

Literotica Guru
Aug 1, 2002
Does anyone have any personal experience with the Norplant? I'm pregnant, and due in 9 weeks, and am looking for some long term birth control. I don't want to get my tubes tied, I'm not sure the doctor would do it anyways since I'm still pretty young. I've done quite a bit of research on Norplant, just wanted to see if anyone had any input from personal experiences.
Hotred911 said:
Does anyone have any personal experience with the Norplant? I'm pregnant, and due in 9 weeks, and am looking for some long term birth control. I don't want to get my tubes tied, I'm not sure the doctor would do it anyways since I'm still pretty young. I've done quite a bit of research on Norplant, just wanted to see if anyone had any input from personal experiences.

Good question, unfortunately, I don't have any personal experience with norplant. However, might I suggest that you post this question in the playground, personals, and how to? There are a lot of people who don't come into the General board. If you post on the other boards you may have better luck.

Best of luck to you with your baby. I'll keep you in my prayers for an easy delivery, a healthy baby, and a healthy you. :rose:
Re: Re: Norplant

Naughty n Nice said:

Good question, unfortunately, I don't have any personal experience with norplant. However, might I suggest that you post this question in the playground, personals, and how to? There are a lot of people who don't come into the General board. If you post on the other boards you may have better luck.

Best of luck to you with your baby. I'll keep you in my prayers for an easy delivery, a healthy baby, and a healthy you. :rose:

Thanks for the reply. :) I have posted this under the how to and the general board, I'll try the other two also.
I had a close friend who used Norplant a couple of years ago. She didn't really like how you could see and feel them under the skin, but she loved the fact she didn't have to think about birth control anymore.

They may have made some improvements in them since she was using them too, because she had them back before the safety of Norplant was questioned and there were all those stories in the press. Didn't they actually put a freeze on new Norplant implants for a while? If you've been reading up on Norplant, then you know all that stuff already.

I know my friend used them and had no side effects and her only complaint was that they were obvious (well, that and the fact she decided she was a lesbian shortly thereafter and didn't need any form of birth control ...).
Re: Re: Re: Norplant

Hotred911 said:

Thanks for the reply. :) I have posted this under the how to and the general board, I'll try the other two also.

np, i hope you get some helpful responses
Ice Princess said:
I had a close friend who used Norplant a couple of years ago. She didn't really like how you could see and feel them under the skin, but she loved the fact she didn't have to think about birth control anymore.

They may have made some improvements in them since she was using them too, because she had them back before the safety of Norplant was questioned and there were all those stories in the press. Didn't they actually put a freeze on new Norplant implants for a while? If you've been reading up on Norplant, then you know all that stuff already.

I know my friend used them and had no side effects and her only complaint was that they were obvious (well, that and the fact she decided she was a lesbian shortly thereafter and didn't need any form of birth control ...).

Thanks for your input, I'm glad to hear she didn't have any side effects other than being able to see them. The side effects were my biggest concern, and if that was the only problem she had I think I could live with that. Do you know if she could feel them from the inside, or just from the outside?
She was aware of them, but not uncomfortable, I think. She was very thin and if you ran your finger on her upper arm you could feel each one of the little rods distinctly, and see them a little bit if you were looking for it. She had zero side effects (but we all know how much this stuff varies from woman to woman).

It's still a lot less obvious than those patches I've seen advertized on tv recently. I wonder how popular those things are going to turn out to be.
Ice Princess said:
She was aware of them, but not uncomfortable, I think. She was very thin and if you ran your finger on her upper arm you could feel each one of the little rods distinctly, and see them a little bit if you were looking for it. She had zero side effects (but we all know how much this stuff varies from woman to woman).

It's still a lot less obvious than those patches I've seen advertized on tv recently. I wonder how popular those things are going to turn out to be.

Thank you. I really could care less if people can see them or not, at least I know I wouldn't be getting pregnant. :)

I've seen those patch things on tv also, thought about trying them, but I live in Florida, and plan to start working on my tan again after the baby's born. I would hate to have a little square on my arm, stomach, or butt that was white while the rest of me is tan. :)
Talk to your doctor

congrads on your baby, but I hear they have this patch coming out:D
Hotred911 said:
I've done quite a bit of research on Norplant, just wanted to see if anyone had any input from personal experiences.

No experience with Norplant, but make sure that it's Norplant, and not Depo Provera if you choose a long term implant. There are a couple of threads about the side effects of Depo Provera her in the how to forum that match the experience my daughter had with it -- weight gain, loss of libido, etc.

I think it might be worth noting that I never saw anyone recommend Norplant as an alternative in any of those threads. Whether that is significant or not, I can't say, but most threads generally turn up some alternative recommendation on the subject of specific products.
Re: Re: Norplant

Weird Harold said:

No experience with Norplant, but make sure that it's Norplant, and not Depo Provera if you choose a long term implant. There are a couple of threads about the side effects of Depo Provera her in the how to forum that match the experience my daughter had with it -- weight gain, loss of libido, etc.

