NPR Liberal bias?


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Some creep who claimed to be part of the John Birch society (are they still around?) told me that NPR, or National Public Radio, was liberal-biased.

I don't listen to NPR, but is there any truth to this?
NOT FOX = LIBERAL PROPAGANDA....get with the program mike.


^^no spin....duh. :cool:
Yes it is. Morning Edition and All Things Considered have been insidiously infecting carpooling minds for generations. Note that both shows are engineered to sound better in Hybrid type vehicles...(fact)... and that Susan Stamberg (a reputed jew-ess) personally set Bob Edwards on an iceberg that Nina Totenberg ('fifth' columnist) happily kicked away from the "mainstream". Audie Cornish - (an avowed negro) sounds of indeterminate race on the air - clearly a misrepresentation of the truth. Linda Wertheimer cohabitates openly with the former Great Leader of the Amero-Bolshevist Common Cause ... There's much more, my brother...!

Yep, Mike... Lots of ore in this lode... Good snooping!
Is the John Birch society still around?

I am not a democrat by far, but I must admit that these people are scary!