North Korea missile falls into the sea

You don't know anything about NK. You just swallow the war party propaganda whole.

And you're a childish idiot.

I think it's clear from this thread that I know a lot more about it than you. Anyone can see that.
I take my info from actual sources while you just hurl insults and claim that I'm responsible for alleged US war crimes.
You're either a fantastic wum or a complete idiot.

Either way there is zero chance of engaging in meaningful dialogue.
America's Deadliest Export: Democracy - The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else

For over sixty-five years, the United States war machine has been on automatic pilot. Since World War II we have been conditioned to believe that America's motives in 'exporting' democracy are honorable, even noble. In this startling and provocative book, William Blum, a leading dissident chronicler of US foreign policy and the author of controversial bestseller Rogue State, argues that nothing could be further from the truth. Moreover, unless this fallacy is unlearned, and until people understand fully the worldwide suffering American policy has caused, we will never be able to stop the monster.
America's Deadliest Export: Democracy - The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else

For over sixty-five years, the United States war machine has been on automatic pilot. Since World War II we have been conditioned to believe that America's motives in 'exporting' democracy are honorable, even noble. In this startling and provocative book, William Blum, a leading dissident chronicler of US foreign policy and the author of controversial bestseller Rogue State, argues that nothing could be further from the truth. Moreover, unless this fallacy is unlearned, and until people understand fully the worldwide suffering American policy has caused, we will never be able to stop the monster.

Well again, I don't see what that has to do with me.
Secondly, if the US was that desperate to spread democracy to North Korea then they would have invaded by now. Or at the very least pushed north during the Korean war and done it then.
Instead they held the boarder with South Korea and protected their allies from an invading communist force. Whether they did it to actually help South Korea or just to stop the spread of communism is pretty irrelevant at this point as they had the military power to take the North, as they still do. They chose not to.
What's more, without US intervention the South Korea we know today would be part of a 1950s period piece that's only export is the novelty of executing people with an anti-aircraft gun. Instead we have South Korea exporting fabulous car, electronics and e-sports from a democratic country where they get to pick their leader, instead of being told what haircut to have.

Of course you keep supporting a fascist government that starves its own people so that the fat man in charge can keep his chubby hamster cheeks. The US government may not be perfect but if I had to pick between the two then I know which I would rather have.
Well again, I don't see what that has to do with me.
Secondly, if the US was that desperate to spread democracy to North Korea then they would have invaded by now. Or at the very least pushed north during the Korean war and done it then.
Instead they held the boarder with South Korea and protected their allies from an invading communist force. Whether they did it to actually help South Korea or just to stop the spread of communism is pretty irrelevant at this point as they had the military power to take the North, as they still do. They chose not to.
What's more, without US intervention the South Korea we know today would be part of a 1950s period piece that's only export is the novelty of executing people with an anti-aircraft gun. Instead we have South Korea exporting fabulous car, electronics and e-sports from a democratic country where they get to pick their leader, instead of being told what haircut to have.

Of course you keep supporting a fascist government that starves its own people so that the fat man in charge can keep his chubby hamster cheeks. The US government may not be perfect but if I had to pick between the two then I know which I would rather have.

It is you supporting the fascist US regime in fact.

I don't support either.
Well again, I don't see what that has to do with me.
Secondly, if the US was that desperate to spread democracy to North Korea then they would have invaded by now. Or at the very least pushed north during the Korean war and done it then.
Instead they held the boarder with South Korea and protected their allies from an invading communist force. Whether they did it to actually help South Korea or just to stop the spread of communism is pretty irrelevant at this point as they had the military power to take the North, as they still do. They chose not to.
What's more, without US intervention the South Korea we know today would be part of a 1950s period piece that's only export is the novelty of executing people with an anti-aircraft gun. Instead we have South Korea exporting fabulous car, electronics and e-sports from a democratic country where they get to pick their leader, instead of being told what haircut to have.

Of course you keep supporting a fascist government that starves its own people so that the fat man in charge can keep his chubby hamster cheeks. The US government may not be perfect but if I had to pick between the two then I know which I would rather have.

Clearly they didn't.

But of course, as a US regime troll, this will not compute for you.
Whether they did it to actually help South Korea or just to stop the spread of communism is pretty irrelevant at this point as they had the military power to take the North, as they still do. They chose not to.

Not really. On the South Korean side, this was a nervously forged UN action--not a U.S. war under U.S. command, and was only possible because the Russians had walked out of a Security Council meeting (and could always walk back in and pull the rug from underneath the Allies).

It's questionable too, if the United States, rebuilding from WWII and uncertain that lines in Europe would hold, could have successfully taken the North (without using atomic bombs, which some counseled that they do and that would have changed the world drastically), because when they moved to do so, it wasn't just the North Koreans they were facing, it was The Chinese too, with a much larger army and nearer resupply lines. Both The Chinese and the Russians drew a line in the sand, and the United States, unwilling to use atomic warfare, not being fully armed up for a secondary theater war (the situation in Europe was still dicey too, and Europe has always outweighed East Asia in U.S. military policy), and justifiably nervous about what the Chinese and Soviets actually would do, stood down and went into stalemate.

Speaking of understanding what was happening in the Korean war . . . (and, yes, I was there at the outbreak of the war. But I was only four at the time--but I was there because my father was a senior America military advisor to the South Koreans.)
You are spreading their propaganda and swallowing their bullshit for a start.

How am I?
I said North Korea was a 1950s style crap hole. This is a fact that the whole world can see.
It has nothing to do with the US, their policy or any propaganda.
How am I?
I said North Korea was a 1950s style crap hole. This is a fact that the whole world can see.
It has nothing to do with the US, their policy or any propaganda.

Everything you've said about NK is US propaganda.

You're gullible enough to believe it and can't believe that others see it for what it is.
Everything you've said about NK is US propaganda.

You're gullible enough to believe it and can't believe that others see it for what it is.

No, everything I've said is based on things I have seen and heard from North Korea directly.
You're just a massive conspiracy nut that believes everything he sees and hears is manipulated by the US government.
No, everything I've said is based on things I have seen and heard from North Korea directly.
You're just a massive conspiracy nut that believes everything he sees and hears is manipulated by the US government.

Don't be ridiculous. You're just regurgitating the talking points you get from the media/political class.

And you couldn't put together an honest, cogent argument if you tried.

You're a low class troll.
Don't be ridiculous. You're just regurgitating the talking points you get from the media/political class.

And you couldn't put together an honest, cogent argument if you tried.

You're a low class troll.

Says the man that does nothing but insult me instead of providing any kind of evidence to prove me wrong.
Don't be ridiculous. You're just regurgitating the talking points you get from the media/political class.

And you couldn't put together an honest, cogent argument if you tried.

You're a low class troll.

So, aren't you doing the same thing, although from a different source? :confused:
No. You haven't seen me do that so why would you say that?

What is wrong with you people?

You don't seem to think. You just react.

We've all seen you do it.
Then when we call you out on it, you just start throwing insults.