Night of the living morons


Equal Opportunity Enjoyer
Oct 26, 2001
One direct note, yada yada yada,

Why post the following when you haven't the self-discipline to stay away for a day let alone leave?
yayati said:
discuss my leaving lit. for good
No, there's no need to reply. This is a rhetorical question, crafted in the vain hope it might stimulate thought.

So, post on, spew your inane drivel to your heart's content. The more frequently you do so, the more people put you into ignore. Start a hundred threads, as your newish pseudo-imitators are, knowing that each time you lose more of your audience, undermining your own goals.

You've made my point for me; I'm delighted you took the time to read this.
you wanted all the Morons to post here right? well, here I am Lukky.

lobito, has anybody mentioned your pants are transparent?
LukkyKnight said:

lobito, has anybody mentioned your pants are transparent?

I've got the whole Prince see through pants thing going on, you like?
Unregistered said:
Does it count as leaving if you only post as unreg?

Or if you change your name and come back as another poster?
lobito said:

I've got the whole Prince see through pants thing going on, you like?
It's you.
Bindii said:

Or if you change your name and come back as another poster?

Not that I want to do that, since that would confuse me too much.
See here, if you people want to be counted as morons you're going to have to post less cogently. Nonetheless, it makes my heart soar like a hawk to ensnare the vapid with connundrums of their own construction.
Actually, I thought yayati's "I'm leaving" thread had some of his best material yet.
Night of the Living Morons

In that movie the living dead ate brains, in this pseudo reality, they neither want nor have brains ironic....I think not
MyTulips said:
some of you guys are really funny.
Fess up, it's really about lobito's new clothes, right?

Welcome to lit, please make yourself at home. If you see anybody acting childish place the mask over their face and be sure not to let the bag inflate.

... wha's a moron - is it the guy who din't falloff cliff 'cus he waz more on? :confused:
LukkyKnight said:
Fess up, it's really about lobito's new clothes, right?

Welcome to lit, please make yourself at home. If you see anybody acting childish place the mask over their face and be sure not to let the bag inflate.

I kind of have a thing for metal hands, personally. ;)