I think it might be worth noting that I never saw anyone recommend Norplant as an alternative in any of those threads. Whether that is significant or not, I can't say, but most threads generally turn up some alternative recommendation on the subject of specific products.

Thank you WH. Depo is NOT an option for me. My sister had the same experience with it that your daughter had. And the fact that I don't want to have to go in every three months for a shot.
Ahh.. Norplant..

I do have personal experience.. none of it very positive I am afraid. After I had my first child, I was 21.. I decided to go with Norplant.. against my better judgement because frankly, the advantages seemed to outweigh the possible disadvantages..

For me, the experience was horrendous. Insertion was not too bad.. the area is numbed.. and out of curiousity I watched.. it bled a bit.. but again.. not too bad. After the procedure, my arm was a bit sore.. and quite uncomfortable. I expected the feeling would pass once the area was healed. This was not the case.. not only can you see and feel it on the outside (which is really not that bothersome).. you can feel it on the inside as well. A very odd sensation.. I became obsessed with that sensation and it drove me insane... it bothered me so much I couldn't focus on much else. Also, the nodules DO NOT stay where they are placed.. they WILL MOVE. I had break through bleeding.. basically I had a period every TWO weeks for over a year. I was in a continual state of PMS, which is emotionally draining. My libido suffered greatly. Many times it is suggested that in addition to the Norplant, you take birth control pills to normalize your cycle for the first year, and beyond. So the possiblity exists that even though you have the Norplant, you will have to take The Pill as well... I am thinking that is just way too many chemicals being put into your body.. plus when I tried it.. it didn't help any.... besides if I am going to have to take The Pill.. might as well just go with The Pill to begin with. I kept going back to my Dr. to get him to take it out.. and he refused.. I didn't realize that once you get the Norplant, it is the standard to keep it for at least a year. Usually after the first year these symptoms disappear.. this was not the case for me.
Understand I am a very intimidating person, and very used to getting exactly what I want.. I didn't let the Dr. walk over me.. nor did I allow him to take advantage of me.. Because it was my choice to have the Norplant, I was informed I was obligated to keep it for at least a year.
At one year and two months, I finally persuaded the Dr. to remove the implants. The procedure is supposed to be very quick and uncomplicated.. what they don't tell you is that scar tissue forms around the nodules.. very thick and difficult to cut through. The scar tissue attaches to the nodules and makes removing them difficult and very uncomfortable. Supposedly it takes 15-20 minutes to remove them.. I was in the Dr office for TWO hours for him to remove them. This was eight years ago.. and I still have the scars from it.

There is a possiblity that you can still get pregnant.. and there is a possibility that you could be permanently unable to have children after using this form of birth control... both are in the extreme rare cases.. but the possibility does exist.

I have had several friends try the Norplant.. I have only had two of them that actually kept it for the full five years. Both of them were very satisfied with it, and suffered very little to no side effects. Perhaps you will be one of the lucky few that this works well for. My suggestion is to think long and hard about it..

Good luck with whatever decision you make.. any many wishes for a happy and healthy delivery. :rose:

what C_C said iI would quote it but you done read it so why bother the only thing differtent was i kept mine for the full 5 years and all I have is a tiny scare where they cut to put it in and cut to take it out
i had the bleeding the emotions and lall that have a freind that had none of it but the cons out way the pro's on this .

the Depo Shot sucks sister gianed about 100 to 130 pounds on it but she did not bleed . talk to yuor doctor and ask him what kind of contraceptives are out there and may i ask how old you are as long as you are over 21 where i live and have at least 2 kids they wil tye your tubes best of luck to you and i hope that your baby is cute healthy and the joy of your life
Thank you all

I appreciate all the feedback. I go to see the doctor in two weeks, and I do plan on talking to him about my options. I have decided that I don't want Depo, my sister was the same way with the weight gain thing, and I just don't want that. That and the fact that I'm not real fond of having to get a shot every three months. I'm only 20, I'll be 21 soon after the baby is born though. I have been on the pill before, and may just decide to go that route even though I hate having to take pills. At least I know how my body will react to them. Have any of you ever had any experience with an IUD? I had ruled them out, I just didn't really care for the way they worked, but may have to look at that option again.
I dont have any personal exp. but I've heard the side effects are pretty bad. There is a new iud out that lasts for 5 years though and I've heard it's pretty good. It's called Mirena. You can probably look it up on a search engine.

while i have no personal experience with the IUD, i have several friends who have had theirs removed for various reasons. The biggest one being that they tended to have more yeast infections while using them. and then the fact that they were told to use a spermicide with them...

I use birth control pills personally(for reasons other than birth control) and they haven't caused a problem...
They are taking norplant off the market...or I was told by my doc. There was a disgusting amount of side effects with it...ranging from extreme hair loss to excessive bleeding. Try depo...if you get your shot during the right time of the month, you will be ok.