new to the collection


Literotica Guru
Sep 27, 2010
A model 1777 charleville. Probably a Prussian copy. I think it was made around 1822. 1844 is stsmped on the stock. I think thats when it was converted to percussion and chopped down. Better pictures when I get the lock back.


Beautiful piece of history. Just wasn't expecting to see it here. How did you come upon it?
Found it at a civil war/ french and indian reenactor show. Got it for a steal because the mainspring was broken. Found out with a little work a m1842 springfield spring will fit. A friend had a spare spring and the ability to modify it so I should have a working lock in a week or so. Once the locks on I will take better pictures. I think its still shootable too. I didnt see much for pitting
I used to reenact War Between the States-Confederate side. I miss it. I don't think I'd shoot it. I wouldn't risk ruining a museum quality piece. Sure is nice though.
Way to over-compensate for your tiny penis.

If it was full size maybe, but this ones been chopped:D

I used to reenact War Between the States-Confederate side. I miss it. I don't think I'd shoot it. I wouldn't risk ruining a museum quality piece. Sure is nice though.

I wouldnt say museum quality. Its not a full size rev war flint anymore. Great confederate early wsr or cav gun. I currently reenact confederate. Mostly artillery but I do dismount and bushwacking as the need arises.