Nudist in the Dorm...


is writing 1 handed
Jul 6, 2019
So this is an open roleplay. It is set on a college campus, so you can be anyone from student, teacher, townie, staff, etc...

The basic premise is that a young guy from the bible belt is going to UC Santa Cruz and is fighting for his right to live his life as a nudist. My characters are

Brian: The Nudist, eagle scout, son of minister, from deep south, plans to visit boony doon a lot.
Josh: The Buddist pot smoking surfer from Maui
Britt: The pot selling RA

Characters someone can take over
Kim: Navy brat. Pot smoker. blonde pixie. Likes Josh. Rory's roommate.
Rory: Boston, Irish catholic. Redhead. likes Brian. Kims roommate. virgin. first time smoking.

Other original characters you create.

IC Brian-In Dorm
So here I was, finally. I was a college man. It only took 19 years to get here, but I was finally living away from my conservative parents who never understood my life choices. I was finally free to be who I wanted to be.

I had finished unpacking my stuff, and was sitting in my dorm room at UC Santa Cruz, waiting for my roommate to show up. I was nervous. I had made a decision as soon as I found out I would be going to school far enough from home that I would have to live in campus housing. I tried to get a room alone, but my dad told me that having a roommate was part of the college experience.

I sat in my desk chair looking around at the spartan furnishings. I always liked the clean and simple look, I hated having crap all over the walls.

The door opens and another guy walks in. Standing up I offer my hand. “Hi. I'm Brian.”

He puts down the surfboard he's carrying. “I'm Josh he says shaking my hand.”

Looking him over, he was a typical surf dude. He looked a lot like Spiccolli from the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Glad he wasn't some uptight ultra conservative from the bible belt I took a deep breath, knowing this could be bad, but knowing that I had to be true to myself. “I need to tell you something that may make you want to try and find another room.”

He stops shoving his crap in the closet and turns to look at me. “I'm a nudist.” I say simply, amazed at how easy it was to say, “I plan on being naked whenever I'm in the room.”

He looks at me for a few seconds. Pulling out a joint, he lights it up and after taking a few puffs, hands it to me. As I take my first ever drag on a joint he says “That's cool dude. I've been to nude beaches 'n shit. They're pretty cool. I ain't got no problem wit' you bein' bare ass. Hell it'll prolly get some honeys to hang wit' us.”

“Really! You're cool with it?” I ask surprised.

“Dude I'm a Buddhist. Anything you wanna do is cool with me as long as it don't hurt no one. Hell I might even be naked with you sometimes.” Josh says.

I looked at him glad he was making this so easy for me, but I was a bit uncomfortable. In my experience straight guys don't think it''s cool to be naked together, even if naked girls are around. “Just to be clear, I'm straight. I have no interest in doing anything sexual with a dude. This is all about my freedom of expression.”

“Yeah, I only do the slip and slide with the beach bunny's too.” Josh said.

Nodding at his reassurance, I hit print on my laptop and watched as the sign I spent months agonizing over was finally ready to be put on the door of my dorm room. Once it was up, this room would become a clothing optional zone.

The sign had the word ALERT in big red letters at the top and bottom. Then is slightly smaller letters between alert it read, Be advised, this dorm room is a clothing optional zone. There may be naked people inside at any time. If you do not wish to be exposed to the naked human form, do not enter this room.

Showing the sign to Josh, he nodded in approval, and finished the joint. I opened the door and taped it at eye level. Closing the door, I stripped off my clothes and and let out a deep breath I didn't realize I had been holding. I did it, I was going to a nudist.

Within minutes there was a knock on the door. Josh and I looked at each other and he shrugged. Deciding there was no time like the present to let people know the sign wasn't a gag, I stood up and walked over to the door. Pulling it open I only half hid so the visitor could see I was naked but my dick wasn't right there in the open.

Hi, I'm Britt, the RA for this floor,” she hands me a sheaf of papers, then looks up. Her eyes stop on the sign, “is that some kind of joke?” as she looks at me and realizes she doesn't see any clothing covering the parts of my body I'm exposing.

