New UK Thread

how's your weather doing in the UK? over here, today, we've got an icy high of 10F (feels like -4F with the wind chill which is -22 in C!) with a delightful low of around 3-4F due to a twist of the jet streams bringing down that arctic chill. Further up in the country, they're experiencing 'feels like' -50 with the wind chills.
how's your weather doing in the UK? over here, today, we've got an icy high of 10F (feels like -4F with the wind chill which is -22 in C!) with a delightful low of around 3-4F due to a twist of the jet streams bringing down that arctic chill. Further up in the country, they're experiencing 'feels like' -50 with the wind chills.
Grey wet windy - traditional Xmas weather, with temps around 8c... 40?F
A touch windy on Xmas day is forecast but sunny on Boxing Day

We'd been reading of the Ice Bomb in the US. Well, everything's bigger over there ...
Grey wet windy - traditional Xmas weather, with temps around 8c... 40?F
A touch windy on Xmas day is forecast but sunny on Boxing Day

We'd been reading of the Ice Bomb in the US. Well, everything's bigger over there ...
i've never sweated as much nor experienced such cold, though the cold is way more limited in days. Just a couple of weeks ago, it was around 70+ daytime and high 50s to mid 60s still at night. Won't be long before it's back up there *sigh*
big old pot of quick chili on, got a bit parky out there putting fresh drinking water out and feeding the outdoors animals.
What's her name?
Close, but not close enough.

She has just left after spending her time with us, after opening her BIRTHDAY presents and arguing with her younger brother. No change there. They are at the ages when they get on each other's nerves repeatedly. It will take another couple of years before they appreciate each other.

Tomorrow she gets her Christmas presents (as does her brother - his birthday was a couple of weeks ago).
Close, but not close enough.

She has just left after spending her time with us, after opening her BIRTHDAY presents and arguing with her younger brother. No change there. They are at the ages when they get on each other's nerves repeatedly. It will take another couple of years before they appreciate each other.

Tomorrow she gets her Christmas presents (as does her brother - his birthday was a couple of weeks ago).
In the meantime....
'Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
... etc
Treated myself to the iplayer doc on the Euros tournament. Still pinching myself they did it ⚽
I was so busy leading up to Christmas that i totally forgot this thread.

I hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas and that 2023 brings you all that you need.

For myself, we will be continuing to travel and enjoy retirement. Still rearranging workshops and shutting down my businesses, but still have time for Lit.
We've just had the family New Year get together and the grandparents are shattered.

But as at 20.45 the neighbours have started fireworks, which from previous years' form, will go on until 1 am.

We're getting too old for this!

Happy New Year to everyone. I just want some sleep...
I went to bed early, but was awoken by what's apps from the family and local fireworks that seemed to go on until about four in the morning. Some people literally do have money to burn it seems.:rolleyes:
same here. All throughout the night despite it pissing down. Then at midnight all the fireworks went off at once. God knows how much money was wasted. Still a few going off at 5 this morning.
You mean a half-centimetre of snow that grinds everything to a halt? πŸ˜‚
Being beside the sea, we rarely have snow, or even severe frosts. (Except 1962 when the sea froze!).

But we can drive from clear roads, half a mile inland and meet drifts.
We have not had snow either this year but the temps have plummeted.

I miss living near the seaside. I visited my parents last week and the seagulls squawking woke me up most mornings πŸ˜‚πŸ€ͺ

Hey @Titsandclits nice to hear from you!

I hope you didn’t hurt yourself @Polranny

Happy FriYay!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