Now I know how George R.R. Martin must feel.


Consumate BS Artist
Aug 15, 2021
So I've been staring at this open Document for about an hour now, trying to write.

I'm around 6K words into the third part of my Angels And Demons Saga, and I simply can't manage to type the next sentence.

It's ridiculous. I have the bones of the story plotted out, outlined. I know what I want to happen. I know how it ends.

So why can't I WRITE it???

It's like my brain simply refuses to formulate the right words. They're in my head. But getting them out, typing them, it's like my mind just goes blank.

I've been stuck on stories before, but usually it's when I didn't have any idea what to do next.

This is different. And I honestly can't figure out why I can't do this.

Now before someone says "just write something else,".... I've tried.

That's not working either.

I've tried walking away until I feel "ready." But that feeling never comes.

I've tried just picking a time to write, to just "make it happen." And I wind up just staring at a blank page.

I don't understand it. I really used to enjoy this. Hell there were nights I was up until 2am writing, because the ideas wouldn't stop coming and I had to get them out.

Now... I just feel... empty.

It's gotta change sometime, right?
More than likely, you'll come across some idea that absolutely consumes you, and it will jumpstart you. I'm currently waiting for mine in the current drought. LOL That's the way I usually get back into gear.

One thing I know is that for me, staring at the page or backspacing the same paragraph dozens of times only makes it worse.

If your muse is working, then just mull over different plot ideas. Don't be afraid to refine ideas on that big story, but don't confine yourself to it either. As long as you're able to visualize things, that's productive. I'm only just back into that phase of my own drought. For months, I couldn't manage even the slightest visualization.
So I've been staring at this open Document for about an hour now, trying to write.

I'm around 6K words into the third part of my Angels And Demons Saga, and I simply can't manage to type the next sentence.

It's ridiculous. I have the bones of the story plotted out, outlined. I know what I want to happen. I know how it ends.

So why can't I WRITE it???

It's like my brain simply refuses to formulate the right words. They're in my head. But getting them out, typing them, it's like my mind just goes blank.

I've been stuck on stories before, but usually it's when I didn't have any idea what to do next.

This is different. And I honestly can't figure out why I can't do this.

Now before someone says "just write something else,".... I've tried.

That's not working either.

I've tried walking away until I feel "ready." But that feeling never comes.

I've tried just picking a time to write, to just "make it happen." And I wind up just staring at a blank page.

I don't understand it. I really used to enjoy this. Hell there were nights I was up until 2am writing, because the ideas wouldn't stop coming and I had to get them out.

Now... I just feel... empty.

It's gotta change sometime, right?
I've been there. I'm there. My mind goes blank, too. If it's meant to change, it will. At least, that's my theory.
I have an idea to shake things up. You're not going to like it.


Also, sometimes when I have things plotted out, it harder to write because, to my brain, it's like I've already written the story.

Now I know how George R.R. Martin must feel​

Employ a ghost writer* - I know someone, she’s really cheap 😬.

Have you considered that you maybe don’t want to finish the story? It’s daunting writing the last episode of something you have put effort in to.

Maybe split Part III into Parts III and IV - if you can do that, maybe Part III will be easier to pen?

Oh, and 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂


* ideally someone who had written Cozbi and Asmodeus and Clarence, and who has a preternatural insight into the psyche of the nun bitch
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There are a couple of things you could do. If it's a single scene you can't do, skip over it and continue on the other side. I have a work-in-progress with more gaps than a slice of Swiss cheese. It doesn't always have to be written in a linear manner.

If you have something else in the works, go to that for a while. It could even be something you haven't started writing yet.
No, you don't.

If you want to know how G.R.R. Martin feels I can ask you every half an hour 'Hey, how is Angels and Demons coming? Have you finished it yet? Why are you taking a walk if you still haven't finished Angels and Demons? You don't care any more, do you? Lets face it, you're probably going to die before you finish Angels and Demons. You're not as young as you were and seriously overweight."

Then repeat that for 12 years.
I've got moments like that for a few stories. Everything is rushing along and coming onto the page until I hit that one scene and then is just... doesn't.

Sometimes I know exactly what belongs in that scene and how it should go after, but it just won't get itself onto the page.

There's no magic solution. Sometimes it can happen, and sometimes it can't.
What idea are you passionate about?

Do you feel obligated to finish this story?
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So I've been staring at this open Document for about an hour now, trying to write.

I'm around 6K words into the third part of my Angels And Demons Saga, and I simply can't manage to type the next sentence.

It's ridiculous. I have the bones of the story plotted out, outlined. I know what I want to happen. I know how it ends.

So why can't I WRITE it???

It's like my brain simply refuses to formulate the right words. They're in my head. But getting them out, typing them, it's like my mind just goes blank.

