towards the slightly ajar dark red doors, a bouncer stood in front of the doors, arm folded as he barred the way.

Dale stepped up the man, who glared at the two of them for a moment and then grinned, "Dale, good to see you man. Nice girl."

Dale grinned and held up a folded fifty, "Thank you Albert, the party good?"

The big man took the money and produced a marker, he placed a mark on Dale's wrist and then on Chantele's, "Not too bad, I have seen it wilder."

Dale chuckled, "Well, this is her first time, so let's not scare her off."

Albert laughed and pushed open the door, the heavy dance music washing over them as Dale led the way inside.
Chantel happily took his arm. She enjoyed being on Dale’s muscular arm. He led her to the bouncer of the Transylvania. She guessed Dale was a regular with the man being so friendly and calling him by his name. She blushed hearing him say ‘nice girl’. She ran her hand through her long locks.

The man marked both of their wrists when Dale paid. She wondered what this place was like because by the sounds of it the place was very busy and the man said he had seen it wilder. She felt a bit uneasy but she was with Dale and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her would he?

Dale led her in. Her eyes studied the place wanting to feel the place out and take everything in. It was definitely not like any place she had been before.
The main floor seemed a bit deserted and even with the people dancing to the sound of heavy music pounding through the speakers, you could see that there were place for a lot more people.

Dale led the way to the bar and ordered drinks for both of them, the bartender rang up the order and poured the rum and Coke for them. Dale picked up both glasses and led the way to comfortable chairs situated on a raised dais overlooking the dance floor. He placed the drinks on the low table and sat down, patting the seat next to him. One reason was for them to actually hear each other and of course with a blonde beauty in a tight leather mini dress, seated with him, his reputation would be as good as ever.
Chantel wondered if her father was looking for her. She didn't care. She was sick of him being so protective and controlling. She was a grown women who could make her own decision's. Her decision for tonight was she was going to give it all to Dale tonight. She really liked him. She leaned against his body sipping on her drink. Her hand stroked his leg. "I want to get really wasted tonight." She whispered into his ear laughing.
He laughed along with her, "You were almost there last night, but tonight it will be much more enjoyable." He gave her a wink and sipped on his drink as he watched the crowd.

He nudged her shoulder, motioning to her glass, "Just make sure to keep an eye on your drink, not that somebody will, but some idiot might just slip something into your glass."
Chantel liked how Dale looked at her and gave her a wink. She was so happy to be out tonight at a place she would never go to without Dale. He was introducing her to a whole new life.

“Well aren’t you here to look after me my knight in shining armour.” She said with a laugh. She sipped on her drink leaning against him.
He laughed at her words,

"Oh I am here to look after you that is true, but I am not omnipotent. Some idiot might try his luck with you."

He leaned his head closer to her ear

"Or do you like it when a man fights another one for you?"
"Maybe I do." She said. She laughed playing with her hair. Seeing him come to her rescue at the restaurant had sort of turned her on. She moved closer to him. She liked the feeling of her body up against his. She was enjoying her time with him so much.

She sipped on her drink. Her hand stroked his muscular arm. "Do you want to dance?" She asked him. She liked the beat of the music and her body just wanted to move with his.