Nipple Clamps Advice


Literotica Guru
Nov 30, 2002
The newest love of my life has expressed interest in nipple clamps. Before I go searching for her present, I would welcome suggestions, ideas, and advice on what to look for, what to buy and how to use them without maiming her. :) Thanks!!

Find 'Em Hot - Leave 'Em Wet
firefighter02 said:
The newest love of my life has expressed interest in nipple clamps. Before I go searching for her present, I would welcome suggestions, ideas, and advice on what to look for, what to buy and how to use them without maiming her. :) Thanks!!

Find 'Em Hot - Leave 'Em Wet

They have lots of things that you and your love interest would like.
I'd look for tweezer style clamps if you're new to them. You can adjust the tention from really light to very intense. Check eBay.
Actually, eBay's been kicking out all kink-related material for several months now. They haven't quite gotten rid of it all, but you might want to check instead. It's eBay in style, but JUST for kink stuff. Very fun.

And the advice about tweezer style for someone new is good advice. There are three basic types, and in my opinion the order of intensity is: tweezer, butterfly, alligator.

Hope that helps,
Clamps and objects that clamp

fond of facials said:
I'd look for tweezer style clamps if you're new to them. You can adjust the tention from really light to very intense. Check eBay.

I'd go along with that. But, I'll interject something here.

I, myself, have been on both sides of D/s. My recommendation is that no matter WHAT you get, try them on yourself. The best place to start is on your hands. That meaty flesh beteween your thumb and index finger is a great place to start. Test the clamps there to see what the tension is...and, if the clamp you choose has a way to vary the tension (like the tweezer style clamps) get a good "feel" for the way it adjusts and the amount of pressure it exerts.

Furthermore, if you use clothespins, it's ALWAYS important, for safety sake, to sand the "business" end very well. Most are, but it doesn't hurt to go over them really well with some very fine sand paper. Some people dip theirs in tool dip to coat the tips...that's fine. I would be careful with wood clothespins and bodily fluids. Don't use them on others if body fluids are present. Plastic clothespins are ok, but typically have a greater gripping pressure than wood clothespins.

A pointer about nipples, the nipple itself (on men AND women) is VERY very sensitive. You don't clamp directly on the nipple...grab flesh behind it at the I said, always try this on yourself so you know what your subject will be receiving. ;-)

Testing clamps

. That meaty flesh beteween your thumb and index finger is a great place to start. Test the clamps there to see what the tension is....

I have always found this to be an odd suggestion- clamps on the flesh between your fingers feels NOTHING like clamps on the nipples, or for that matter, anywhere on the breast. In my humble opinion, testing there is not worth the time.

Not being a male, I couldn't say is mens' nipples are as sensitive as womens or make a good test spot!

- justina
Re: Testing clamps

Justina123 said:
. That meaty flesh beteween your thumb and index finger is a great place to start. Test the clamps there to see what the tension is....

I have always found this to be an odd suggestion- clamps on the flesh between your fingers feels NOTHING like clamps on the nipples, or for that matter, anywhere on the breast. In my humble opinion, testing there is not worth the time.

Not being a male, I couldn't say is mens' nipples are as sensitive as womens or make a good test spot!

- justina

The suggestion as I've learned it isn't necessarily to experience the same feeling but to get a sense of what the pressure is. I think the reason why this suggestion is used is that a man won't know what the sensation is for a woman's breast...he doesn't have any. ;-) Even if he did, everyone's limits are different.

Which is good I say that because I left something out. If it's your first time using clamps of any kind make SURE you communicate through your fledgling experiences. Don't keep the clamps on more than a few minutes...etc. And, be aware that taking them off can be much more intense than putting them on. Don't take them all off at once, that can be an overwhelming experience as well.

Even when you are experienced, a good rule of them often suggested is never to leave clamps on more than 15 minutes in one place. I've know clothespin play to go on for over an hour with some...but the clothespins are removed one at a time to a new location every so often. Talk about a prolonged endorphine high. wow

Anyway, I didn't mean to suggest that you would be experiencing the same thing your partner would. The suggestion about your hand is to demonstrate the differing degrees of pressure. You should ask if a clamp is too tight when you are putting it on your partner. If it is, back off a bit until they feel ok. Once you and your partner are more experienced you'll get a better feel for everything...but it's still important to communicate when putting those puppies on...some days they may be able to take more than others.

Re: Clamps and objects that clamp

sunfalcon said:
You don't clamp directly on the nipple...grab flesh behind it at the chest...
I disagree. Directly on the nipple is exactly where I like and want mine. Not on my areola, not up my arms and across my neck, not down my belly, but just a pair or a single one depending on what is going on... <beg>

I would expect that if your partner has stated outright that she likes them, then she has tried them and knows what she likes. I suggest a trip to walmart together to get some toys. Wander all over the store. Be sure to hit the laundry aisle and see her reaction to a bag of clothespins. Cloose two or three types and ask her what she has tried and what she likes best. Then grin in a rotten way and put them all back so she is left guessing. ;)
sunfalcon said:
some days they may be able to take more than others.