“No joke sweet cheeks, dude's ain't got shit on.”

I looked over my shoulder at Josh and he shrugged. I turned back to Britt who was looking at me. “Hey I don't give a shit what you do as long as I don't get shit for it.”

“I just want to live my life, I don't plan on making trouble for anyone.”

“Then welcome. Which is Brian and Josh?”

“I'm Brian, I tell her. The surfer behind me is Josh.”

“Nice to meet you guys, and remember, weed is still illegal in this state so be careful when you smoke. If you ever need some, let me know. My boyfriend grows it. I can get it cheaper than most street dealers." She winked at us. "If you have any other questions feel free to ask.” Then she goes over to the next room and knocks on the door. I close the door and look at the papers. As I peruse the documents, another knock on my door. I yank it open, and there's a couple of cute girls standing there.

“Oh, shit! The blonde pixie yells, “It's not a fucking joke.” while her redheaded friend just stared at my flaccid dick.

My nerves quivered as I swallowed hard and forced myself to calmly reply, “No, joke, I'm a nudist and will be naked as much as possible.”

“That's so cool.” The blonde says looking over at my roommate. “I'm Kim, and this is my roommate Rory.”

Josh started to say something, and Rory held up a finger, “Before you ask, yes my mom was a fan of the show and named me after her.”

You ladies wanna hang for a bit?” Josh asked, holding up another joint, as he sat on his desk.

“Yeah, sure,” Kim replied holding up a zippo with a pot leaf on it.

Rory shrugged and said, “why the fuck not.”

After lighting the joint and taking a hit, Josh handed it to Kim who sat on the desk next to him.

I sat on my bed, leaving Rory her choice of my desk or the two unoccupied desk chairs. Josh takes a hit and passes the joint to Rory who takes a small toke and hands it to me as she sits on the bed next to me.

I look at her, and take a small hit, as Josh says, “where you Betties from?”

“I'm a Navy brat, lived in six different countries and five states over the last 18 years.” Kims says as took the joint.

“I grew up in Boston, a good Irish Catholic, or so my parents thought,” Rory told us. “How about you guys?”

“I grew up in Maui, pops was a retired pro surfer and ran a surfing school.” Josh told the group as he puffed on the joint.

“I grew up in the south, heart of the bible belt. Dad was a fundamentalist minister, and mom was a streotypical ministers wife. You know the type, submissive piano playing, dresses like it's 1954...” his voice trailed off.

“How the hell did you become a pot smokin' nudist?” Rory asked passing the joint to me.

I took a big hit and thought back to Senior Year. “Shortly after I earned my Eagle Scout pin, I turned 18. My troop had a lot of new scouts join that year, and I was asked to help lead a hike in a National Park. One day we were staying in base camp, I decided to explore the trail we would be taking the next day. Well I hiked about a mile and a half when I came to a hot spring, and there had to be 50 people there, all naked. I was in shock. I'd never seen so much flesh before. There were people from infants to Senior citizens. I was about to run away, when this cute girl grabbed my hand and said 'First time?'.”

I handed the joint back to Rory as I continued, “She lead me over to her friends and told me to strip off, and join them, so I did. I'd never seen a naked woman before, not even a picture of one. My parents didn't let me get a cell phone until I was 16, and they still don't have internet. I was the only kid in school using encyclopedias and hand writing my school work. I took off all my clothes and put them down and joined her and her friends who were cooking some vegan kebobs and drinking wine coolers. I had a lot of firsts that day. So anyway, I spent the day talking with a bunch of people who told me about the nudist lifestyle. That night when I went back to camp, I was a different person. After doing some research, I decided on coming to Santa Cruz for school so I could go to Bonny Doon.”

“What's Bonny Doon?” Rory asked.

“It's a famous nude beach, not too far away.” Josh tells her.

“Maybe we could all go one day,” Kim says looking at Josh licking her lips.

I'm game," Josh says taking a toke and handing the joint to Kim.

"Uhh...I don't..." Rory started to say when she was interrupted by another knock on the door.