North Korea missile falls into the sea

Well, yes, taking photos of a belligerent border installation. There aren't many nations that would be pleased in having that happen. That's called espionage (and I've been there/done that.)
Details please. We would not want to disbelieve you - What is the picture your colleagues report?


Probably something like that. Those pictures are everywhere.
Well, yes, taking photos of a belligerent border installation. There aren't many nations that would be pleased in having that happen. That's called espionage (and I've been there/done that.)

The DMZ is not North Korea nor South Korea but a buffer zone between the two countries. And the southern part of the DMZ (where the tour bus entered) is controlled by the UN.
The DMZ is not North Korea nor South Korea but a buffer zone between the two countries. And the southern part of the DMZ (where the tour bus entered) is controlled by the UN.

I've been there. There are signs there not to take photos of anything. That's standard across the world for border installations. You story was fun, but I have no doubt signs were already there. This isn't a "new thing" in security awareness.
If nothing else, Underguy was being sloppy in his attribution of deaths in North Korea to the "Yanks" only. It's irrelevant anyway. The Americans didn't have to be responsible for all deaths in North Korea for the North Koreans to hate them for the war (which the North Koreans initiated).

I know that's what they teach the proles (America never starts wars in the official narrative) but it's a debatable point.

Korea was meant to be one country but the US backed the fascist military junta who'd seized power in the South.
I know that's what they teach the proles (America never starts wars in the official narrative) but it's a debatable point.

Korea was meant to be one country but the US backed the fascist military junta who'd seized power in the South.

As opposed to the Communist dictatorship who had seized power in the northern part of the peninsula and invaded the South.
As opposed to the Communist dictatorship who had seized power in the northern part of the peninsula and invaded the South.

I did say the point was debatable. At the very least, the situation was far more complex than the official western narrative of an aggressive 'other' that had to be fought.

It's long past time that Americans stopped drinking the koolade and started taking some moral responsibility for the wars and mayhem that your ruling class inflict on the world.

Grow the fuck up.
As opposed to the Communist dictatorship who had seized power in the northern part of the peninsula and invaded the South.

And please provide some tangible evidence that the north was ruled by a 'communist dictatorship'.
I have been to North Korea - my curiosity got the better of me.

I have traveled over most of the world in the past thirty years and North Korea is in my opinion the most depressingly awful, dangerous country I have ever been to. It is worse, far worse than depicted in the media.

98% of the people are 4 to 6 inches shorter than the South Koreans - a lifetime of malnutrition. The President is the only fat man in the country, but no-one jokes about it. Not for long anyway.

The military junta controls every tiny detail of life. 'Security' is an obsession with watchers watching the watchers everywhere. The tour guide always has a security man watching him or her, and that guide is changed every day or so. Paranoia reigns.

The guides feed tourists 'Stalinist' style propaganda from the moment you arrive until you leave.

The "Dear Leader" seeks to blackmail the US, Japan, and South Korea by constantly baiting them.

The best hope is that the Chinese get sick of the North Korean 'monarchy' before Japan or the USA does.

And for the record, I have also been to Iran and Cuba. There is much that is objectionable about those countries, but at least their leaderships are comparatively stable.

'Blackmailing' is this case meaning trying to stop the economic warfare being waged against them.

Why do any people or nation have to submit to the diktats of Washington?
'Blackmailing' is this case meaning trying to stop the economic warfare being waged against them.

What economic warfare?

According to you the government can just will wealth into existence.

Why don't they just do that and take over everything since the west is doing it all wrong? :D

Why do any people or nation have to submit to the diktats of Washington?

Because they want our money and that's how shit works.

You want our shit, you do what we say in exchange for it (capitalism).

or come kill us and take it.
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Says the guy who can't back up any of his shit ever.

He has a habit of spewing crap from his spreach hole and then refusing to back it up.
I'm still waiting to find out why I'm responsible for these 'American war crimes' he keeps blabbing about.
Right wing projection.

Low life lying scum.

I'm not right wing.

You just can't back your shit up. :D

He has a habit of spewing crap from his spreach hole and then refusing to back it up.
I'm still waiting to find out why I'm responsible for these 'American war crimes' he keeps blabbing about.

Yea he's not sure if governments can just create money without consequence or not. Apparently the US and other western nations can but for some reason middle eastern Islamic nations and communist N. Korea can't and it's some how the USA's fault. Still waiting to hear what that's all about.
Yea he's not sure if governments can just create money without consequence or not. Apparently the US and other western nations can but for some reason middle eastern Islamic nations and communist N. Korea can't and it's some how the USA's fault. Still waiting to hear what that's all about.

I think It's about a head injury he suffered as a child.
Neither of you appear able to do anything but build strawman arguments.
And how telling that the extreme right winger and the arch liberal are brothers in arms.
Neither of you appear able to do anything but build strawman arguments.

You can't even point out a normal strawman much less a strawman argument. :rolleyes:

If governments can create their own wealth and don't need to take it from the people then why doesn't Korea do it and how can economic war even be possible?

And how telling that the extreme right winger and the arch liberal are brothers in arms.

It thinks I'm right wing still lol.