I've been stuck on stories before, but usually it's when I didn't have any idea what to do next.

This is different. And I honestly can't figure out why I can't do this.

Now before someone says "just write something else,".... I've tried.

That's not working either.

I've tried walking away until I feel "ready." But that feeling never comes.

I've tried just picking a time to write, to just "make it happen." And I wind up just staring at a blank page.

I don't understand it. I really used to enjoy this. Hell there were nights I was up until 2am writing, because the ideas wouldn't stop coming and I had to get them out.

Now... I just feel... empty.

It's gotta change sometime, right?
It happens, I've done it on numerous times, hit a wall and can't go further. Sometimes it takes hours or days to get past that damn wall. I usually try and clear my mind whether it's chatting with someone or listening to music or reading. Usually it works and I can continue.
No, you don't.

If you want to know how G.R.R. Martin feels I can ask you every half an hour 'Hey, how is Angels and Demons coming? Have you finished it yet? Why are you taking a walk if you still haven't finished Angels and Demons? You don't care any more, do you? Lets face it, you're probably going to die before you finish Angels and Demons. You're not as young as you were and seriously overweight."

Then repeat that for 12 years.

I doubt Martin does care if he finishes the novels or not.

Martin went from writing, to teaching, back to writing, to TV, where (unfortunately for him) his financials dried up several times, then back to writing until D&D turned Games of Thrones into a household name. Martin has his success now, and above all, his Hollywood success and fame. I'm sure it came later in life than he would have liked, but he has it, and I think he's using that time to pursue the last of his passions before he dies.

He no longer has to write A Song of Fire and Ice for a paycheck, and so I believe he's finished with it.
Part of me respects Martin for dropping Ice & Fire to follow whatever else he's interested in. Sure, he's rich as hell, but it still takes some nerve to just leave such a popular series hanging like this. I would hate to be trapped in such a public commitment that I don't want to fulfill.

Still - if that's the case, he should tell people he's done with it. That'd be much more respectable.

Mostly (as someone who isn't very invested) I find it funny. If Winds of Winter is not published before June 2026, then it would be possible to release the entire rest of the series again, in the time between Dance with Dragons and Winds of Winter's actual publication.
I've put a few stories aside, once I realized I was just stuck and couldn't go on. I did get back to them though, although two of them took a year. I think sometimes you just have to put a story aside and let it go, so you can clear your head. I'm sure eventually, you'll get back to it, even if it takes a while.
There are a couple of things you could do. If it's a single scene you can't do, skip over it and continue on the other side. I have a work-in-progress with more gaps than a slice of Swiss cheese. It doesn't always have to be written in a linear manner.

If you have something else in the works, go to that for a while. It could even be something you haven't started writing yet.
This works for me, fast forward to the next good bit, and then write the interstitial later. If your issue is you don't know about the next good bit, the other thing that's worked for me is to re-read the story so far, build up momentum, and then when you read the last line you wrote so far, carry on. It works for me because I can hear the characters talking again and i know what they're going to say next.

Also, it's very possible to write your way into flow headspace. It's not a pre-requisite for starting a writing session.
So I've been staring at this open Document for about an hour now, trying to write.

I'm around 6K words into the third part of my Angels And Demons Saga, and I simply can't manage to type the next sentence.

It's ridiculous. I have the bones of the story plotted out, outlined. I know what I want to happen. I know how it ends.

So why can't I WRITE it???

It's like my brain simply refuses to formulate the right words. They're in my head. But getting them out, typing them, it's like my mind just goes blank.

I've been stuck on stories before, but usually it's when I didn't have any idea what to do next.

This is different. And I honestly can't figure out why I can't do this.

Now before someone says "just write something else,".... I've tried.

That's not working either.

I've tried walking away until I feel "ready." But that feeling never comes.

I've tried just picking a time to write, to just "make it happen." And I wind up just staring at a blank page.

I don't understand it. I really used to enjoy this. Hell there were nights I was up until 2am writing, because the ideas wouldn't stop coming and I had to get them out.

Now... I just feel... empty.

It's gotta change sometime, right?
It happens to all of us. I usually switch to something else. That's where 'Ride it Like You Stole It' came from. I needed a distraction to clear the way, so I pumped out a short little wanker, and it seemed to work. I'm back on the bigger story I wanted to be working on. Who knows, give it a try... Good luck.
It happens to all of us. I usually switch to something else. That's where 'Ride it Like You Stole It' came from. I needed a distraction to clear the way, so I pumped out a short little wanker, and it seemed to work. I'm back on the bigger story I wanted to be working on. Who knows, give it a try... Good luck.
"A Short Little Wanker" would make an excellent story title.