Newbies might be surprised what we read...


Ms. Smarty Pantsless
Apr 18, 2000

Morcheeba said:
Hey Lit People! I've been lurking thru some of the splendid threads/posts and erotic stories in here for a few weeks. Have been amazed at how this place attracts soooo many creative, informative, friendly and POLITE members from all over the world. Figured what the hell... I'll create an alias, add my fave nasty pic and one nite I'll jump in and see if my sweet ass floats or sinks among all you "really experienced" folk.

Yet, I wasn't quite sure which thread was worthy of my lil Lit cherry being popped. Until NOW.

This thread simply cracks me up. First someone commented on how many friggin messages another person has posted since becoming a member. They even had the audacity to call this person an "it" and soon other snots jumped in and were like, "Oh I hear you. I've had "it" on ignore since blah blah blah."

What. The. Fuck. Are you snobs stuck in a time warp still able and willing to diss the odd boy or girl during recess? What concern is it of yours as to how many posts another makes if you've had said person on IGNORE? Holyshitballs, take a sec to check your asses at the door before making ridiculous statements. You either like or are intrigued by Gusty and know it. You fucking know it.

Besides, she drove her so-called annoying bus in here and lived up to all the smack some of you snotty people said about her and whoa, even the thread-starter of this juke joint eventually became mute. I bet she has more "character" in her thumbnail than all you bashers have in your dicks and pussies. Combined.

Glad to meet y'all. Chose this thread as a safe-haven for my lil rant-o-cherry-bursting cuz why o why would all the Gusty haters read this and then stomp on my ass when, of course, they have her on ignore and certainly wouldn't come, what, 8-10 pages back just to read my shit. Of which I can't wait to review in a moment or two, hehe.

Gusty, keep on keeping on and fuck all the rest. I'd add a smilie face but oh hell, I'm afraid I'll screw it up and lose this post plus my vagina is now bleeding and needs to be wiped with a warm damp cloth.

Hey, Morcheeba- you're not related to Frimost, are ya?
You make a bit of a hobby out of sniffing newbies, don't you?
What part of that post offends you?
Why assume that your brand of elitism is appreciated or shared by more than your own precious selves?
just pet said:
It sorta made me all tingly-like

Hmmm...seems this newbie sniffing thing's bigger than I thought.

Perhaps I should get some Eau de Noubie to daub behind my carnoobies.
Fucknose said:
What part of that post offends you?
Why assume that your brand of elitism is appreciated or shared by more than your own precious selves?

hehe... nice name. It suits you. :)
Rubyfruit said:
That was an excellent rant.

I thought so
noone has yet attacked what he said, just that he had the hide to say it.
Fucknose said:
I thought so
noone has yet attacked what he said, just that he had the hide to say it.

Ah, but he/she said this:

"You either like or are intrigued by Gusty and know it. You fucking know it."

And that would be incorrect. Many of us ignore Gusty Wind since we can't stand to see the sight of her posts. Not too hard to understand, I'd think. If I wanted to read the Playground, I'd go to that forum. I don't.
Hi Morcheeba, Welcome to The Big Pond!

You're right- Who would know or care about how many posts somebody they have on ignore has , unless they noticed before they ignored them.

Likewise, they probably lost interest in the thread once their question was answered. Obviously, noone would remain to read pages of "this person is on your ignore list".

If you read the thread, you probably know where I stand. I don't hate her, & I don't miss her.

So, Morcheeba, are you ready to come out of the heavy cover & nip so as you'll be noticed, now?;)
Cheyenne said:
Ah, but he/she said this:

"You either like or are intrigued by Gusty and know it. You fucking know it."

And that would be incorrect. Many of us ignore Gusty Wind since we can't stand to see the sight of her posts. Not too hard to understand, I'd think. If I wanted to read the Playground, I'd go to that forum. I don't.

I'm amazed at people like you Cheyenne, who actually think who you read, don't read is important enough news to announce to others.

It's really quite trashy, child.
patient1 said:
Hi Morcheeba, Welcome to The Big Pond!

You're right- Who would know or care about how many posts somebody they have on ignore has , unless they noticed before they ignored them.

Likewise, they probably lost interest in the thread once their question was answered. Obviously, noone would remain to read pages of "this person is on your ignore list".

If you read the thread, you probably know where I stand. I don't hate her, & I don't miss her.

So, Morcheeba, are you ready to come out of the heavy cover & nip so as you'll be noticed, now?;)

At least you have some sense...set your woman straight, she's annoying.
Cheyenne said:
If I wanted to read the Playground, I'd go to that forum. I don't.

This site is a PLAYGROUND. No one's making world peace, curing cancer or solving world hunger on

There are people in the non-cyber world that would call the most intelligent people here on lit perverts freaks and losers.

Sucks to be judged and thrown into a group.
Cheyenne said:
Ah, but he/she said this:

"You either like or are intrigued by Gusty and know it. You fucking know it."

And that would be incorrect. Many of us ignore Gusty Wind since we can't stand to see the sight of her posts. Not too hard to understand, I'd think. If I wanted to read the Playground, I'd go to that forum. I don't.

I do not like her, or her posts, my question was aimed at the "Newbie" bashing.
If you were really that disinterested, firstly why view the thread, it has only had one constant poster for some time now, her.
Then why extract that post, and display it here for public ridicule, why not just ignore it.
Because you were "Newbie" bashing.

Then having done all that, you then don't actually post anything new, just a look aren't i famous, even newbies know about me.

The attack and the way it was done was completely without class.
Fucknose said:

The attack and the way it was done was completely without class.

Cheyenne's the sort of bitch you'd time a heavy door in a shopping center to whack in the nose, just based on her sour, judgemental outlook.

Welcome to Lit.