I do have to agree with this. Example: for a few days before my period, even suggesting that you will touch my breasts indicates to me that you are a pain slut.
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Re: Re: Clamps and objects that clamp

BlondGirl brings up a good point. Everyone is different. If someone has very sensitive nipples, depending on their tastes for pain, they may or may not like it on the nipples. Me, I can take it after the endorphines kick in...but not right away. That's one way to get me to turn red in the face and loose the rest of my hair. ;-)

And, as BlondGirl mentioned as an example, if you are a painslut (speaking in a unisex fashion) you probably don't care too much where the clamps are put. ;-)

Now, clamps/clothespins for CBT, now THERE I'm a painslut. ;-)


BlondGirl said:
I disagree. Directly on the nipple is exactly where I like and want mine. Not on my areola, not up my arms and across my neck, not down my belly, but just a pair or a single one depending on what is going on... <beg>

I would expect that if your partner has stated outright that she likes them, then she has tried them and knows what she likes. I suggest a trip to walmart together to get some toys. Wander all over the store. Be sure to hit the laundry aisle and see her reaction to a bag of clothespins. Cloose two or three types and ask her what she has tried and what she likes best. Then grin in a rotten way and put them all back so she is left guessing. ;)

I do have to agree with this. Example: for a few days before my period, even suggesting that you will touch my breasts indicates to me that you are a pain slut.
There are also bull-nosed clamps (they may have another name that I am unaware of), but they are fully adjustable with a screw in the middle to adjust the tension. I prefer either these or the butterfly clamps.

Also, I have to agree with BlondGirl. I want the tension directly on the nipple - not behind it, not around it. Pinching the aerola, for me, is extremely more painful than directly on the nipple itself. Of course, it all depends on how aroused I am and the fact that at various times I can take more pressure than at other times.

You might also want to consider using clothespins before buying the actual clamps. These were my first "nipple clamps" and served me well for several years. (Hey, ya get a whole bag full of 'em, you know?) I would stay with the wooden ones - the plastic ones have ridges that can hurt when being removed and the tension is more difficult to adjust. Wooden clothespins can be adjusted by bending the spring back just a bit. You can have several different "clamps" of various pressure all in one bag!

Have fun!
SexyChele said:
There are also bull-nosed clamps (they may have another name that I am unaware of), but they are fully adjustable with a

Have fun!

Not to change the subject, but Chele, I visited your webpage. I love that quote you have there:

"If God hadn't meant the pussy to be eaten, he wouldn't have made it look like a taco."

;-) true, true, true!

My painslut reference was to the person who attempts to touch my nipples in the days before my period. If someone does this, violence can occur. I am much too sensitive and there is nothing arousing or erotic about it.

Sometimes I love the clamps. Sometimes I just want vanilla style nipple attention. Sometimes I would rather have a cheeseburger and a chocolate bar.
I would think that someone would come up with clamps designed especially for nipples rather than the limited options there are now. I guess some have, but they haven't caught on.

build a better nipple clamp and the world will beat a path to your door.
BlondGirl said:
Sometimes I love the clamps. Sometimes I just want vanilla style nipple attention. Sometimes I would rather have a cheeseburger and a chocolate bar.

Wanna do lunch? I'll take my chances. :)

May I suggest the nipple clamps that have a convenient chain between them? All the better for further adornment...
Sexy Chele wrote

"I would stay with the wooden ones - the plastic ones have ridges that can hurt when being removed and the tension is more difficult to adjust. Wooden clothespins can be adjusted by bending the spring back just a bit."

I have used wooden clothes-pins fora long time with my partner, (we call them pegs in the UK;) ). Those ridges on the plastic ones can cut the skin when you are putting them on.

One way of weakening the spring tension is to store them pegged together in pairs, their jaws gripping each other.

My partner who could be called a "pain slut" also enjoys them pegged along her labia, 4 each side!

jon :devil: :devil: :devil:
Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for the great advice!! Being very new to this, it is a big help to know what works and what doesn't. Sounds like in some respects that it is much like all kinds of sex, what works for one person may not work for someone else. Other than online, or on ebay, can most BDSM items be found at the local adult bookstore? Thanks again..Im enjoying learning what all of you experience.

Find 'Em Hot- Leave 'Em Wet!
firefighter02 said:
The newest love of my life has expressed interest in nipple clamps. Before I go searching for her present, I would welcome suggestions, ideas, and advice on what to look for, what to buy and how to use them without maiming her. :) Thanks!!

Find 'Em Hot - Leave 'Em Wet

  • a chain between them
  • rubber coated ends
  • a tension adjustment screw